Action Vs Placebo? Action for intangible results?

do you just sit down, close your eyes and listen to the waves? How long does it take to start seeng benefits?

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Always feel free to ask. :rofl:

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Thank you brother! that asking a question is a great idea and ill ask it for Ascension just to see what ideas people have. Even though I think I know for me it has to simply do taking the daily actions towards each and every goal I have to reach.

But this is why im asking, how do you know if its the sub or simply the mere act of journalling and taking action and brute forcing your way through each and ever step of the action?

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sadly this isnt possible whenever im home especially as im not earning right now and thus the one that has least input or independence. Im going to be moving out in 2-3months give or take depending on a few things and then its all in my hands hopefully.

yeah thats the thing when I do have time to work on myself its temporary and not daily as then the family needs and wants takes over. Its just the way it is at home. Do i like it no absolutely not but its the way it is. Im hopeful that months of listening to this sub will continue to work on me until the time when im alone and able to focus on all my goals and needs.

thank you for this, i didnt know GODLIKE MASCULINITY did this.

Fire told me to stay on this sub for a while longer, currently on my 2nd cycle so im thinking I stick on this sub alone until i move out and then see what happens and evaluate it. I dont want to stack just yet or spend money on anything until I can see this one is working for me too but the attraction and appeal of getting the other tasty subs is real and its there no doubt.

The dreams they claim to help you reach are too good to not try and use but I have to remain focused on giving this time to see it do its thing for me to believe that yes these are the subs that will finally work for me.

I think ill be in cycle 4 or 5 by the timeI move out so im hoping for big changes by then - fingers crossed!

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The question itself is flawed.

Not you, mind you, but the question.

The ingredients come together to produce the result synergistically.

Water, sunlight, earth, seed: come together to produce a plant

How do I know that the sunlight helped? And that it wasn’t just the water, earth, and a seed?

Do an experiment.

  1. Take two groups of seeds.

  2. When you plant the first set of seeds, just include the elements of water and soil plus the seed.

  3. For the second set of seeds, include the elements of water, soil, seed, and sunlight.

You’ll see which set grows better.

Now for another experiment.

Take a third set of seeds, and use water, soil, sunlight, plus a high quality of seed/plant food or soil enricher (use it according to the instructions).

I predict that all seeds will grow, but:

  1. Your first set of seeds will grow into a plant that is weaker than it would have been
  2. Your second set of seeds will grow into a fine plant
  3. Your third set of seeds will be thriving and abundant.

The subliminal ENHANCES your overall effectiveness.

Of course, you can achieve without a subliminal file. Otherwise there would have been no accomplishments, achievements, or civilizations in human history on planet Earth. People did not have subliminal audio files playing.

But subliminals can ENHANCE your growth, development, and achievement.

So take an area of your life that matters to you and where you consistently put out a reasonable degree of effort. If you’ve never played piano, don’t choose the goal of being a concert pianist for this experiment.

Choose an area where you do reasonably well, but you’ve plateaued. You’re not developing much more. You do alright, but you kind of feel that you’ve reached your upper limit.

Now, play a subliminal that supports you in that area. Give it 1-3 months, see what happens.

If you notice a change, whether you understand why or not, you have your answer.

Your “rational” mind will come up with other explanations. It’s not your rational mind’s fault. That’s literally its job.

But if you choose the life area well enough, you’ll have to admit, ‘I’m active in this area all the time, but I haven’t experienced this kind of leap or growth in years’.

Keep things simple:

  • Do your own experiment

  • Design an experiment that will convince yourself.

  • Then try it.

  • If the results support the subliminals, then use subliminals. If not, then maybe don’t.

But don’t just keep second-guessing and doubting yourself the entire time. That does not sound fun.

p.s. I always think a great subliminal to start out with for this kind of experiment is R.I.C.H. If it works, you’ll have some extra money in the bank which is always nice.

Kind of wonder why everyone doesn’t start out with that one. Or Mogul. :laughing: I’m kidding (maybe).


Bottom line:

If you’re able to ‘brute force your way’ to complete success due to using ‘a placebo’, then that placebo may have been worth every penny.

Because, brother, there are lot of people brute forcing out here everyday, and it does not seem to always end in success.

So either you’re asking a science question about subliminals or you’re feeling a bit of doubt and fear about whether this stuff can actually work and whether you can actually make it. (I know I, for one, do that quite regularly.)

Either way, we’re in the same boat, and I wish you great success, through whatever means and methods you choose to apply.


All you have to do is sit down, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. When a thought arises that shifts your attention away from your breathing, simply return your attention to your breathing. That’s all.


I completely understand how you feel about putting your family’s wants and needs ahead of your own.

You appear to have a lot of responsibilities, and all of that stress will most likely wear you down. Follow Fire’s advice while also combining a daily meditation practice, even if it’s only 5 minutes. That stress will keep you in a state of mid to high Beta waves, which will work against you, possibly interfering with the subliminal process.

As you meditate on a daily basis, your brain will begin to be in the Alpha stage more frequently, making you feel more relaxed. Because there will be less resistance, the subs will have an easier time working their magic.

Wishing you the best. :heart:


One method of tuning a guitar is that you find a guitar with strings that are already in tune.

Then as you play each string of the in-tune guitar as a reference point, you turn the tuning knobs on the second guitar until the notes match. At this point, the tones of the two guitars resonate and things sound great. Both guitars are now tuned, usually to the bass key of E.

Meditation can be similar to this in a way. You’re tuning your attention (your ‘mind’) to the ‘key’ of your body’s peace.

There’s nothing to think about, really. And if you do have thoughts flying around, it doesn’t really matter. People sometimes worry too much about doing it ‘wrong’. Or about ‘stopping’ their thoughts. (A healthy living nervous system is thinking. From birth to death. The difference is just in how intense or disruptive that neural activity. You don’t need to stop your thoughts.)

Just sit and pluck your guitar string while you listen to the other guitar’s in-tune string. The rest happens naturally.

In this case, the ‘in-tune guitar string’ is your body: your breathing, your heart rate, the subtle sensations of blood flowing through your veins and arteries. Or the in-tune string can be the clouds in the sky, a candle flame, or some other natural rhythm.

The other guitar string (the one that’s being tuned) is your mind and your ‘mental rhythm’.

As you pay attention to anything, your mind naturally attunes to it. It’s not something you need to control or make happen.

And for that ‘in tune’ natural process, it’s totally fine to choose something that you find really enjoyable. You can choose one that you love or like, and then just connect your mind to it using the power of Attention. Music. Clouds drifting in the sky. The patterns of waves in the ocean or a pond. Your own breath. They all work just great.

Now your mind’s rhythms will naturally start coming in to harmony with the Natural rhythms of the object to which you’re paying attention. (Kind of like when you’re at a great concert and by about halfway in, the crowd is all kind of moving and breathing to the same rhythm. You don’t have to worry about ‘doing it right’. Just go enjoy the concert. It’ll happen by itself.)

I think that people don’t know that this is (part of) how meditation works, so they worry that they’re doing it wrong.

There are many perspectives on meditation, but for this perspective it’s not something you make happen, it’s just something you ‘allow’ to happen.

Just sit and allow your mind to (naturally) come into alignment. It wants to come into alignment and it will do so without any additional effort.


You know something buddy this is probably the best answer for me that I have come across. It really makes sense and I thank you for taking the time for sharing this.

So whereas in my case the real goal is to overcome my procrastination and fears and insecurities as well as build my internal confidence. I have super confidence on the phone and online lol but I want true inner confidence too so I dont fear doing those things that I need to do such as study or apply for work when i get round to it. To overcome those feelings of anxiety in the chest.

For these primary goals Fire recommended the sub im on, Ascension and this is the area therefore im looking to see the changes so this is my first experiment then yes?

My other goals that I have would mean that I stack subs on top of this but I dont want to not yet, not until I can see how i’ve changed with this sub, what do you think?

In my case I think once I move out which will likely be around September, itll mean ill have been on this sub for 4months easily and then I can see if after moving out anything feels different. Also by this time when im living alone ill focus on setting all my goals and seeing how my level of motivation confidence and procrastination fare. Sound reasonable?

I dont want to spend money on another sub until I know this sub works for 2 reason:

  1. I need to know it works, I dont want to spend money on what doesnt work (common sense right)

  2. I dont want to reduce or dilute the effect of this sub by later introducing 1 or 2 more other subs that then all fight for my attention in a way.

Sound right?

I would love to add RICH to the mix but due to all my goals and immediate needs I feel i will need to focus on those first. Which sub or subs will they be im not too sure about as yet.

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Thank you my brother! I really appreciate it.

Yeah im fearing and doubting as every day seems the same for me. That is due to my life at the moment probably not being different. Every day im indoors stuck at home with the same people helping out with the same things waking and sleeping daily like a robot basically but this is the way it is for now for me.

Im also fearing if this will work for me probably due to the fact nothing else ever has before and yeah I know Fire has told me there are signs its working as far some other great members here so maybe like you said its just me and its my personality to fear and doubt lol

I guess if Ascension can clear all my fears, even these fears and doubts as well as fears of insects and heights etc then that would be a clear proof and an awesome proof for me to know this works.

Right not its unclear still after 41 days on this sub so far.

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thank you so much my brother!! I appreciate that and yeah its not easy but its also easy as it helps me hide away from the world due to my fears and insecurities too which is why I think Fire told me to use this Ascension sub that im on so im just hoping that the longer I stick to this sub the greater the chance it will 1 day reveal to me that ive become a different person entirely. Appreciate the advice never meditated before, actually no thats a lie, I tried once and just got bored but ill try it again as you said. thank you. Appreciate it!!


Awesome advice once again brother thank you that makes complete sense too!

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If I can make a suggestion, check out Faster EFT by Robert Gene Smith on YouTube. He has many videos and you can sign up for a five day on line free course. See if you like it. Good luck. It is helping me so much. It takes some work but it is worth it.

Boredom is simply resistance to present moment (the only thing you actually experience is the present, past and future “happens” in the present)…

So just by noticing this resistance you start to detach from it, dont try to push it away though cause that would be resistance to resistance :wink:

Accept it (acceptance, not resignation) and it will subside, cause it’s temporary like ANYTHING else you experience


Thank you @TheSunlightCaller i did use EFT once in the past and it was a complete time waste for me and thats why im seeking something that is less effort and that could potentially work such as subliminals.

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