Xavier Experiments - Emperor, Stark, HoM, EoG, WANTED, RICH

So microlooops are also capable of results, wow. I womt say that i will never try micro loop(you dont know when recon hits and maybe nano 15 seconds loops will be enough :rofl::rofl::rofl:) but i beleive atleast 5 mins exposure is necessary for some great and sustainable change. 3 mins sound good too

@ 3 Weeks Update

Sorry for the delay lol sometimes I really forget to just sit down and be consistent with it.

Anyways. Here’s what I notice with each Sub:


  • I’ve noticed I’ve became much more empathetic. I realize that this isn’t like crazy… but after running Emperor Black for like 2 months I think, you stop being able to relate with average people… well at least that’s what I’ve noticed with myself as I tended to gravitate away from the crowd and people… almost disgusted with mediocrity… but now? I just noticed that we’re all human beings, imperfect and flawed in our own way, not everyone is Michael Jordan and that is okay. They’re still kind beings.

  • Maybe this is HoM coming in but I pretty much find it super easy to relate and connect with people… just fascinated with exploring their own unique perspective… Again if you’ve ever ran EmpB you know how profound this is, because on EmpB you almost don’t want to know anyone who doesn’t help you with your goals…

  • Funny AF. This is something that always happens to me on Stark lmao, I let out all sorts of jokes, even if I don’t get laughs lmaooo because I think they’re funny I don’t care if ppl don’t get it.

  • Calm, Balanced, Patient. This is a little bit antithetical to Stark’s super ambitious impatient stereotype but I’ve found myself much more calm and more patient… Which is insane considering I’m the most impatient person ever. Like I really been practicing gratitude and finding appreciation for the little things… like being in a first World Country, Having 5K worth of Tech that someone overseas can only dream of, going to the gym… I’ve finally been able to appreciate each moment of the journey… Which is amazing because now I can be patient. Because Im more patient with the results of the future I’ve been placing a heavy emphasis on being balanced… like enjoying each day, working hard but just finding happiness in each day.

Overall: I have zero regrets over choosing Stark as it surprisingly unlocked and released tension… It allows me to be relaxed. Which is the state I think you need to be under in order to make breakthroughs and generate ideas and genius. This is different from Emperor Black’s approach of using Tension… Profound. Like I love life. Will be keeping this sub for the next 3 Months, can’t wait to see my powers after.


  • Systems thinking is instinctual … I’ve been heavily focused on understanding how I learn and to create a process for mastering things super easily… Remember that System I talked about in my old Journal? Well now I’ve managed to perfect it. I think I’m the only human being on planet earth who has managed to solve the problem of Information Consumption, Notes, Learning and Productivity… I’ve created a system that breaks down and squeezes the juice out of every book or article, redirects and assign it to a topic and when I have to work on a certain task or project relating to that topic, I don’t have to reference my notes… I just literally have instructions, strategies, tactics on doing that specific task.

  • Strategic Thinking is unfair… because of my system I’ve built and developed… It allows me to study and analyze all my competitors… I know everything about them. Employees, Tools/Software they use, Systems, Funnels, Ads… Everything… My ability to break down an offer/product/service by any business is second to none because It allows me to be able to not only compete but dominate by using their strengths and improving upon their weak points.

Overall: I’ll never not run this sub. It’s a must have… I’ve been tempted to run True Sell… maybe in the future when I need it… But HoM is just masterful. Everything you need to know and understand in business It teaches you.


  • I’m on Stage 3 and honestly I’m really not seeing the craziness that is promises, my favourite is Stage 1 and I skipped Stage 2 because I already know what I need to do and work on… Maybe I should go straight to 4?

Overall: Might just take it out and replace it with RICH… I think I’ll do that instead.


  • I’ve been wanting to run this sub simply for when I go back in 3 months… I’ve seen how incredible the effects can be in 3 months… Like profound. I still remember that day I was out in the club last year and got called Sexy and Celebrity like by everyone lmao… But I may need to switch this one out as I don’t even use it, I don’t interact with girls, and dating isn’t a priority


  • I think I’ll switch this out with Emperor


  • Will be changing my Stack to Emperor + Stark + HoM + RICH

Will be awaiting the day you release the system as a course :wink: .

Bruhhh what’s funny is my system allows me to create courses in like an hour…

It’s really ironic that when you master content consumption, you become unknowingly a content master because you’ve been able to take out the gold nuggets from and then curate it.

I could do that… but then again, that’s like Tony Stark selling his Iron Man Suit and making it mass market… Could be disruptive for sure. Its too unfair

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Literally my only problem in learning now is figuring out and breaking down the Topics I need to learn and understanding how they relate to each other…

For Sales there are like 10 topics like Communication, Presentation, Closing, etc.

But when you figure that out… You can take all the sales books and break down into parts where it talks about Closing for ex. and then bam, you can reference the different perspectives each author has on that topic to create your own understanding…

So when you need to teach it, you literally have the mastery of other peoples years of knowledge. Profound.

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Information is like unrefined Diamonds or Gold…

You need to break down the unnecessary (Cut the Fat) in order to get to the core essence of it.

This is Level 1 Connections:
Screenshot 2023-02-11 at 12.23.28 PM

This is Level 2:
Screenshot 2023-02-11 at 12.24.22 PM

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So you skipped ST2 and then wondering why ST3 isn’t working as well as it could?

are you talking about the ability to think several moves ahead and kind of outsmart the competition like a great general?

are you getting this effect from Hom?

i ask because i bought QLM thinking that title was best for this but maybe im wrong and Hom is

Not everyone goes by the book lol

I don’t need Stage 2, Im not a newbie to business lol I know exactly how im going to be making money

Yeah… HoM is what I thought Limitless and Quantum Limitless would be…

HoM is moreso focused on business strategic thinking… So it may not be as all encompassing as limitless and quantum limitless…

I’ve always stayed away from “cognitive enhancing” subs because I don’t really experience any blockages in my confidence about my critical thinking ability, I’ve always been great learner… so when I did run it I didn’t really notice anything

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you ran QLM and saw better business strategic thinking from HOM then QLM?

also, if you dont mind me asking, what business are you in?

and are you the owner/founder or a high level employee?

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Marketing & Real Estate, owner

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btw, have you tested PCC for strategic thinking?

Nah, not interested at all in PCC or studying power…

I just care about building relationships, learning, taking action and achieving my dreams

I’m not someone prone to Power games or lacking that part of masculinity

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i was asking more in terms of using it for business strategy to see how it compares to HOM for that.

yeah honestly I don’t think it can compare or compete

Update… Switching out Emperor w/ Emperor Black…

My discipline has been decent… but nowhere near what it should be…

I notice the next 3 months will determine the rest of my entire year so I need to go all in…

I think my problem was I ran Emperor w/ Emperor Black… I think running Emperor Black w/ Stark will be more close to achieving my actual goals…

Stark allows me to be more relaxed but I notice Emperor is kind of like Stark, except it’s way too broad… I need the Focus, Discipline, and Alpha Status only… so I think EmpB fits the bill more


So now…

Main Title: Stark + HoM
Booster: EmpB + RICH

New Journal Here