4 ZP titles at once?

Can we use 4 ZP titles at once? There is only 3 ZP titles considered in instructions.
I want to stack AM ZP + Limitless ZP + Rebirth ZP + PCC ZP.

The Zero Point Listening Instructions clearly indicate a maximum of three titles.

That said username Palpatine appears to be running 4 titles. You can read more about his experience in his journal Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022).

Username Alphamale has mentioned running 5 programs, though I don’t think he has a journal.


Not advisable. Will lead to too much reconcilliation.

3 titles max are recommended for a good reason. We have tested this ourselves and found 3 to be optimum.

SaintSovereign has acknowledged that Palpatine is an advanced user and hence he can take some liberties. Even he will have to live with the consequences of his experiment though.

New users please stick to the listening instructions.


Why u never mention people?:thinking:

I can highly recommend to follow the official Recommendations

I did yesterday 3 loops of Khan st1 ZP
Today I have the worst and longest
Reconciliation Deluxe so to speak


He did not want to

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Just as some will also have to live with the consequences of never thinking for themselves :wink:

You spelled “might” wrong :wink:


Choose three titles max and leave it at that. Also PCC isn’t available as of yet.


I know

@Seeker @Lion @Leandros @Brandon
thank you, guys


Adding to what @Lion has said previously, in addition to nasty recon, you are going to slow down the process of change. Running one sub will give you very fast change. Because it is very focused.
But when you overload with too many subs i.e. 4 you will be slowing the process down a great deal.
The only benefit to running that many subs, is you’ll get a broader, but much slower change.


Oh I get it
He does not want to disturb them kinda

Got ya. Thank you :wink:

Let’s not frame it like this, please. I don’t openly stop advanced users from experimenting as long as they don’t encourage beginners to do so. Overexposure can cause unpleasant side effects, so let’s not make it a “thing” to demonize those who are following the guidelines.


I’m usually fairly quiet on the topic. I’m just responding to what I’m seeing as a recent uptick in the other side of this.