Another guide on Making a Custom

I’m posting this here, as obvious as the steps might seem. Please consider this.

1 Decide on a specific goal, such as “I want to have a girlfriend before December 15 2022”.

2 Look at the Q shop for modules and make a list of modules you think are relevant to your goal.

3 Make sure the objectives of the modules match your goals. For example if you want a girlfriend, Heartsong would match that goal. Way of Understanding, Transcendental Connection, and Sex Mastery X Core would be others that might be relevant to this goal.

4 Post what you are wanting to create and the goal you want to get input.

4a Enter a support ticket to get input.

5 Think.

6 Think some more because the custom is about a 6 month commitment because just because you achieve your objective, such as finding a girlfriend, you still might want to run the custom to maintain your gains.

7 Re-evaluate your goal and modules.

8 Make sure you have purchased the modules you want in your custom.

9 Double check that you have purchased the modules you want in your custom.

10 Order your custom.

11 If it has been 6 or more business days (weekdays) and you don’t have your order, then enter a support ticket with your order number and the date of your order.

11a If you ordered the express service and don’t have your order within 1 business day, then enter a support ticket with your order number, date of your order, and that you ordered express service, and politely request that your express charge be refunded. (Please note: I think it is generally policy to refund the express charge if 1 business day has elapsed.)

12 Feel grateful we have this technology available.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire feel free to edit this post as you see fit.


Make sure you put into the cart one item for each module you need to license. :blush:

I am and a lot. Thank you SC :slight_smile:


On point


I don’t know if I was just out of the loop or what…

This sounds like super elementary stuff.

But im mind blown.

I never considered running a custom purely to accomplish one goal.

Love it!

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why does something tell me that you have used that custom?

What does that mean - post where? Public here in the forum? What if I don’t want to reveal my goal to everyone? And input from whom?


You can post custom drafts asking for feedback in its own post under Questions & Comments section here on the forum.

A more private way would be using the Support ticket system. Stating goals, objectives helps with module & core selection for the custom(s).


As a reply to the post that contained the quote “4 Post what you are wanting to create and the goal you want to get input.”


Then don’t post.

From anyone who wishes to reply.

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So do you pick 10-20 modules with 2 - 3 core modules?

And the customs are they always the same length? How long are they? Are they 15 mins like ZP?

Is the listening pattern the same as ZP?

Does the goal have to be specific or can it be more broad or have multiple objectives?

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere on the forum.

10 to 20 modules, and that includes 2 cores maximum recommended.

Yes. 15 minutes.

You can go to the support section and check any updates.

Faster results should be more likely to happen the more focused the custom is.

Very focused: “I want my ideal girlfriend in the next 90 days, and have a relationship that makes us both happy.”

Not so focused: “I want to have more happiness.”

More broad: “I want $1,000,000 in my bank account, a hot girlfriend, and tons of cool friends in the next 90 days.”