Which title can supplement efforts towards earning from digital marketing?

Which title can supplement efforts towards earning from digital marketing?

Thanks in advance!


@Billions is using Ascended Mogul to earn well in this field.

But I suppose wealth based titles like Mogul, Emperor, Ecstasy of Gold, RICH Ultima will also work well with it.

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If I’m not mistaken, starkQ would work as well.


Ascended Mogul helped me out with were taking action, money beliefs, and confidence.

It got me thinking about my business all the time and wanting to work on it. It helped me speak to other people with professionalism.

It also made me stressed out a lot. I needed that stress to start my business at the beginning, but now I’m listening to Mogul for more focus on money beliefs and less on alpha/competition/workaholicism.

I don’t technically “do” any digital marketing. I just sell my team’s digital marketing services… and that’s a key difference.

There are so many different types of digital marketing, I think you should give us more context. Where are you working now? What kind of digital marketing do you want to do? Do you want to run a company or be an employee? Do you need to learn marketing or do you already know it? Do you plan on doing sales? Etc. Etc.

Overall, StarkQ is going to be your best bet. It has social scripting, intelligence scripting, money scripting, and motivational scripting. You can stack it with the commander or the executive or godlike masculinity to counterbalance what some people call its feminine aspect.

If you haven’t started a business yet, Ascended Mogul is going to be your best bet, then add StarkQ in a few weeks/months.

If you’re in a technical type of Digital Marketing, like ad optimization, or something that takes a lot of cognition, Then StarkQ and/or one of the Limitless titles will be your best bet.

If you’re already an entrepreneur but want to become a highly successful entrepreneur, then Ecstacy of Gold or Emperor HOM will be your best bet.

If you’re a visual artist, perhaps a title like Renessaince Man would be interesting… i have no experience with this.


@Billions Hey bro! Thanks! This is really insightful.

I wanna start off with freelance, specifically I wanna start off with SEO.

I’m learning it from scratch.

I did Ascended Mogul and Quantum Limitless for a few weeks.

But in order to accommodate paragon Ultima,
I switched to Emperor as it has AM in it as well as QL Lite.

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I’ll point you in the direction of something you might not have considered before, and I’ll explain why if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t learn how to do SEO yourself.

You should look into “Whitelabelled SEO” and consider getting someone to do the SEO work for you while you focus on building the business.

Someone will do the SEO service for you for 400USD per month, and you can sell the services for 1000USD a month.

That way, you are selling EXPERT services for SEO and you can start making real money on it right away. You’ll get your clients better results, have more time to focus on sales, and be able to scale to 10-20 clients at a time (or MORE) rather than just 3 before not having time for any more.

On your own, it’ll take you 6 months to get good at SEO if you work on it like a madman. Then you have to get your first client, get him results, get a testimonial, and then get MORE clients after that testimonial. You’ll have to be distracted, focusing on building a business AND learning the skills needed to get results.


You could get a whitelabelling company to do it for you so that the ONLY thing you have to worry about is selling your business’s service and growing your company. Because you’re not fulfilling the service, it won’t be more time intensive whether you have 3 clients or 20 clients.

And if you want to learn SEO while you’re selling the service and getting the whitelabelling company to do it for you that’s absolutely good too.


Wow @Billions, you are a legend!

I have mad respect for you bro.
Getting advice from someone who has done it in the field, means alot.

Problem is, I don’t have any service or product yet, dont even have any idea on what service or product I would want to sell.

So, for a long time I was just sitting around waiting for the business idea to pop out. But it never came but I just kept on waiting.

So now I just decided to take some sort of action towards setting up a Income source from digital marketing.

I really don’t have much or any idea how this digital marketing works as of yet. Or how I can set up a business, or what business to set up.

If you could give me some more advice in this direction, it will be really helpful. And I will also help to you in one way or the other in the future, as I believe that the only way to succeed is by win-win outcomes for all.

So, if you haven’t started yet, the #1 sub to take is Ascended Mogul. The rest of the stuff in Emperor will just distract you, while Ascended Mogul is what gets you started in the entrepreneurial journey.

That’s not coming from me, either, that’s coming from Saint Sovereign, the founder of this site.

If you haven’t started your business and gotten results with it yet, listen to ascended mogul. Once you have results and want to turn your business into an empire, then you switch to emperor.

Sounds like you just gotta keep learning, man. Take a course. Invest in some education specifically geared towards how to start an online business. Figure out what you can do that’s white collar work rather than blue collar work even if it means being an employee as somebody’s personal assistant at a real estate office (or whatever niche you’re interested in).

And don’t wait for the right idea to start. Don’t prepare 3-6 months before taking action. Just ask yourself what you can do THIS month to get a little bit of money coming in and then try your hardest to do it. Can you make 50 bucks selling some books on Amazon? OK, great, do it… that’s $50 more than you’re making online right now.

you might want to look into “Seth’s Courses” for Digital Marketing related stuff, I’ll link to it.

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