[ANSWERS] Free Holiday Gift and Contest - 12.25.20

My official answer is: Ultimate Jewel Thief.

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My official answer is: This is a sub that deals with Creativity. I think this because a picture can be interpreted in any number of ways by an individual.


My official answer is: This is a Wealth Ultima. I think this because diamonds are a sign of wealth and luxury


My official answer is: A sub that reflects all negativity or transmute it’s energy to another one. Diamonds can reflect right?

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My official answer is: A sub that helps you let go of your past. Something that helps you shatter your past to make way for your future. Because SaintSovereign just let go of his day employer, and I don’t see any diamonds in the picture :slight_smile:


My official answer is: A subliminal for vision, clarity and awareness. It reflects upon choices of a person and symbolises the journey. Might also be the answer to this:



my official answer is :inner strengths and beauties…these are I associate with diamond…because diamonds have many tangent planes could reflect light from all angles…it is beautiful and shining…be it a diamond heart/soul or a diamond face…they are all beautiful and strong…


My official answer: A sense of joy and happiness about your past, the parts of your life, and who you are. I think this because I keep getting drawn to a reflection on the right side of the picture that seems like a memory.


My official answer: Minds Eye Ultima. Similar but slighty redifined of the predecessor. Make you visualize what is the future. In prestine like diamond imagery. And make sure those goal last like a diamond, or actually discover and visualize what you really want in life that will last until the end of time.


My official answer is its a sub which enhances or amplifies your will power.


My official answer is : A Wealth Ultima


My official answer: sub that quickly changes your mental state crystal clear

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My Official Answer is: Shine Under Pressure


My Official Answer: Absorbing Man: The ability to absorb any situation around you and turn it into crustals (crystal is metaphor for positive results)

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My Official Answer is: About seeing future through the lens of wealth and optimism.


My official answer is: sub, which makes your personality shine through, personal value exposure, digging out best things/sides out of one’s personality.

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*My official answer is: Your Heart is your Diamond… Open your heart to Wealth & Health!

My answer would be: Reality bending , Negativity destroyer, Letting go of your past!


My official answer is: a Manifestation & Wealth Ultima/Sub.

I think this because its unlikely a new emotion healing/stress-free sub since there’s already DR, Sanguine or Elixir, neither a new productivity/intelligence subs since there’s already BLU & Executive… There is mind’s eye too, but I think this sub will focus on wealth manifestation. And for a free gift this will be a great sub for everyone.
“There’s Ecstasy of Gold, then there’s Mind of Diamond. Mind of Diamond is about enlightened state of mind, with profound clarity and abundant energy… to manifest wealth and create value out of everything.”


My official answer is: shattering the normal lens you use to view reality and opening your eyes to new angles and perspectives in order to build a mindset leading to immense wealth, joy, and abundance