[ADVANCED] The Superior Invictus

And that’s why you don’t just stop at one type of “self realization” philosophy, you learn more about those who came after and expanded on it.
To internalize and fully embody the “Übermensch”, we all need to remember that it won’t happen until we have also made peace with our Shadow, or else, as you mentioned, the abyss would stare back, more than one would want, or can handle.

And that’s the thing, it’s not a wrong thing to stay ignorant, I mean, Nietzsche was even the first person (if I’m not wrong) to say that “ignorance was bliss”, but more often than not, that statement gets misunderstood.

There’s happiness and then there’s “contentment”, what you described leans more towards the latter, as you’re purposely trying to stay “ignorant” to the bigger truth and your own potential.

Can you be happy like that? Sure.
Would you reach your full potential as a human that way? I doubt it.

I agree with what your understanding, as many don’t really understand that the idea of being an “Übermensch” does not mean that the person will be a humble, loving, role-model like person for anyone, it’s quite the opposite actually.

A person walking on the path of “self realization” in Nietzsche’s vision, is going to face many of their beliefs getting shattered, and have their understanding of morals and ideals change quite a bit. A person like that is no Saint, but that’s the thing, you’re not on the path to become one.

Debates cause growth in understanding and learning, and we are people with open minds, with the ability to think in ways that aren’t necessarily “traditional” for us, hence why this “conversation” has been going good.
But if you add someone like Madara here, you’ll see how this “constructive debate” would easily get “messy”, due to the nature of his closed mind (it’s at times like these that I’m glad he has me on his ignore list :joy:).


Wise advice. You can count me in.:100::heart::+1:

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Hey y’all

Been a hot minute since I posted here, but don’t worry, all is well in life, just been busy as I recently finished with an event, and already have 2 more lined up (one is for 3 days starting next Tuesday, while the other starts on the Monday after that for 5), but I’ll be starting a new journal very soon, so keep on a lookout for that (I’ll probably link it here), but till then, here’s a sneak peek:




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