This will be my new subliminal combo and I am creating this journal to detail my progress.
My goal here is to maximize my cognitive potential as well as my spiritual potential. I believe that they can work in combo with one another to produce optimal results.
Some of my aims:
To achieve perfect memory, perfect recall and an ability to absorb and synthesise information at different levels simultaneously while I am awake.
Extremely accelerated learning of specific tasks (e.g. mastering python programming or a certain language in a record matter of days).
Harmonization of right and left brain.
Gain ability to think from desired person’s point of view (e.g. think like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet)
To ability to think 10 steps ahead of everybody else and to see the big picture as well as be as detail-oriented as Sherlock Holmes.
Photographic memory.
Hyperphantasia - this might be aided with Mind’s Eye when it is ready.
To be able to manifest my own reality easily using my imagination and through a thorough understanding of Neville Goddard’s teachings.
Full connection of mind, brain and body.