Xiaolong - Way of the Dragon

I think the dragon has taken flight! Wasn’t Bruce Lee’s nickname The Dragon?

Yep, that was indeed Bruce Lee’s nickname and let’s keep in flying.

Day 3:
Today was a weird day. It started pretty well and even with the low amount of sleep I had, I was still feeling pretty energetic. During the midday however, some doubt and uncertainty started to flow in. It was milder than I’m used to and not as crippling, but it felt like it was coming from a different place. I really could not pinpoint it.

After work I was mostly lethargic and felt like stuff was being processed or something. Because of this effect today I listened to only one loop.

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Day 4:

Today was a bit different. Listend to one ultrasonic loop while working. After 30 mins or so, felt the heaviness coming. Luckily a few minutes later most of this resided and I was left wat the background pressure which I also felt yesterday.

Personally I think this background pressure / noise comes mostly from me thinking and feeling of not being enough. Now this is coming more to the surface so I can find ways to deal with it.

So this is definitely a win in my books.

Now time to relax and maybe one more masked loop.

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So currently running a mask loop, which will bring the total loops of today to two.
Again feeling something is being unearthed, I might do a meditation session this weeked while playing stage 1. Hoping this might help me getting to the bottom of this ;).

Day 5:
Lately I was and still am not feeling that satisfied with where I am. This sometimes led to quiet alot of negative self talk. Well today I could actually sort of counter this and just go on with something more relaxing / productive.

After this I played one masked loop of stage 1 and initially felt that heavy feeling again (something coming up and pressure in the throat area) . Instead of feeling calm after the loop, this time it happend after 20 mins during listening.

Tomorrow and Sunday it’s time for my rest days. For now I’ll enjoy the Friday.

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I think DR is doing it’s work.


Alright day 6 and 7 were resting day’s and I must say normally in the weekend I feel guilty for not doing that much. This time however, I was totally chill about that and because of that I could actually do some productive stuff.

For now I have just started the first loop of the day, day 8 log in coming soon !

Day 8:

So after 2 rest days it was time for another loop. Did 1 masked loop and I felt seriously calm throughout the whole loop. Afterwards I had this unfamiliar feeling of being just content and dare I say happy ?!?

I knew SubClub subs are good stuff, but I didn’t except these results so fast. Been a dang long time since I felt this light on my feet. Letsssss goooo!!

Whoops, my bad. That was indeed what I mean. I’ll amend the comment for now.

Day 9:

Did 2 masked loops today after work. Compared to yesterday, this was a more heavy day. Defintly stuff coming up again and being processed.

The layer that is getting peeled away now, is the feeling of inadequacy. Why I’m feeling like this? Even though I have the feeling I’m not performing on the level I should be performing on, I don’t take any steps to progress (i.e. I don’t want to take risks and go out of my comfort zone, switching jobs during a pandemic). Not taking these steps is only making it worse, cause I’m not going forward.

A good perspective to gain in my opinion, the next question is, is it worth taking the risk during a global pandemic / upcoming economical crisis mhhh. Let’s see how this is going to be processed during my sleep.

I’ve noticed that layer after layer on DR gets peeled away. Hold on to your photons, it’s time for an overhaul.

My conclusion is that sleep… especially dreams… in vital, essential for processing things especially on Dragon Reborn. I make sure I get about 9 hours of sleep a night to get extra REM sleep.

Thanks for the tip. My sleeping time is actually quite low with most nights around 6 hours and sometimes 7. I do feel rested for the most time, but I guess it is recommended for a reason to sleep around 8 hours.

Day 10:
Before dragon reborn I used to be seriously tired after work. After starting it seems my energy levels after work are higher. No idea why this is happening, but probably because stuff is processed and I’m “lighter”.

Anyway did 2 masked loops today and ended up with a heavy feeling just behind my eyes. Emotional wise even though stuff is coming up, I can deal with it and rationalize it. Let the growing continue!

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:dragon: on man!

Day 11 & 12:

On both days I only listened to 1 loop after work. The layers are defintly still getting peeled away but one thing that really stood out these 2 days, was that I really didn’t care that much about what others might think. On the begining of DR stage 1 I was already getting the calm / relaxed feeling of not really sweating the small external stuff. Now this is also carrying over a bit deeper. Great stuff.

Day 13 & 14:

These are my resting days and eventhough I felt lethargic on Saturday, it didn’t stop my from doing other stuff. So let’s see what monday will bring !!

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Alright so it’s been a while, but so far I have listing to at least one loop of DR st. 1 for 5 days a week and taking off in during the weekends.

What I have noticed so far is that this digs deep like really deep. Insecurities are being brought up to the surface and these extra insights are helping me to finally face and admit these insecurities. What I have noticed that this is mostly self doubt regarding my skills and all the rediculous thoughts that I think that people dislike me and think I’m not good enough.

While in reality all these limited thoughts are my own.

So what are the real life results so far ? The most profound is that I finally decided and took steps to switch jobs and am now actively applying for a new job. This is quiet surprising that I took this step as before I was doubting too much because of a lack of belief in my self, my skills and the current economical climate. Because of that I did not want to take any risks. But being comfortable while being dissatisfied at the same time is even a worse according to my new found perspectives.

Of course I am not there yet, this is merely the first step and now it’s time to keep pushing and going forward.

Also to get the most results I will run the first stage for at least 2 months.

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Yep! This sounds like the way of the dragon to me.


I’m happy for you mate! I hope you find a much better job sooner than you expect!


Interesting. I’ve had kind of the same effect, but a different perspective on it. I am less frantic to find a new job RIGHT NOW and much more comfortable waiting until I’ve developed sufficiently that I can find the right new job at the right time.

@COWolfe, thank you for sharing. It’s great to see how DR impacts everyone in a positive way and resulting in new perspectives.

Hope this new mindset will lead you to a great fulfilling job.

Alright so this marks 28 days / 4 weeks on dragon reborn stage 1. Listend to at least one loop for 5 days with 2 resting days.

The first month has been a good experience with great results. I have mostly became more comfortable with myself, diving deep and surfacing limiting believes , even letting go of some of these (not all, but I can only imagine what will happen in the next stages) and just growing of a person because all of this.

Today was another prime example of the results from stage 1. Went to the office since a long time and was totally at easy and had not a single care in my mind about what others might be thinking. This carefree mindset has also resultated in feeling more confident.

Just loving this journey so far, from today I will also combine DR with the elixer supercharger from the LIFE app. Let’s super charge DR ST1 and dive even deeper for the next 4 weeks before dragoning on to stage 2.

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The Dragon is working well, and so are you! Keep up the progress mate! I’m happy for you!

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