2 months and zero positive changes/results of any kind :(

Hi everyone,

I’ve been listening to RICH Ultima x 1, EoG x 1 and HoM x 1 daily (and rest on weekends). (I’m only doing 1 stack of each per day as I was advised)

I started on Feb 17th. It’s been over 2 months now and I have seen zero positive changes/improvements in any way.

If anything, I feel more frustrated/angry/helpless/desperate and every day is a battle for me to keep positive.

I’m really wondering if these tracks are more like placebo’s and only work if you ‘believe’.

When I read of the insane results everyone is having I’m wondering why its not working for me.

2 months is a fairly long time for subliminals to work. At least if I could have noticed SOME positive changes, that would be great.

But so far, nothing at all. So am at my wits end. I am still listening to them daily (except weekends).

I’m not trying to be negative, just sharing what I’m experiencing ,so I hope you understand where I’m coming from. It’s frustrating to say the least!

If anyone who is experienced can help with any guidance/suggestions etc. for me, I would be most grateful.

Feel free to dm me if that’s easier.

Thanks again.


What actions did you take towards your desired goals with these subs?

I.e. wealth? I presume you want to start/improve a business?


Belief is everything. Everywhere.


main goal is wealth.
i don’t have a business/job/income.
i’m forex trading (in demo right now).
working on my consistency to then do a funded trader challenge and get a funded account etc

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true…but as subliminals bypass the conscious mind it shouldn’t matter as such. it’s not that i don’t believe. I’ve been a strong believer in the power of the subconscious mind etc.

its just after 2 months with zero results (not talking just financially it could be anything), that then causes me to doubt.

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Is this your first experience with subliminalclub? If yes, I’d cut HoM and stick with EoG ST1 + RICH. Nothing more. Or even only EoG.

One of the possibilities is that you’re put much stress on your subconscious mind.


its my 1st experience with SubClub yes (but I’m not new to sub programs).
I was advised to do RICH as priority as I was told HoM and EoG are more slow building wealth.

its frustrating…different people giving totally different suggestions. i know each person is different.

had I known I would prob only have bought Rich and see if I get any results.

So far, its like all the other subs i’ve tried. no positive changes i can see.

sorry, dont mean to vent, just feeling pissed off that nothing seems to be working

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No problem. I can understand your frustration. I’m talking only about my experience and I’m no expert.

As you say your experience with subliminals haven’t been positive, I’d stick to EoG ST1 for a while, like 2 months at least. At the third month, I’d start EoG ST2 and include RICH.

If you have subconscious blockage in regards to money/prosperity/wealth, you must deal with this first (which is what EoG ST1 will do) before using subliminals that focus specifically on making money/building wealth.

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Try using small scripts first like mogul ascended mogul etc.


Hey @viv,

This is the issue right there.

Your pathways of manifestation are not open. Get out there, find ways to make money and start doing it. Opportunities will manifest the more you are out there and trying to make money.

I’d also go with only one program right now. EoG ST1 is very much so about removing wealth blockages for that long term wealth, which while you do need the healing it seems its more important for you to get to action.

I’d actually go with just RICH for now and take as much action as possible. Make deals, make a business, look for jobs.

You are trying to forcefully fill a pipe with water, but the valves are closed. Open the valves, open the pathways to manifestation, and the water will flow.


i dont have AM and dont have funds to buy more programs

Maybe go with RICH solo


Its a really long story but short version I’ve been out there trying for over 8 years. 10 years ago money was no object…gone from a 7 figure consulting business to now barely being able to put food on the table, and having to move from Sydney to New Delhi. Was all a result of multiple heart wrenching life situations I found myself in. I won’t share specifics in public forum, but I can in a dm.

The only current avenue for me to make money is trading (forex). I’ve been diligently working on it for years. It’s not easy but I’m improving.

I’m now living in New Delhi, India…been trying to do something for years now to no avail. And the covid situation here is one of the worst in the world, so that compounds the problem.

I’ll do as you said. Will just listen to RICH right now.

But the way I’m feeling currently I doubt it will change anything.

Anyway thanks for the replies everyone


Yes, I saw the effect s of Mogul only when I started looking for opportunities actively.


Try this:

Start out doing lots of small things, instead of 1 or 2 big things.

Choose a couple of small things that you’re confident will work.


Definitely! Inch by inch anything is a cinch. I agree with Mulkuth. Start simple and small. Hopefully you can generate a little momentum.

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Maybe try stacking regeneration with RICH?
it will help you feel better about yourself and make the past failiours seems less daunting on the present moment. i believe some healing go together with success


Making money is not a sprint its a marathon. It took me over year to achieve a turn over of over 100, 000 euros a year. Unless you of course you happen to win the lottery :slight_smile:


If I wanted to earn money, I would give people/the universe the opportunity to give me money.

As I am currently in a contract where I can’t earn extra money, I receive extra money from family mostly, when I need it. Or get stuff for free others have to pay for.

But if I had the possibility and need for money, I would open an online store, maybe on Etsy and sell some of my art or sell stuff I no longer need on eBay.

This is just an example for my situation and what I would do if I wanted to earn more money.

Listening to subliminals and other manifestation techniques would be a booster.

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First things first. You need to follow Simon’s Instructions. :blush:

Second …

Recognise that these are limiting beliefs.

Consulting and coaching have been trending up this whole decade even in India. You do have to adapt your marketing & sales methods. They use whatsapp far more than emails, for example.

Similarly, covid just means you can’t earn business from hospitality, tourism, etc., and need to pivot your offers to ITES, BFSI, Pharma, etc.

Anyway, I do not mean to judge your efforts, it certainly takes a lot of hustle to launch a consulting business.

Trading is probably even harder to consistently succeed at. At least for me. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: