[ANSWERS - June 2021] New Mystery Title Contest Thread

My official answer is an anti-stress program


My official answer: A more comprehensive subliminal for sex.

im so blessed to be broke bro i never fall for shiny object syndrome


:joy::rofl::rofl::rofl: no time for that syndrome


Official Answer: A human defibrillator in subliminal form, ultima format to come back quickly, Q format for the people that want to live life on the edge and come back much slower.

My official answer is: A facial/body symmetry sub

My official answer, is a subliminal that aligns your vibration or wavelength to the things that you desire so you can manifest them much faster


“don’t got time to be broke” is going to be my hit single when my rap career pops off in 18 years

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my official answer is: a one to rule them all physical aesthetics and sport subliminal, to reach the apex of performance

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My official answer is, a relative of the seduction subs focused on improving a current relationship.
The heart imagery goes with that, but isn’t too on the nose.



“My official answer is:”


tha sispense is killin meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :weary::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary::weary:

My official answer is Richard Bandlers original “relaxation” “subliminal tape” remastered (Suggestions like “Everything will freak you out. You will be nervous all day.”) Joking, I have some clues, but guess it’s already answered.

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I remember that Bandler told people to listen to a subliminal tape on deep relaxation. Most of the people told him they were soooo deeeep in relaxation ! But the subliminal messages were : you are more and more anxious, your stress is higher and higher etc :rofl: he wanted to show that subliminal is not working, only placebo with authority :rofl:

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My official answer is - Push yourself to the limits of your physical powers

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My official answer is something related to following your heart


My official answer is a sub that will help “beat” reconciliation and stonewalling :slight_smile:

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I wonder how they felt a few hours after listening. If I had to bet, I’d put money on anxious and stressed.

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My official answer is: VITALITY. A sub to promote health, energy, and joy for living. It will generate both physical and mental changes resulting in maximizing someone’s zest for live. It will help recover the sense of wonder and excitement about everyone and everything.


My official answer is: some new alpha title which will surpass Stark, Khan and Emperor