Am I a Beginner?

This question may sound weird at first but I think this is where my solution may lie. I have been listening to Subliminal Club products for 2 years and I own and I have run a lot of the products and gotten great results with some products which I used for short term focus.
Now I tend to be unable to take recon on subs that focus of certain area (say dating) and constantly tend to sub hop maybe due to hype or thinking this is what I really need. ( My mistake)
Another mistake I make is I am lazy to take action or I don’t feel motivated to take action.

Due to these 2 factors combined, I am unable to get the results I want.

I think my brain is definitely able to handle the artisan titles and express them nicely such as Khan Black, Stark Black, Emperor Black.
But I don’t take much action and I don’t get the splendid results I should (tho they still manifest great situations for me thanks to NSE).

Does this make me a beginner?? Am I supposed to rerun Genesis or AM because I definitely don’t have the action taking mindset but I can easily express the artisanal subs?

At this point I am not motivated at all to make either money, go dating etc. Tho I strongly feel this is due to my sub hopping.


Being a beginner is more about self awareness, and noticing how subliminal changes your internal and external. So it is not really about how many years you have been listening to subliminals, but more your self awareness.

Some people come here with no subliminal experience but have acute understanding or motivation to understand what happen within themselves. That makes them IMHO advanced users.

Hence why for “beginners” it is recommended to follow the guidelines, journal and take action. So through journaling you can become more aware of how the subliminal changes you.

Given all that I don’t think someone can tell you if you are a beginner or not. Your brain should be able to comprehend black title scripts. But there is less hand holding with these titles so it may be more difficult in a dense stack for someone unaware of what happen in his reality to understand how he progresses.


I think that people gain “advanced status” by picking one sub and running it consistently for a period of time, rather than just simply listening to subs for a period of time. Having “2 years of experience” doesn’t matter. The important thing is what’s the longest time you ran one sub for. And on top of that, how long have you ran the same genre of subs… because switching between AM/HOM/RICH/NR/Stark every month is bad, but it would be even WORSE to switch from AM, to Wanted, to DR, to Khan, to QL, to Love Bomb, to Stark, back to AM, then to Primal Nights, then to Heartsong, then to Emperor… there’s not even consistency in goals, with that kind of stack switching.

To be honest, I’m a dirty stack switcher and love sub hopping.

Like you mentioned here. The thing is though, although I constantly sub-switch, I have two things going for me that have helped me become a more “advanced” user over time, at least compared to my previous self.

1) I have really clear goals and objectives that I care about deeply. I can track exactly the results I’m getting with subliminals thanks to the fact that I’m in sales and can see my subconscious reflected in my paycheck every month. This isn’t something that people with salaries can do. And I really care about sales, so I’m motivated to take action regularly on it. (This also helps me keep all my subs that I pick aligned with one “genre” aka wealth and alpha-foundations.)

2) I always have one consistent subliminal that I listen to for 6+ months, even if I change the other subs in my stack. I listened to Ascended Mogul and/or Mogul for almost a year and a half straight, without removing it from my stack. In that time, I listened to probably 12 other subs, but AM was ALWAYS in my stack, driving everything forward, and those other subs just influenced how AM manifested. So you can be a stack switcher, that’s fine, just have ONE sub that is in your stack no matter what, and make it more foundational, a little neutral, a sub that will benefit your whole life in every situation no matter what, to some extent, and then build on other subs from there.

I would say this is a fantastic idea, or, run Khan stages 2 months per stage, to go from beginner to advanced rapidly & effectively. Lots of options here. The fact that you express artisan titles well gives me the impression that you respond extremely well to subs - it’s not a sub problem, it’s a lack of clarity in life problem. A lot of the artisan titles are aura-based, and therefore, very validtion-seeking, which is actually the sign of an insecure person. That’s one reason why they’re so advanced - it takes a secure person to use them responsibly. Half of the people on this forum running wanted black are probably doing so because they don’t have the long-term vision necessary to imagine themselves as successful with women next year, due to deep internal changes, and willingness to do the healing and working out to get the result. That won’t make them feel better about their perceived “inadequacy” in the short term, so, they run Wanted Black to have an aura that instantly gets them IOI’s that make them feel like a sex-symbol even though they don’t know what to do with those IOI’s and then blow it up once they start talking, or after a few weeks of being in relationship.

Genesis is great to help you with your goals. I think that Stark Black is also a great foundational title, feel free to lump it into that Khan/Genesis/AM category - if you get results on that title, just stick to it for a year, it does EVERYTHING like a good foundational title does, it’s new tech, and it is powerful. From there, don’t remove it. If you want to make it more dating focused, add a seduction sub. If you want to make it even more wealth focused, add a wealth sub. Rather than plan out your 2-3 title stack, consider yourself as running “solo stark black” where you are allowed to add to that “solo” stack whatever title you want to get the feelings/results you want to get in the short term


Great then, Stark Black it shall be, your highness. Thanks a lot !!!

this post is awesome btw


@WinglissStark Its something i’ve been struggling with myself. I think you got a taste for greatness

And because you got a taste, you know it’s there and somewhere you believe “ what the rush? I know i can be who i want to be but the price ain’t worth it. I will probably do it later “

Before starting subs, most of us were desperate and or hungry for more. This applies more so to older members since subs were far less main stream and you had to be in a certain place to find em, let alone end up at subclub.

Point is, some of us maybe didn’t truly want to change. We wanted to know that we can, and are finding out that the price comes at the cost of comfort. Yet this is exactly what separates the average from the great. These thoughts go to my head still despite the action i take and everything i’ve achieved.

So you gotta ask yourself. What do you truly desire? Why do you desire it? Is your “ why “ more important than the perceived sacrifice you would have to make?


28 years old, found subs 4 years ago, can confirm I definitely can relate to this. I was hungrier then than I am now. Getting my hunger back thanks to ASBR, but, hungrier back then because I NEEDED to change - now I just WANT to change, it’s the difference from me being in literal incompetence and not being able to maintain a 25k/yr job without getting fired to making that every month and literally not even reacting to it anymore because it’s “normal.”

But I’ll always be hungrier for the 0-25k jump than the 25-100k jump. Human nature. I’ll run away from scarcity faster than towards abundance.


Yeah… I needed to change. And it wasn’t easy. I’ve sacrificed a lot to get to where I am now.

Although in hindsight, I don’t think I sacrificed anything important. Just felt like it back then. Now I’m happy I did.

I’m obsessed. There’s no other word to describe it better.

Unless I on purpose distract myself, all I think about are my next steps to hit 10 million €/ year level.

The thing is, I’m more than happy with my current level of wealth. Not rich by western standards, but doing quite well.

I’m not driven by personal wealth. It’s only a (very important) benefit of enjoying what I do.

The goal is to hit billionaire status. But I only view money as a tool to affect the society around me. I want to maximise the amount of people I help.

Edited out some info.


That’s exactly how I was up until August. Since Stark Black I’ve been dropping so many stories, I might have it back again before February’s over.


I agree with the sentiment that its good to stick to the same sub for a long time. However about the “advanced user” thing,
My experience differs from this. I have spend around 8 months on wanted. It was a good experience and has done a lot for me, but overall i definitely wouldnt say i got everything out of that sub and i wouldnt say im an advanced user of wanted.

it very much pales in comparison to the 3 months i spend on love bomb journalling everyday and constantly taking action and allowing the changes to happen.

Imo the time on one sub is irrelevant compared to what you actually achieve and what changes you make while on that sub. Action >>> time


@AnswerGroup If you don’t mind, I would love to know your thoughts as well.