Ace's Emperor Journal

@Ace Happy Birthday !!

Thanks @James. Are you going to stick it out with Emperor? I know it’s not easy, but the changes are worth it.

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Now that the deal is done. In the 25 days since starting my Emperor journey, my wife and I refinanced our home. This was our 3rd attempt and it was a breeze with none of the headaches of the previous attempts. We are out of an adjustable rate mortgage and into a fixed rate, with no PMI. We are saving nearly $400/month.

While we started the process a week before I started listening to Emperor, we were both surprised at how easy the process was after 2 failed attempts.

And with that we have hit reset on our money plan and are focused on saving and paying down additional debt. At our current schedule we will be debt free, except for our house, in 3 years.

And lastly an update for those curious about the effects on women…

I was in line at Whole Foods a little while ago, listening to Emperor and an ebook. When I went to pause the book, I could feel amd peripherally see the women next to me glance over at me for a slightly extended period of time. I didn’t think much of it and proceeded to pay for my item. As I was finishing up paying, the same woman stopped me to tell me she saw that I only had one item and that she had learned that the line she stood in moves the fastest. She was a beautiful 50s Central / South American woman. She was friendly and we had an extended conversation as we both left Whole Foods. She was so caught up in the conversation that she almost knocked another woman over by accident. We parted ways, but I could sense she wanted more, but I did not. I appreciated the interaction. If I was in some small town, I wouldn’t think anything of it, but against the backdrop of a major metropolitan city, this doesn’t normally happen. I could have easily turned the conversation flirtatious, but consciously chose not to.

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Great thread. Haven’t had a chance to comment on many of the great things you’ve written about, but I did want to comment on this.

Emperor will elevate you above many things, including, the need for sex that’s borne out of neediness. A lot of men crave sex for physical and or mental validation from their significant others. I believe what you’re experiencing is genuine sexual desire rather than a dopamine hit.

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Just started reading Anti Fragile. Great book so far. I’m going to read Skin in the Game after

Interesting. I’ll see how this develops.

After 30 days on Emperor the lack of sexual neediness has been likely the biggest positive I have noticed thus far.


After doing Emperor Extreme for the month of September, yesterday, I switched to the regular Emperor MP3. It’s definitely a milder experience.

I do notice the lack of sexual neediness. I want sex, but if it doesn’t happen, I’m not upset nor do I feel sexually frustrated. That being said, over the last week, I did view some NSFW Reddit subs. I didn’t feel the urge to fap.

Wild memorable dreams have ceased.

I still catch women checking me out. When I look at them they turn away nervously or maintain eye contact and then look down. It’s a very primal experience.

Also, I feel more open in my communication. I don’t hold back and am less concerned about how others perceive me. I’m focused on getting my point across.

Lastly, I am now somebody who touches people and people touch me. During a normal greeting a male coworker unexpectedly hugged me yesterday, and while I noticed it was different, it was no big deal.

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Ace can you elaborate on your use of extreme please ?

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If you mean my listening schedule, I listened while sleeping most nights for 4-5 hours with earbuds on 25% volume. I think I missed 3 nights the whole month.

I also listened while on my commute that’s about 2.5-3 hours 5 days a week. I probably got 4-6 hours of listening time in at work, most days, on set it and forget it from my laptop.

Monday to Friday I got 8-12 hours of listening. I got less on the weekends as I could only listen while sleeping.

Ace apologises I didn’t ask the right question. Was listening to Extreme intense ? Did you feel that the changes happened morw quickly ?

While listening to Extreme I did not feel it was intense. I had no expectations so I just handled whatever happened.

Having switched to the regular Emperor, I feel it is smoother. Now this could easily be explained by the fact that I already have one month of exposure to these messages under my belt. I don’t know. But that is my experience so far.

I had two memorable dreams last night. In one, I was telling my sister about being responsible and paying attention after she accidentally injured our baby cousin(in the dream). The other was about me oversleeping and missing my doctor’s appointment for today. I had that dream while I was oversleeping.

I had an unusual experience yesterday. I was on the subway headed home, when a young (20s) intoxicated man got the car. He was loud, wobbling all over the place, and making the women on the car uncomfortable. As within 5 minutes on the car they all moved away from him.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I put my arm around his shoulder and told him he needed to relax. I told him he was making the women on the train uncomfortable and he was disturbing everyone and that he just need to chill out and stand still.

Normally, I would not do this. In fact, I tried not to, but after the 3rd woman blatantly moved away from him, I had had enough. After I spoke up some other people felt brave enough to tell him to chill out as well.

Separately, I can see the effects of the Sex Mastery components beginning to have an effect. :wink:

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What effects have you noticed with the sex mastery?

@RockyHandsome I’ve noticed an increased interest in sexual information. Over the last few days I read 3 books about sexual techniques and 2 romance novels.

Every man should read a romance novel or two. There’s a reason it’s the number one category of books sold year after year. Women are far more sexual than most men believe and these books are word porn for women. These books also reveal the fantasies women have about dangerous men who bend the world to their whim and have immense passion for the women.

Finally, I found myself in what I can only call the “sexual zone”. It was a combination of extreme focus where my mind was aware hyper aware of what I was doing and I put my newfound information to use.


I experienced this aspect of the programming:

you’ll automatically and intuitively pick up on sexual techniques that enhance pleasure for both you and your partner and be able to recall and execute that techniques at will.


Day 40 Recap since my last post:

I am having many realizations for myself on what it means to be a man. I shared this with a friend:

More and more my thoughts, books, and audios are showing me something I was never told directly by older men in my life when I was a kid. A man must have principles and morals and be willing to live and die by them. That is power. A man cannot stand firm on his square without having principles and morals as his foundation.

In all my years of consuming and digesting self-help material, I have never codified my principles and morals. An emperor is a ruler, and part of being a ruler is establishing principles and morals that will be the foundation of the culture and ultimate success/failure of your kingdom. When I look at my kids, my son especially, I now think about what principles and morals I will pass on. Like Hammurabi, it is time for me to set down my code. Then over the rest of my life, I can measure my success according to my own principles and morals while refining it and passing it down to the next generation.

At work, I was unexpectedly called on by a one of the “bosses” to provide expertise on an issue. There are 4 other people that could have been called on for this, and normally there is one other guy that is always called on for this. I handled it and moved on.

I am making additional effort to show up at home for my family, helping my wife and spending time with my kids. I am more conscious of when I need to be more patient with my kids.

Vivid Dreams are back for the last 3 days.

Lastly, my relationship is improving romantically. Also IOI’s are now so overt that other people are commenting on it.

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Day 43:

On my way home from work today, it occurred to me that I should no longer post updates. I am clear that I will continue to use Emperor and other products from this company that fit my goals. Emperor is effective and if it is as effective as it promises when I achieve my success, I don’t want the details posted here to be reverse engineered and used against me.

This thought struck me as clear the Australian sky. So this is my last post.

Hopefully others will find what I have posted helpful. I wish you all the greatest success in life.

If you are still on the fence about whether to purchase and use these products, ask yourself, “Where else in life is sitting on the fence holding me back?” Take action. Measure your results. Adjust your plan. Repeat.

To the founders, thanks for creating some awesome subliminal products. You have jumped out of the gate ahead of your competition in a major way. I’m excited for where you will take the technology. Stay hungry. :v: