8 Months of EoG (and others) - SHADOW WORK 2022!

Yes, you are right. Thank you!

I might just do a QUICK VISIT of them all. Like 3 minutes one stage per week over 3 weeks and then dive a bit deeper into ST4. Anyway, thanks!

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Thats sounds like foreplay for st4 :sunglasses:

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The gif is cool.

I missed something here didnā€™t I? :sweat_smile:

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RV asked me to delete/edit the Wizard picture because it had a certain word that is not allowed in the forum, so I did.
Then we deleted our conversation to keep your journal tidy.

Day 172, Alchemist ST1

So I am 8 days into the washout and its the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius.
Which tells us to do something RADICALLY different.

I wanted to do an extended washout and then focus on money again.
BUT, today I woke up thinking of Sage Immortal all the time.

Then why did I decide to run Alchemist?
Because I first want to lay the (ZP) groundwork before diving deeper with Sage. PLUS, Alchemist ST1 has the purging of negative spiritual energy which I like.
So now I am going through all stages, one per week and THEN we come back to money. Unless, Alchemist tells me to do differently, which I doubt because I finally accepted money as a spiritual tool to spread the message further, regardless of it being meaningless on a cosmic scale.

Anyway, looking forward to the Alchemist ZP journey.

On another note, this journal is notjust EoG anymore, is it?
Then again, the Shadow Work 2022 title fits so Iā€™ll keep it at that :wink:


Day 182, after Alchemist ST2

So the vacation is over and Alchemist is bringing me back to magick. And amplifying my money making results because it just keeps raining in lol

Either way, I was expecting Alchemist to bring me to the higher realms again, however, THIS time, I see it differently.
Whereas before I was dropping everything for it, this time I have a much more mature approach to it. Based in the physical world, but still aiming ā€œhigher.ā€

Outside of that the tons of GLM runs, as well as LBFH give me the self-love and confidence to truly GO that path on not be pertubed by what other people think of it.

A prime example is last time I ran Chosen only it stifled my relationship where she was pushing boundaries and I did nothing because I was just seeing the positive. Not the fault of ā€œChosenā€ btw.
But it showed me that a lot of groundwork is necessary to express certain subs better. MUCH better.

Now with GLM and LBFH I have the groundwork to not be pushed, but still relentlessly pursue what I want, while still caring for other peopleā€™s needs.
Itā€™s a very mature, masculine leading approach to the whole thing.

Looking forward to the upcoming Alchemist ST3, EoG ST3, Sage Immortal, etc. Great times ahead.


Day 187, days after Alchemist ST3

Especially Stage 3 was noticable in how it amplified all previous subs I ran so far. Even months ago, I do notice how it got stronger!

But especially the healing from LBFH is noticable. It made me re-evaluate A LOT the love I have for my wife, how I feel, how I operate with it, and truly seeing the deeper layers of love within us, outside of the shallow surface things.

And a way calmer and stiller mind, which is great.

However, it also made ol GLM stronger in going after what I want.

It almost feels like there was a barrier in my mind that got torn down and now itā€™s FLOODING outward in results lol

Money-wise, or rather, reach-wise my social media is growing FAST. So I guess it amplified Truesell as well :wink:


What Iā€™ve noticed is that thereā€™s an easier way which will also make you and her feel good about it. You can tell her exactly what you like about that fetish and dhv a bit sexually so she is hooked in what you say, ask her about her deepest/secret kinks and tell her that you want to give her all the pleasure she wants because she deserves it and because you care about her and love her. Then she will want to reciprocate if you satisfy her well and as sheā€™s doing it you can support her and be encouraging. In order all of this to work you need to feel that way!! (these things I told you to say)

Iā€™ve done this and this brought us closer together. We talked about threesomes and she even told me sheā€™s ok if I go with other girls and that sshewants me to have funA and she means it, even though she is jealous, which she told me

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There is not.

And thatā€™s actually the point.

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Interesting experiment/adventure. Thanks for sharing.

Wish you much continued prosperity.

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I am actually in the process of this, so I agree. I learned along the path that you dont need to take back and quit all your needs and desires.
Itā€™s also not ā€œspiritualā€ as they call it, because sex can be very much spiritual.

But, you gotta approach it from love.

You know, everyone can fuck. And I chose this word intentionally, in case RVC comes by :wink: But having sex from love is REALLY hard. For men and women both. Because you really need to drop guard. So currently weā€™re working on that.
THEN, once the baseline is established, fiery, passionate, even crazy kinky stuff can come back, but it comes from a position of variety, exploration, and love. Instead of external validation and lust.

But anyway, to your point: When I phrase things like, ā€œI would really enjoy you wearing XYZ, because itā€™s just my thingā€ or not even saying the ā€œbecauseā€ works much better than trying to play power games when she doesnā€™t do what you want.

As I said before, the growth Iā€™ve been through ever since ZP launch.
INSANELY quick and deep.


Wow man Iā€™m glad to see that you understandā€¦yeah thatā€™s the problem with love and sex, if you have both then you are golden! Although you can still enjoy sex without love but add a bit of intimacy to the mix and treat girls like your girlfriend almost, thatā€™s when I was enjoying the most of game and women. And the biggest players in this world could love some part of every woman they were with, itā€™s just that this day and age sex without emotions is promoted a lot, just for the sake of it which fucks up the way people relate to each other

I think the problem you have is with your sexuality to be honest. Just try to feel the lust and desire 100% when you describe her your fetish, donā€™t hold yourself back. In your comment you subcommunicate that lust is bad, that ainā€™t true

Day 193, days after Sage Immortal

So my manifestations have been SUPERCHARGED on all realms.
Sage is super powerful, although it also questions me A LOT of my decisions.

Specifically THIS video was manifested today:

I urge everyone to watch these 8 minutes. It is technically about influencers but itā€™s a showcase of what Social Media does to EVERYONE.
In my case, since I run an online video business, it hit home hard.
I have been making a lot of videos about relationships, sex, etc, but always in the back of my mind I had this urge to also make some about subs for example, higher consciousness, etc.
These were badly received by the audience, so naturally I went with the sexual ones, not realizing I am selling myself in the process.
And, mostly, didnā€™t even like making them.

Same with the schedule of uploading twice a week to please the algorithm which ended in me making worse videos, rushing them, just to get them out.

Today I decided to stop that. Focus my channel on ME, what I want to talk about, not what people care about, and dont care about metrics anymore, but about IMPACT. Lifeā€™s changed.


Today I realized something while reading a book (Sage at work here)

It said, ā€œWhen youā€™re broke or not living comfortably, this might stifle your spiritual or magickal powers, because your mind is not free.ā€

And I agree.

Too focused on the physical, plus some anger/resentment/etc in my mind for NOT being fully free to do whatever.

As much as I would like to run deeper into Sage, etc. Money needs to be first now.
Iā€™ll stack it, but still.
Now I am making good money already, but there is too much debt still triggering me whenever I see it, etc.
THis wont be paid off in days, and since Iā€™ll also use magick to make more money, I do need Alchemist & Co, but I will keep running EoG and Truesell.

Plus, for a while Ive been thinking of HoM, but idk :smiley:


This video is eye opening! Thank you for posting it!

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This reminds me of Osho when he said; I Am the Rich Manā€™s Guru!

ā€œOnly the very rich, educated, intelligent, cultured can understand what I am sayingā€¦ā€
ā€œBeggars and poor people cannot come to me, they are too busy with trying to surviveā€¦ā€

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Itā€™s harsh it the truth.

Basic needs need to be met, then you can go higher :sunglasses:

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And you donā€™t know what led up to this incarnation, what kind of lifetimes you have had before this, all we probably can assume is that all that is happening right now in our life is supposed to happen the way it is :+1:

I have always liked the movie theatre analogy as a reminder. We see the light that is coming from the projector, and I can put my hand in front of the light and make funny images on the screen, and I can go up to the white back ground where the movie is, but I cannot take my hand and touch anyone or anything in that picture because it is just a hologram. Ultimately it is such a good movie as we are sitting there and eating popcorn, but when the movie ends and the lights come one all that we ever thought was it was just that, a movie, and now it is time to go somewhere else :sun_with_face: