AM + DR(ST1) + AP Powerhouse

Forget about the subs for now. Work on being persistent and keep at being productive consciously. Keep working on what ever project you have no matter what you feel.

Khan can make life harder at first which makes you stronger if you choose to keep going at it and not giving up.


Khan stage 1 is most probably showing you that not being motivated is one of your weakness that is definitely holding you back.
Find a solution to that and keep going at it. Being persistent will ensure that you will be able to be productive even when you feeling your worse.


pacman, @Floridianninja @DarkPhilosopher should I add Executive Ultima anyways… as an experiment?

I noticed a lot of anger in your journal and I believe this is the indication that the sub is working. When I was doing Khan st1 for the first time I also experience a lot of anger. At first it was anger toward other people and my environment but as I keep listening to st1 I noticed that those anger were merely the anger I had at myself and I was projecting it out. I listened to st1 for almost two months, 16 hours a day - much more than what was recommended at the time. I wanted to clear out all my anger and negative emotions. I only move to st2 after I stop feeling angry at myself and my environment and start apricating who I am and those around me.

Regarding your view on how some people are getting results much faster than you, you have to understand that people have different amount of life experiences. What I noticed that people that had more life experiences and faced more challenges in their lives get results much faster. Think of it as writing an essay, they had done multiple drafts of the essay and the subs help them edit that final draft. You on the other hand is starting your essay from scratch so it will take you much longer to finish your final essay.


very interesting!

You’re not alone, and in my opinion it is not wrong to expect the sub to help out a bit. It is why Executive exists. Because people expect more.

The challenge with subs making that happen is that if you tell a hormonal teenager what to do, the odds of them obeying are minimal. And unfortunately, our emotional and mental maturity are at the levels of our consciousness. Once you go to the subconscious levels, they are not to be found. So, we all have a hormonal teenager inside of us and they do not like subs ordering them to do stuff.

Still, the same principle applies here as in our conscious productivity. All you have to do is get up and do something, anything at all, then something else and maybe one more. Suddenly you’re running around getting stuff done because you’re up and about anyway.

It’s why I split my morning routine up into baby-steps. Got up, check, drank some water, check, water-flossed, check, brushed teeth, check. And then suddenly it’s noon and I didn’t sit still for five minutes. But I’m feeling awesome about it.

This is when the subs kick in. They help make those moments of productivity last longer. Without them, I might have been done 2 hours after waking up.

But with the subs, I’m still moving 5 hours later, thinking why the heck shouldn’t I do that little thing to help my goals now? It’ll only take 5 minutes. And the next. And the next.

Subs can give us some extra miles, but it’s up to the listener to shift themselves into gear first and get out of the parking lot.

And don’t be disappointed if you still run out of miles in the afternoon. There’s nothing wrong with feeling that you’re done for the day. We can’t all be SaintSovereign and fill every minute of our day. Nor does anybody expect us to be. Our fuel efficiency should improve over time.

Good to hear. You went straight to asking when you should give up on subs and delete your account. That was an unnecessary passive aggressive statement and it annoyed me. Hence I may have been a bit harsher than I could have.

But it looks like Mr. Goat gave a very nice explanation there, maybe I should keep that in mind as well.

You could, as long as you keep in mind that you still have to make the first step. Executive should be a bit more obvious in trying to make you do stuff, but if you stubbornly refuse to get out of your chair it’ll end up pissing you off even more with its nagging.

Just an analogy, I’m sure you’re out and about.


I think I understand what you are wanting to know.

Would you please state what exactly you want to accomplish with or without subliminals?

How are you wanting the subliminals to help you?

last night for shit’s sake… i did one loop of Khan ST4

i had one of the craziest dream ever… i killed a fucking tiger

me and my 3 friends(guys) were in a very strange place… one of them had their b’day. there was a giant circle there and they decided to dance… dancing felt too weird and the song that was playing was very feminine… i didn’t feel like joining them… they kinda turned into pro dancer females when they started dancing in the circle… it all seemed very unnatural… i decided to further distance myself from their dance.

i was roaming around and came across a kitten trapped under rocks… its head was bloodied… after walking 4 sum time I saw the tiger… shit scarred… i told my friends, I then found a small metal pipe there.

after a little back and forth with the tiger, I killed him.

we were on a man-made structure… and I had been there before… we were at quite a height and the only way to escape was thru a rope… the rock climbing type rope but with zero safety features… this was when I remembered I had been before coz last time I had just jumped (to my death or serious bodily harm) coz slowly descending using the rope was to scary for me…

so this was my first dream on Khan ST4 Qv2

i have this feeling of asking @RVconsultant and @SaintSovereign to block my IP from this site…

so that i cant access this site at all… not disable account but ban IP itself…

i read too much and waste my time as it is… i kinda know what to do and what not to do… i just have to follow that simple advice and not scroll the blow looking or a magic pill

there is no fucking magic pill… life is hard… it smacks you until you toughen up… thats the key

I’ve read tons and tons of shit like you wouldnt believe… my final conclusion is you just gotta hit and hit with your mind right and things will improve…

right now Im reading Robert Anton Wilson’s Quantum Psychology, so my above conclusion can change maybe, who knows… but i doubt that…

the thing is my passion and human nature and behaviour… i have read tons of that… but im not a pro obviously…
i dont know how can i monetize what i know and its driving me crazy… should this just be a side passion? a hobby?.. im a software engg… i hope i love my job

my seemingly passive aggressive stmts have a root that i’ve identified myself… but sometimes i think i cant find a healthy outlet for that i spill it out here…

yo sorry @James i didnt mean to target you like that… that stuff just came to me when i read ur question…

i guess i was looking for someone to tell me to go home and that subs were not for me so i could stop wasting my time here… instead i got some tough love from @SaintSovereign which i appreciated

i have overloaded my stack and this rant was the recon talking ig… its 5 AM and i cant sleep

im just so fucking young… sometimes im scared of life… like rn… there is so much path to travel and i dont know if i got what it takes… and it scares me…

i want to make my parents happy and sometimes i contemplate killing myself… its fucked up
i’m never gonna do that obv… the 2nd part…


I have given up discord due to toxicity… this is my only online contact with people other than twitter…

sorry if i’ve treated you badly… i have tons of frustrations that other people sometimes become victim of.

lack of intimacy is kinda on the top of that list.

i guess im lonely rn too…

its been 15 months im home now… away from peers… it sucks… i never thought i would feel lonely like dis… i thought it happened to other people… people who are a little bitch and weak…

projecting again?

seems like im no different at all… i dont have that psychopathic gene… i wish i did tho…


i went crazy on porn tonight… 3 times… asian this time

its fucked up… some days i barely have any energy at night and absolutely no intention to PMO and i think great i dont have energy so i’ll just sleep now…

but then i fuck up and do it anyway… such a boyish behaviour… strong men dont do this… fuck

im telling myself everyday… no more no more… but fuck again

i think a huge problem rn is I’m in limbo… but I always had the power to break out but didn’t

I don’t have any structure in life rn… wake up and sleep anytime and no issues… and I’ve been abusing that thing to end up in a headspace like dis

the thing that I wanted to make… the community… i don’t think I can make it work… its hard work maybe that’s why I’m avoiding it…we’ve may small progress but it doesn’t mean shit if I don’t move it forward…

Hey @Prome

It seems you are having some form of awakening at the moment. I can relate to that from last year when I went through a similar journey. Big confusion, everything seems bleek and you feel lost and helpless. Everything I believed in seemed just absurd.

Honestly I still don’t know exactly how to relate to what I am today, but I know that things becomes better. Something old is cracked open, and something new is being brought to the table of your experience.

How many loops are you playing each day?

Back in November last year I used to play Khan St1 for 15 hours every day to plow through a heavy period. It was the old technology but still it depleated all my energy and I felt emotionally drained. Things cleared up when I eased up on the exposure and I found the way forward that I needed.

Take care of yourself, and don’t be so hard on yourself. Life is a roller coaster and you do more harm by shaming yourself for what you don’t like about your behavior. Develop awareness and learn to observe it. That’s how I changed many unwanted behaviors in me. Spot them, observe them without judgment, and let them go. :green_heart:


until last week i was doing 1 loop each of AM and Khan ST2 Qv2 both… it didnt seem enough

thank you for the kind words btw!

Can you tell me more about that awakening thing?

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That’s the thing, it’s sneaky. As long as you keep listening it feels good. Almost like a pacifying behavior. I’m just learning and implementing more rest days, but it’s so ingrained to bulldoze so that I have to fight the urge all the time of over-listening.

The whole awakening thing came out of nowhere after years and years of suppression. It was so owerwhelming that I felt everything else, my life, job, family and friends, and all that felt like kindergarten.

I wrote about my journey after RVconsultant asked my about it in his journal. I talked about it in that post.

RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

The post was made on the 5th of May 2021 if you want to read it :slight_smile:


thank you man…

can u plse share the exact post?

EDIT: Found it

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I’m wondering if all that emotion that you’ve been feeling and experiencing as anger perhaps is changing form.

I realize you might be experiencing upheaval right now. How about getting a bit of focus on what you want rather than focusing on the unpleasant emotions you are experiencing?

I’ve asked you a number of times to post a well defined, clear objective about what you want to accomplish with subliminals. I don’t remember everything that is posted, so if you have done that, please post the link to that post. If not, please do so now.

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Thanks for stepping in here, man!

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what is exactly changing form? Like reflective of changes happening within me? Like my “form” is changing and this is the external manifestation of this change? What is form really?

dis is good idea


  1. More self-confident and secure
  2. Create an online income stream
  3. Be more brave and courageous
  4. Be a leader
  5. Have intimacy, adventure and excitement in life
  6. Have a solid tribe, powerful network of people
  7. Not put off stuff for tomorrow and be action-oriented and driven.
  8. Money Money Money.
    This about sums it up.

Those are the things I want in life… of those is there anything subs CANT help me with?
Am I overreaching with subs?

After getting the above things… mostly tons of money… I’ll be able to do what i really wanna do…

I want to study my mind… and mind in general… there’s tons of stuff around us that we dont know…
I want to not have to worry about finances and about the people who depend on me.

Porn is a dopamine king.

I noticed in the past whenever I felt tired, like shit, sad, etc I would go to porn for that quick high feeling.

That’s why it’s an addiction.

Craving the kick of the dopamine.

It will get better once you’re through that valley but I also see a change happen in what you write.

Khan is tough, but also very powerful.

Remember : Pain is the modulator for growth.