27 Subliminals For 24 Hour, 365 (I'm on 90 days now)

The subliminal’s got to him…

I shared this so you guys could also use think about using All Subs you have at once!.
I want to take out the pyramid and Empowerment is the way!

You got,get me. It is a fire.
I hope I don’t get Nervous System Damage due to so fast repairing.

If we were fools we would have posted in the wrong category like what you did…:slight_smile:

Have you tried Ultima?

Actually guys, he posted in News & Updates, I moved it to the Questions & Comments since to me it was more a Comment than a Journal.

As for the fire stuff, I figured that meant Fire was gonna evaluate the trollness of his posts. To me this is not a fire within, it’s pretty much spontaneous combustion. Steam coming out of ears and such. And since we’re trying to have people actually learn to follow the guidelines more, this post doesn’t add much. Nor does it make much sense.

Hermit, having him running all Ultimas parallel to one another 27/7/365? Well, we probably wouldn’t see him on the forum anymore…


He’ll go back in time and steal the Ultima Blueprints… :joy:

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