22day listening schedule?

I was wondering if a 22day listening schedule would cause issue instead of a 21 day listening schedule?

  1. Listen/18
  2. Rest/19
  3. Rest/20
  4. Listen/21
  5. Rest/22
  6. Rest/23
  7. Listen/24
  8. Rest/25
  9. Rest/26
  10. Listen/27
  11. Rest/28
  12. Rest/29
  13. Listen/30
  14. Rest/
  15. Rest/
  16. Listen/
  17. Rest/
  18. Rest/
  19. Listen/
  20. Rest/
  21. Rest/
  22. Listen/

Then a 5 day washout

(Ignore the numbers after the / those are just dates)

You get much more time for processing.
All good.

You can decrease exposure whenever You want.
Add in a rest day, reduce looplength, feel free.

Just be cautious with adding more exposure. That could lead to more recon and overexposure.

Some users like Invictus or Voytek (forgot his present name) can stomach more because of a higher flowfactor and more work done in the past. But for most others that would be risky and experimental.

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Here is how I’ve been doing it recently. I start listening on the first day of the month. I’d listen for 21 days. Sometimes it’s 22 or 23 depending on the month and on whether I feel like adding an extra day. That 's usually 3 weeks. I washout for one week or however many days are left in the months. Sometimes it’s 7 or 10 days. Then on the first day of the next month, a new cycle start.


I do the same exact thing, works well and is simple.

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But still with the one on, one off schedule, right?

Or do you run it like Sub.Zero ? Without restdays in-between?

I do everything by the guidelines. The only exception is that my washouts are a week long or longer

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short answer: probably not.

longer answer

There’s no issue with reducing the number of listening days and extending rest/processing days, basically ever.

In a normal 21 day cycle going by the guidelines, you get 11 listening days and 10 rest days, followed by 5 more rest days before listening again.

So your 8 days of listening to 14 days of rest seems completely fine.

Test it out and let us know how it goes.