Why do subliminals affect strangers more?

You can expect a shake up in your personal reality in the way that people respond to you. At some point you’ll be glad for all the changes even though going through them at the time may not be so much fun. It’s definitely growth and change.

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Of course I will be glad for those changes there is no doubt about that. But still waiting for this with my Emperor :).

I forgot that Dragon Reborn is also part spirituality based. Explains why running it with Alchemist , Sage Immortal , and Love Bomb has had a tremendous impact on how I interact with people but also how they interact with me.
All that healing and releasing allows things to be way simpler


I have 5 categories I put people in


Its easy to put a rotten pice of fruit in the trash
So it is with people
It is the first 2-3 times hard to remove people from your heart/energetic system but if you did that a couple of times it gets funny.

Because you realize that you are in CONTROL.
And that makes you ready for connections
And FREE to choose with whom you want to spent time.



It’s almost as if you’re mindset creates an aura that people with nefarious intentions are unlikely to approach

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or where they assume you’re going to challenge them in some way, but you just keep on rolling by, and they weren’t even on your radar, with that alpha flavor of your particular stack. :smiley:

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The New Testament says that no one at home is a prophet.

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This is part of why I believe in the value of Inner Circle and this module, Limiting People Remover. Let’s all safely take out bad people from our lives.


i want that.


Sounds like khan is really doing its magic. Its one of the most powerful subs in the world.


You can say that again.

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Sorry you all are losing friends. Have any of you considered running Inner Circle to perhaps find new and better ones?


Thanks for your concern @RVconsultant :pray: I actually have it in one of my customs. And also I just need to go out and socialize more, so I’m not feeling that lonely, just a bit bored maybe, and also I chose to withdraw for a reason.

Right now I’m just experiencing a lot of out group bias because I don’t hang with that people often since last year. But that’s good for practice, somewhat like lone travelling.

But I like your thinking, one has to be willing to let go of the old and fill it with newness. I’ll probably pretty soon have some things to report about IC, because my outer world will change drastically from now on. I have to find a new place to live, a new job, and also new circles of friends.

The positive side to that is a lot of new stimulus for my mind and lack of old negative patterns, which will be good to change into a new future.


I seem to be “losing” friends too, but more so because my subconscious is guiding me to cut them out. I know how much of an influence the people you hang around most can have, and as I continue to grow I realize more people that are anchors holding me back in old patterns that no longer serve.

It can be a lonely journey but as you said: when one door closes another one opens.


I don’t think you guys should feel too bad about losing these friends. Sure it’s gonna suck now. But it just means they are making space for the right people to come into your life.


I agree completely @SubliminalUser the temporary discomfort is worth the long term gain. Kind of like reconiciliation :joy:

I’ve experienced this in the past with other friendships and the upgrade always comes. You have to make space for it.


@pacman I think Khan will help manifest new friends so just stick with it.

I can already sense positive changes in you especially in the last week or so :slight_smile:


losing some friends is kinda part of growth, i think every person who choose the route of actually devolpment will face some kind of problem with friends, i had lots of friends, but one day i couldnt just stay with them

they were all smokers, and weed smokers, and ive cut all that,

sometimes they leave by themselves and they cant handle your new you, and sometimes you have to do it if you want to grow and prosper,

you guys are on the right path :pray:


That’s exactly what happened to me a couple of years ago when I started listening to an “alpha” program.

The same story here and we were best friends for over 25 years, since we were 3 or 4 y.o…


Glad to know I’m not alone with this. Been dropping a lot of my friends particularly since running Khan. The dynamic of many of my friendships has changed so much and many of the people I once considered friends are just not in congruence with who I’m becoming. I know the temporary discomfort / loneliness will be worth the upgraded friendships and relationships that are coming my way.