Comparision mindset?

I noticed this behavior recently, I always compare my self to other based on body parts like height,size, color always in my head thinking someone taller or bigger has better advantage than me as a man.

I don’t know what might have caused this. It almost disturbs me mostly when I want to talk to a lady.


Low self esteem
Little self love

I heard about a new sub that would probably be ideal in your case…LBH :wink:


Does this only happen to you recently or this has happened but you only noticed it now? Regardless this happened to me too, though not necessary about appearance, and in my case I was “taught” by society, family, and my past relationships. Some of this were subtle suggestions that I picked up on, some were brutally told to my face.


I noticed this has been around for some months now, am suspecting it might be due to long time Porn usage. I thank God am free.


I don’t understand which Sub is that ?

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I think this might stack well with Khan Total breakdown!!

Well? I would rather say perfectly. Like with any healing sub.

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That means I have to run it also. Currently running Khan Total breakdown.

Just give it a try and see how it goes. Khan is a really demanding sub. If it was too much for you then you can either give up on LBH or decrease the exposure by running your stack every 3-4 days or listening to each title for 3-8 minutes instead.

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Yeah,I have to start running it one day on,two days off. And stack with Lbh.

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Healing titles are more demanding so it may become necessary. Try it out and you’re going to see how it goes. BTW, this combo should be really interesting and it’s even possible that LBH will decrease the amount of recon on Total Breakdown.

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It’s more common than you may think. Low self esteem in most manifestations stems from exactly this.

If you’re American, my response would be “Because you live in America.”

If you live elsewhere, there’s probably a familial and/or societal aspect.

One of my personal mantras is, “Comparison to Other is useful only if it is useful.” It might not make sense on a surface level.


:joy::rofl: I live in a place worst than America.

Thank you.

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I had so many responses that stem from my ignorant world view lol. I don’t know anything about Nigeria and that kinda upsets me. :thinking:

Well, let’s keep it on your personal level then. What’s the common theme in your observation of yourself in comparison to… (fill in the blank)?

For example, I’ll use my old self. I would walk into a place and see firstly who was in there. Then, I would note the people and who was with who, who was talking with who and so on. I might feel an anxious reaction like, “Oh these people are better than me. Look, they’re comfortable and laughing.”

Or, I might see that the baddest chick in the place was with some guy and immediately I might project my own (former) insecurity and say, “Oh look. He’s clearly better than me, look who he’s with? When will it be my turn?? Why me?!”


None of this was valid, true or permanent. And as soon as I was willing to take a strong look at this inside of myself, I saw the illusion in it.

I’m not asking you to share here if you decide to look at yourself in this way. I’m just a very transparent person so I don’t mind sharing these kind of things. :slight_smile:

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I can’t tell,I haven’t been gone to America so I wouldn’t predict. But I don’t think the country one is in matters in terms of comparison of oneself with another.

But I can say that America is a Shithole country, things are happening there, Crazy things.

My question was actually about the title of your thread, and to see if you can figure out the cause of you comparing yourself to others. :slight_smile:

Your question is actually a really hard one to answer, by the way. It’s a very, very worthy one and one most of the world would benefit from asking.

Let me put it this way.
I can’t tell why I do it , but I think it started when I started hitting the gym,
WATCHING gym muscular exercise videos at a point I started feeling not enough.

Self-respect, the yellow ray is attributed to this…

Also to an extend the rose or green hues of the heart, self-love…