Why is building a base so important

I know I’m asking this as I am finally taking the time to do this myself but I was hoping to get some input and clarification

If it’s okay to ask, I’m curious, before anyone gives you an answer, what it means to you or your interpretation?


That’s part of why I’m asking. To figure out exactly what it means. For me it means building a solid inner frame and self love

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So hypothetically speaking, if you have no inner frame or self-love, how would that affect everything else in your life?

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A base consists of your most fundamental belief structures.

Hence why it’s called BASE.

Basic, fundamental, etc.

What this really means, is your self-perception and self-concept on a subconscious level.

It’s probably the most important thing because your entire experience is limited to the range of that. This means every aspect of your life from wealth, romance, general success, health, etc.

Think of it like a tree, your base is the root. If your root is terrible, then your tree and all of the branches are going to be as well. They’re all limited to the root.

Now if you upgrade your root, then the tree starts to heal. Branches starting look better. The tree can grow more, it’s more powerful. Less limited, less constricted.

Another analogy:


Think of your subconscious framework as a computer.

What is the base of a computer? It’s the enclosure that houses all of the internal components.

CPU, motherboard, RAM, storage drives, power supply, etc.

Imagine if all of these things were more powerful. No. Imagine all of these things were weak, glitchy, broken, and fucked up. Now you run the computer. Are you satisfied with its performance? Are you satisfied with what it’s incapable of running? Of course not. You have to upgrade the base, lol.

Self-love is one of those extremely important internal components. A lot of interplay and a lot of say, in the overall performance of the computer. If the self-love component is fucked, then your computer is heavily damaged. It’s not going to be fun.

Let’s try to run this program here… it’s called healthy, positive and fulfilling relationships.exe.

Oh wait, what’s this?

Minimum requirements: High self-love.

Any of this make sense? Just extract whatever sticks out.


Base mainly consists of

  1. Power dynamic of self (weak or powerful)
  2. Self-worth (worthy or not worthy)
  3. Self-love (low self-esteem vs high self-esteem)

So when you’re upgrading your base, you’re merely doing general self-empowerment and healing of traumas.

Beliefs based on not being powerful (victim), unworthy (not good enough), self-hate (lack of self-love) are classified as trauma. Trauma is what weakens base.

What you’ll find, is that 99.9% of people have really weak bases and majority of their issues in life (wealth, romance, health, relationships, general success) can be chalked down to that.

Hence why, if you look at every new person who enters this forum looking for advice and talking about their struggles… the root of their issue will always be one of these.

What you’ll also find, is that the term “beta male” is nothing more than a weak base (traumatized framework) hence the term:

I might be missing something, (in a rush atm, lol)


+1 to what @Luther24 said. The stack you chose (Ascension+LBfH) is perfect for the job, I would only add PCC to it in order to strengthen your external power and to deal with the monsters swiftly.

The very stack I recommended to you about two months ago.


That was two months ago already?

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Take me as a example.
Spring 2021 I was depressed, a nice guy, unable to search for work (didn’t even know why), a porn addict, next to no energy to care for myself.
Then I started my self development journey.
I booked a coaching class. Pretty expensive, but my heart knew it’s the way to go.
After one month I understood, that I can’t love myself, my self worth is in shambles, and my confidence was zero. I started to understand why life was the way it was. That everything I experienced before and everything I learned only was able to bring me to exactly this point in life.
But I started to work on this core. On one magic life weekend of my coaching class, I regained my selflove. I was high on self-love for over a weak. Didn’t need more than 4 hours of sleep, high energy, a friend even asked if I was smoking weed.
That led to meeting my soulmate. Together we learned and trained all the techniques from our coaching class. We started to heal tons of traumas. Very consciously. My fear of money, success, abandonment etc.
We were building our bases. That’s two years since we started this journey together. And I still find underlying topics, fears and traumas.
Lastly I found SC. And it seems to be doing the trick for me. I finally understood the importance of taking action (which was one of the basics from my coaching class, but I wasn’t able to comprehend on a deeper level).
Now I’m finally able to look for a job while simultaneously build on my coaching business.

Friends of mine who started with a much more solid base are steps ahead of me. Some even making more then 10k a month.

To put it biblically, as a theologian, you need to build on stone. You can buy the most fancy kitchen for 50k, but if you’ve built on sand it will just vanish in the ground. So build a solid foundation of stone and you can start creating culinary wonders with stuff from goodwill.


Can you expand a bit on what you mean with #1?

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In my opinion a base is different for everyone. But essentially it’s so important because without it you repeat the same patterns that got you in the current life you live today.

People who grew up with ideal factors start with that base setup and then life is built on top. Through self awareness and reflection you can better understand what your base is missing vs throwing a sub at it.

For example my emotional regulation/understanding is not great. Aversion to emotions and an overall lack of understanding how they can be used as a sort of compass for my life. This means that while I do have a problem with being assertive at times, it’s tied to another even more basic level beneath that I have to address before working on the behavior itself. So confidence is a need, but it’s the base under that I have to build too.

People have all different levels to this stuff. I don’t think there’s one ideal base. I’ll say this, things can go really sideways in childhood. More than I was readily willing to admit. And then you can spend a lot of adulthood trying to smooth over that really unstable foundation.



Basically, personal power.

Weak personal power = Beliefs about having little control or influence over their life. Lack of self-belief or awareness in their potential. Powerless or helpless in the face of challenges. Often seeing themselves as a victim of circumstances.

“I’m a victim and I’m powerless in my life to do anything. I can’t change my life or circumstances.”

Strong personal power = Belief that you can make choices and shape your future/life. The ability to take initiative and have courage to go into the unknown. Set goals and work towards achieving them. Limitless potential (subliminal club).

“I can do anything I set my mind to. I can become legendary”.

Power dynamic of self, is related to Locus of Control.

Internal Locus of Control = strong power dynamic of self

External Locus of Control = weak power dynamic of self

Perception of control and influence over your life.

You can imagine how much of a say, the “setting” of this particular fundamental component of your subconscious framework has in shaping your entire life. That should be clear enough with the tree/root analogy and the computer analogy.

Or just ponder upon the idea of “how much of my life, is a reflection of my beliefs?”.

Your entire base is subconscious by the way. I’m referring to your internal framework… you actually have to integrate them deep inside (congruence), rather than purely rationalize them on a conscious level.

It’s not enough to consciously tell yourself that you are powerful or can do anything; your deep-seated beliefs and subconscious mind need to reflect this belief as well. This requires inner work, such as changing deep-seated beliefs or healing from past traumas.

Example of this kind of incongruence is basically 95% of New Age:

Kids that go “I’m a powerful infinite consciousness bro!”. Then they go back to fearing failure, binge-watching porn, and being a sheep to FOMO.

You have to integrate it on a subconscious level and internalize it in your framework - this means actual reconfiguration of deep-seated beliefs and/or healing from traumas. You actually have to do the work. Subliminals happen to help with that.

Congruence in layman’s terms is basically your conscious beliefs being aligned with your subconscious framework.

Talking the talk = consciously believing
Walking the walk = subconsciously believing

This answer should be more than sufficient.


This was more then enough really :rofl:

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As Important as base is. Being able to destory and rebuild equally important. Just as Saint mentioned when he discarded Qv2 for ZP. It is equally important to be able to pivot.

My biggest breakthrough to date happened after i’ve let go of everything that made me who i am. Years upon years of hustle, self talk and subliminal use. I reached a point where the first floor had to be replaced, and inturn destorying every story above in order to rebuild higher and more stable than ever.

The only constant is change, evolve and adapt