Advice for a No More Porn Abuse Ultima

What would be the best combination for an Ultima for me me to completely stop porn abuse?

It is becoming a severe problem in my life.

I have wasted my entire 20’s because of this.

I wanna come out of it!

Please give me advice!

Also requesting for an Porn Induced erectyle dysfunction reverser module

@SaintSovereign @Fire

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Stop Porn and Masturbation

Prevent Premature Ejaculation


Eye of the Storm

new beginnings

And one you like


@Leandros I am Vs New beginnings. what are your thoughts on that?

Stop Porn and Masturbation, Stronger and Eye of the Storm with Godlike Masculinity.


@Hermit Have you tried this combination?

I know for a fact that Godlike Masculinity is a major aid in enhancing ones stamina and willpower, to become strong within. The reason you’re struggling with a porn addiction could be many, before creating any Ultima Title I would suggest you look at the origin and source of the issue.

Stronger, Eye of the Storm, Godlike Masculinity, Stop Porn and Masturbation and perhaps New Beginnings if it’s due to a childhood trauma or something buried deep within your unconscious.

I’m sure there’s a cycle you go through when indulging in such habits, just observe without judgement and see what cycle that is, that way you can tackle it at it’s root.


Atomic Habits is a excellent book about building habits and ending bad ones. A line from the book that I wrote in my note book “ if you have a problem with habits the problem isn’t you, the problem is your system “ “ bad habits keep happening cause you have the wrong system “
In the book they define goals as the results you want to achieve and systems as the process that leads to those end results. If you want better results forget your goals and focus on the system.
Atomic habits will help you start building good habits into your life.
Also you should probably journal about your why. Why do you watch porn and fap ? is it to self sooth ? to deal with life problems? It’s good to be aware of why we do the things we do so they don’t have full control over us.
A subliminal alone won’t help you fix your porn addiction unless your lifestyle changes and you start implementing good habits and dealing with the reasons why you fap in healthy ways

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@Grimm1390, I must agree with Grim here, have read Atomic Habits as well and the books makes a lot of intelligent points in regards to habits.

It really boils down to 95% of our actions being guided by the unconscious where as we are only 5% conscious and so have only control over 5% of our reality. It is important to change your habits, because changing your habits is changing your unconscious, thus your paradigm. The book spills a lot of interesting and helpful techniques to do so, going in-depth on the mechanisms behind Habit.

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