Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

@Azriel My primary goal is brain development right now, fixing that vestibular balance disorder and the issues that’s caused. Lack of focus, needing glasses, etc. QL has been amazing combined with the treatment I’m getting, which is making me better at work already

But the reason that’s my narrow focus is because that’s the major obstacle/opportunity to my overarching goal which is still a solid financial/career life. I feel very solid in my sales skills, when I use them. I want more focus to use them more

(Once I’ve gone through QL and gotten that solved, I’ll probably go back to EOG, stage 1 especially, to clear up a lot of beliefs and biases about businesses that I formed while building mine. But for now my goal is a high paying & flexible career with leadership & opportunities, not a business)

So The Executive + QL hit that goal nicely, basically if I am in a career, or a business, or even if I get art goals one day as a random example, I’ll need focus and clarity no matter what.

I haven’t run the executive… maybe I’ll replace LE with The Exec to test it more. But I figure the exec is better for me now because I want deeper executive function development, and LE is slightly more shallow in both cognition and executive function than the two separate subs that make it up.

Last thing I’ll say is that my goals are more broad than before. I want wealth, and brain development as primary goals, yeah. But I’m also really working on my social life for the first time ever. I’d like to eventually get into blogging to turn my thoughts into valuable content for people. Maybe I’ll take a page from @Vinci’s book and run RM as it’s for writing and apparently social events :wink:


RM is a masterpiece man

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i was looking at it a lot RIGHT before RM:UWX got re-released. So i decided to wait until the new version. That was a while ago.

This was my last listening day. Accidental 5 day washout. Perfect timing.

There’s more wisdom than we thought in the slogan change.

Becoming legendary is only an action you can take when you a have a definition of what it means.

It’s going to mean different things to different people.

I’m taking this to mean the overarching goal of subs is to use whichever subs you feel are necessary to use to become your idea of legendary. And the more clear that idea is the easier the journey

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After chatting with @ksub i reflected in my productivity and how bad it’s been the last few days: I’m going to drop emperor and replace it with LE to see the effect.

stack: Mogul, LE, QLST1

LE & QL - Nov 23 evening


Please let us know how it works.

@rjsw3g I started QLST1 + LE ^


Success buddy, enjoy the ride and give extensive reports on how it impacts ADHD and executive function.

i mean i’ve been screaming from the rooftop for a year about LE for adhd, exec function, productivity, and how emp’s productivity doesn’t even come close :slight_smile:

I used to THINK emperor/AM made me productive… and then LE kicked in, and Emp productivity was nothing in comparison - even though I thought emp was great till i started LE.

Even today, after last night’s loop of LE my executive function, organization, abiility to listen and speak at the same time on calls was way up. And more importantly I feel like I got my mojo back replacing Emp for LE. I just felt more positive the moment i woke up - and that reflected in my results - I didn’t get a sale all week (thanksgiving didnt help either)… but closed one today.

But I’ll keep this updated on long term productivity - that’s more about energy/emotion/ability to use my brain to the fullest. It’s not necessarily a report on consistency in my work ethic.

It’ll be a stark comparison though… Yesterday and this whole week has been the absolute WORST productivity wise!!! Yesterday I was literally just watching YT, Memes, Forum from 8am till 330pm. Bad Vibes.

So we’ll see what happens when I replace Emperor with LE. That’s the only change.


Yeah man Emperor doesn’t feel productive for me atleast not yet It has me questioning my long term outlook and really makes me go for a 10 year goal rather than a month target

For Instant in your face hit of adderall thats LE lmao

Had me complete all my tasks I didnt even know what to do after :joy:

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That is why there is Machine Action and Machine Rest, the machine cannot work 24/7, but the question is, was it the best activities for recharging or was it just an unconscious routine that didn’t recharge to the max?


I really like your approach to life, universe and everything.

Scrolling and lack of productivity kills my battery faster than working my butt off.

Working hard is tiring in one way but adds satisfaction of accomplishment which is energizing. Leaves me feeling like i EARNED sleep at the end of the night and am ready for it. I’m happy I made progress. And I get rewards in terms of social (work encouragement) and the mental peace necessary to actually mentally shut down.

Procrastinating adds guilt, shame, exhaustion, no physical activity so therefore there’s a lethargy from sitting,

my idea of recharging is going to the forest right beside my house. sometimes i go for 4hr walks just cuz i enjoy it so much.

i don’t think “tech” can ever recharge someone’s battery. I have heart rate/physiology metrics from Whoop, and even something as sedentary as watching a TV show can actually be MORE physiologically stressful than a hike. I literally have that data.


thank you :slight_smile:

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Really interesting take.

  1. discipline as an emotion

  2. discipline in the context of Buddhism Vs. Psychiatry

  3. practice discipline by being disciplined about small/easy things before large/difficult things!


I was already for myself coming to the conclusion that discipline (working out every day) is more linked to a positive addiction than to an emotionless routine.

I highly suggest recommend this book here

Really supported completely my healing.

Goals sound really solid. I find LE much better than executive for productivity. The cognition helps my productivity and orienting myself. Executive has more just drive and go. Although there both valuable, I’ve tested them limited manner. Sometimes feeling the creative juice is what needs more than drive for certain people’s productivity

I think your custom is solid for these goals.

I didn’t know you went through something similar. Tinnitus? Vertigo?

This is interesting because she’s got a masters in vestibular audiology, even tho the book isn’t advertised as vestibular disorders, it’s probably connected. I’ve gotten tinnitus here n there as well.

‘Tinnitus’ for me, its a very mislabeled word in my opinion though. Also just profound ‘offness’ I don’t really want to get to into it, but you can read all about it and the challenges in my previous journals. Although I kept it less ‘complainy’. Definitely worth a read