Amendment to the support page

I’ve just seen that at the top of the ticket is the number of days listed since I created the ticket.

If you could add the number of business days, it would make it more clear how many of the 3-5 business days are over.

That could reduce the amount of complaints about tickets needing to long.

I don’t know if it’s doable with holidays etc, but at least EST weekdays should be very easy to implement.

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I’ll look into it, but I mean – the following is listed on the page:


The issue is having to calculate where each person is from, and then adjust the countdown based on that, rather than people just counting the days. Support hasn’t been overloaded and has been hitting all of the stated times lately. They’ve really been putting in the work.


On another note,
I need to log in everytime I open the support site.
There’s this “remember me” checkbox.
I click it all the time.
But it doesn’t work.
It’s not really annoying, but would it be possible to stay logged in?

The remember me doesn’t work for me too