Why is it so hard to get physical results

I find it easy to get mental results like manifesting something, increasing intelligence, confidence.
Why isn’t it the same with physical results. Like growing taller for example.
I know the changes must occur at the Dna level to get permanent physical results if they do occur.
So, are all the subs on youtube that promise physical results BS?
Idk if I’d get physical results if subliminal club made a grow taller subliminal.
Any input would be appreciated.

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Well to grow taller, there are a few ingredients to that.

A little bit more information about you would be helpful. Like, are you still a teen, or in your adult years…

It’s not my area of expertise, but I would say you definitely would require the extra calcium supply for the bones and all the other nutrients that are called for.

I remember growing pains as a youngster, and they were so intense and painful. Literally at night, it felt as if my legs were extending out another inch, and this vibrating would be going on in my bones as they were being pushed and stretched out.

How tall are you now, and what is your height goal? Perhaps set an intention and run LoTs.

Of course, it’s not guaranteed, but with the right encouragement, your subconscious will send the signals to your body to align with your conscious desires.

Just don’t expect an overnight miracle and be patient. Stick at the sub for a while, or until results manifest.

That’s my take on it.

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I’m 5’6 and want to grow 6 feet. Idk if that’s too much?
What’s LoTs?

I hope you know that this forum aka Subliminal Results Dot Com is intended to discuss the subliminal audios of SubliminalClub. Not about the personal subliminals one creates or about youtube subliminals.

Maybe the website address makes one think that we can discuss any subliminals from anywhere.

Also, we are not here to discuss the making of subliminals, a subject which you are clearly interested in. There is no issue with discussing this topic but you will have to do it in another forum. Please keep this in mind.

Have you purchased any subliminals from SubClub? Which ones are you using for physical shifting?


I have the Limitless subliminal. No I have not used any subliminal from subclub for physical results.
Anyway, I just want to know if growing taller using subliminals is even possible. If anyone using subclub has achieved height results.
Are there any testimonials, reviews?

Subliminals from here that have scripting to increase height are:

  • Wanted Black
  • Emperor Fitness Stage 3
  • Emperor Fitness Stage 4

Open a separate thread asking this question. And in the Questions and Comments section please. Not in the News and Updates section.

If you are are asking about general physical shifting, there are loads of testimonials on the forum in the threads of Wanted, Wanted Black, Emperor Fitness, Legacy of the Spartan, Spartan, and even titles like Dragon Reborn, Emperor, etc.

Physical shifting is possible but to what extent one takes action and how many limiting beliefs one has on this matter does affect results.


What are you seeking by being taller? What do you think or feel that it will offer you?
Get underneath or behind that desire to discover what you think you will gain by being taller!

I have male friends who are fairly short which has impacted their success with dating. They believe that woman don’t want them because they’re too short or that dating is so hard because of it, so that is why they experience more of it. They take action according to the short unwanted man. Flip the script.

I’ve personally dated short and tall men and find a greater liking to a man with confidence and status no matter his height. A man who’s of high value and knows it.


Beautifully said and in bed, it does not matter anyway :slight_smile:


Plus it’s cozier and more roomy if he’s not so tall … I’m a shorty though myself :sweat_smile:

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And with a taller person, there is a higher probability that he eats more, and this is where economic reasons come into play :slight_smile:

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Out of all the people in my life that DONT run subs, the guy who just naturally embodies the Wanted Black aura the most is 5’6

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The issue is genetics.

What everyone has to remember is the fact that subliminal audio is processed by the same part of the mind that processes language (which is why we laugh when people start talking about mind control and sorcery). As such, we are limited in what we can accomplish.

If I can’t convince you of something in an open conversation, it’s going to be hard to do with a subliminal as well. So, these types of titles are very difficult to create or run.

Now, muscle growth for whatever reason, seems to be easier — my guess being that most people haven’t “maxed out” on their potential muscle growth as one does naturally with height.


Tom Cruise and Kit Harington are only 5’7" (170cm)
or AZIZ ANSARI, 5’6" Indian sex symbol

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Physical results are real but depending on the actions you take you will get better or no results. For getting taller not sure since I haven’t really focused on that but aesthetic wise results and health wise 100%.

Back when I started LoTs, I did my bloodwork 3 months later to see how I am health wise. I went from almost hypothyroid to healthy thyroid, really high estrogen and prolactin to healthy estrogen and prolactin levels. Grew a nice beard and got a slimmer face and grew a wider back, shoulders and arms that even people who didn’t see me for a few months commented on.

BUT I’m someone who works out 3 times a week minimum, does 10k steps, eats a somewhat healthy diet and tries to get pretty good sleep which are critical to having good physical shifting results if you don’t stay healthy or try to it will be very hard to get physical shifting results.

I see some people back in day running Wanted expecting crazy physical shifting results while they don’t even work out, do cardio, eat badly and then complain that their not getting physical shifting results when the obvious is that their unhealthy and lazy and not taking action towards the subs objectives.


It may be helpful to undergo an X-ray to determine if your growth plates have closed. If they have not, you may still have the opportunity to grow taller by utilizing Wanted and Emperor Fitness. Please understand that I’m just being honest and mean no offense whatsoever.

The answer is in your question

“Why is it so hard to get physical results?”


@RVconsultant can you move this to questions and comments

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