Adventures of Ouroboros: Wealth Development

Paragon/LE (30s, 1m, oct 3rd)

Feet are healing incredibly well. From just a few loops of Paragon the pain in my hip joints that I haven’t been able to fix in 3 months are going away on their own, no clicking or pulling when I squat (I’m a 28y/o with the hips of a 68y/o)

Morning routine was

  • Wake up 740, brush teeth asap (i like the immediacy, gets me into action mode)
  • HARD 15 workout on mini trampoline listening to skrillex (11.5 whoop strain)
  • Cold shower
  • Little bit of salad for breakfast
  • Coffee & Breathwork while listening to Violin music before work

I love Parago’s direct healing effect rnbut once I’m a little more rested up physically, will make the switch to EF ST1… I’m loving the emphasis on health habits


Productivity Hack for those who do SUPER BORING stuff and/or for the sales guys @azriel @niles you ever done this?

This may be unique to my role but there’s a lot of email these days…

John Wick
  1. I’m taking over for another closer who had a lot of email convos ongoing
  2. A lot of the current client upgrades are done through email with a phone call to close
  3. 2 call close process where I email a summary and VSL after the first call
  4. Had almost 25 follow ups to do, thought emailing each of them to see who responded was more effective than an instant call

So yesterday I ended up doing about 5 hours straight of email sending… thanks to micro-doses of adderal for enhanced focus but that’s besides the point…

I was so fucking BORED doing it that I kept on procrastinating it.

Then I remember one of the best thing I learned from Steven Kotler’s course on Flow States

“procrastination is a POSITIVE ADAPTATION if looked at from the lens of flow. Our brains are so wired for flow that if a task is too easy, we’ll create self-imposed difficulties to make it harder… like doing an essay we had 8 weeks to complete in one night… to add importance, risk, urgency, and increased challenge, all of which are drivers of flow.”

So when I saw the email problem from a “This is a boring task let me free up some brain power” and started watching the John Wick movies (#3 & #4) I all of a sudden got into a deep flow state doing the emails and follow up yesterday… recalibrated the event to make it more mentally stimulating.


Clutch, this will come in handy while I’m doing appt setting. 7-8 hours a day, defientley a grind lol, but most of it is outbound dials. We do have a pretty fire pick up rate close to 15% so it’s not too bad though.

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I’m testing text.Cortex AI Assistant. Some tool like that might help you get through them much faster.

Supposed to run True Sell Black tonight but I’m gonna save it so that I’m not on a “rest day” when vesper drops tmr….


I’m making a custom with HOM and EOG - my best month by far was running True Sell black/ EOG stage 4/ and HOM. Last month was 2nd best but 80K shy of previous. And I had 60K in refunds. The further out from EOG I go the harder my sales seem to get even with HOM/ True Sell black. Khan Stage 1 could be contributing but I ran True Sell black almost solo this week with minimal success so far. And I’m just feeling off. I want to get EOG back in as it may be more key then I though in terms of 'ease of wealth opportunities.

Was considering adding Hegemon to it- for the self assuredness and certainty
What are your thoughts on Hegemon for sales?

Fire mentioned something like giving this and Mismr more thought and @Malkuth commented it because they’ll have a larger imprint on customs overall.

Wait for the new wealth title and the new product release in 6 days before making any custom decisions :joy:

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@azriel here’s my thoughts, but still wait for the possible module pack in 6 days before you make the custom:

  • misimrbrunnr and hegemon both seem amazing, i highly considered both, but didnt pull the trigger on either.

  • HOM/EOG is a FIRE combo for sales, even without TSB that’s the bread and butter - HOM for sales skills + manifestations and EOG for manifestations + mindset

  • If True Sell Black “solo” this week didn’t get you quite the best results, here’s a suggestion… take a break from TSB and only run HOM/EOG before you build a custom for it. Isolate the variables and see if that stack adds more fire, THEN add back in TSB and see if it makes things better than worse. You’ve gotta know the influence of your subs.

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I gotta be more on point with my haircuts. There’s only one guy I trust to cut my hair, and he’s booked 2+ weeks out, and i never think to book a haircut until I’m already not liking my hair, now I’m gonna not like my hair for two weeks.

Its hard to say it was just TS black, I could be in recon and did run some khan Stage 1 right at the end of last week.

TS black is an absolute game changer, but its a beast that needs to be calibrated in right doses and stack.

I love your suggestion but I can’t risk taking out TS black at this time. Not until I have a success cushion.

You gotta secure a standing appointment with him. That’s what I’ve done with my guy, otherwise he’s out 2-3 weeks and it’s just doomed.

Dayumn. True Sell Black is FIRE.

It’s a new job so I hadn’t made a single sale in 2 weeks.

I’ve been running the sub for a few days and I just made 5 sales in the last 2 days.

What a night and day difference before/after the sub. I thank the RICH core for this more than the True Sell core, btw, but True Sell is doing a great job of getting me obsessed with sales again and loving the task


:slight_smile: :fire: :black_heart:

Its insane how good it is without recon

Will you be testing this new wealth sub?

I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes :wedding::pray::sweat_smile::heart_eyes_cat::innocent:



Congratulations, @ouroboros! I wish you and your fiancé (soon to be wife) a lifetime of happiness together! :pray:



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Just got a text from a client that she wants to move forward in our 10k package. That’ll be my first completely unassisted sale - so far I’ve been raking in client continuations and got an assist on my other new client sale

That makes it 6 in a week let’s goooo not bad for week 1 - goal is 4 a week in the long term (but of course we gonna smash that)


Listening schedule has been standard.

Day 1: true sell black 3-5 mins
Day 2: rest day (or microloop 30s)
Day 3: LE & paragon 3-5 mins
Day 4: rest/microloop