When zero point custom comes out, can I buy a male version of heterosecual?

i want it. !!

sorry i misspelled it.

even still, what the hell are you talking about? lol. There is no “Heterosexual” sub

The misspelling was easy to figure out, but the question itself still makes no sense.

Simon’s explanation clarifies it. That was pretty amazing work.

Based on Simon’s response, I think he’s asking–for programs that can potentially work for any gender or sexual orientation-- whether there can be a version calibrated specifically for the needs of heterosexual cis-gender males,

I think.


So you’re asking if – in the future – one can choose a Homosexual version while ordering, instead of default?

Still a good question. :blush:

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that question makes sense. :wink:

All of this deciphering and explanation is kind of unnecessary since the answer is simply:


(the programs just are what they are)

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a sub that is a “male version of heterosexual” squarely implies heterosexual male, since those are the words it uses. Are you saying you want a “homosecual” version of the subs?

It goes back to this post


I want a men’s version, not a unisex.

Wanted has NEVER been unisex. Like. EVER


It’s only for men. It’s the male version of Seductress


Bro. Do you want a heterosexual version of WANTED or some other subliminal title?

If you mean WANTED, it is already made for Heterosexual men. It is clearly stated in the sales page of WANTED that it is “the male version of Seductress.”

It can work for Homosexual men but with conscious guidance. But Heterosexual men benefit most from it.

Hope this clarifies things for you.


The brothers have already answered this for Wanted. Most other titles are Unisex (or so I’ve been told).

However, the question arises why you would want that?

Unisex means the scripting works in such a way that it applies to your subconsciously desired sex/gender. Having a male only version wouldn’t change anything there, because your subconscious already knows you’re male?


This is because I’m a man, but my unconscious identity is formed into a woman, so when I listen to general products, I turn into a woman. Perhaps it’s a side effect of using the wrong product of another company for a long time in the past.

So if I use a version that only men can use, I think it will form a male identity.

Unconsciously female and biologically gender is male. and i want heterosexual male.

I used the wrong product in the past two years, and it was to change gender.(binaural beats)

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I think you mean you are exhibiting some feminine characteristics.

In which case Godlike Masculinity will be a good addition to your stack.

And later Khan is a good idea. It has very masculine and dominant traits.

I have run both of them and they are both very good for developing Masculinity.


So you want to change from uncouscious female to male while still being physically male am I right ?

If I am so just listen to regular sub like any male would, your uncounscious will shift with your will and with the help of the sub, at least it has a lot of probability to. And if it’s not thanks to the sub your min on solo mode can acheive that IMHO

At least that’s what I would do
(Also don’t make me say what I haven’t said, I’m not telling just because you want it that it work just like that, it may need a lot of time and work or just a bit, I don’t know I’m not a professional or even worse, I’m not you !)

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I’d like to understand what you are posting. There is nothing in the WANTED program that would create your unconscious identity into a woman or to turn you into a woman.

I think you are wondering if you used a product from someone that changed how you think about your gender.

If you are wanting to undo some undesirable programming, you could read about Dragon Reborn and see if that might be something you think could help you.


Processing… connecting dots and reticulating splines…

I think I get it now.

What you want is a non-unisex custom. A custom which emphasizes and reinforces masculine traits and would grow hair on a woman’s chest if she listened to it. A no-holds barred, zero f*cks given, genuine bad boy sub. A… Okay, I’ll stop now.

Most of our subs and modules are unisex. Suppose a sub contains 50 desirable qualities. A male listener may pick up 35 which are useful for men, a female listener may pick 30. There will be some overlap, but generally your mind will ignore the stuff which it doesn’t feel belong to you. And it may pick up a surprising quality which you never though was masculine but is really powerful in a man.

Some subliminals, like Khan or Emperor, have what I would call a gender bias or preference. They work better on men. And Wanted is designed for men and meant to be listened to by men, much like Empress is for women.

None of our subs will force gender confusion.

If a masculine heterosexual man listens to Empress combined with a custom which contains everything love and empathy, it still won’t make him less of a man. Nor will it make him a so-called wussy. But he may end up becoming more kind and compassionate, both traits which can be quite powerful and attractive in a confident man.

If you have been (intentional or by accident) been exposed to a great deal of sissification, femdom or other influences which aim to chip away at your masculinity, you will definitely be able to create a subliminal in our store which brings out what you believe are masculine traits.

I would strongly recommend not to go overboard. If you include everything masculine you may jump over to the other extreme of the spectrum and become a giant arsehole. As they say, going from pussy to arsehole only takes a few inches…

So create a custom with a moderate amount of masculinity and also a few softer of getting-in-touch-with-yourself modules.

And in the store, pick some of the more targeted subliminals like Primal and Ascension. Listening to Primal for a while may just be what you’re looking for. And then, in time, move to Primal Seduction. But don’t start with that one. Start with just Primal.

One little word of “warning”. As I stated, our subliminals will never create gender confusion in people if it wasn’t there already. They respect what you are and what you believe.

But this is also a little gotcha. If you are currently unclear about what a real man is, what masculinity is, it will be difficult for the sub to guide you to where you want to go. A homosexual male exposed to a massive amount of our masculinity subs will not suddenly be heterosexual. At your core, you are what you are.

You should read stuff about what you think you want. Read about alpha, sigma and omega males, possibly outdated as that concept may be. Read about the natural healthy balance between dominant and submissive. Read some PUA material focused on inner game, even if you’re not ready to go out yet. Or search for masculine body language, kino and Latin dances like the Tango and practice it until it starts feeling natural. With body language, fake it till you make it actually works. Body language can and will temporarily shift your state.

But also read about what makes a gentleman or how to have successful and healthy relationships as a male (from quality sources on that last one, no girly magazines).

I’m sure people here can offer you good suggestions.

The message being is that even though our subs will expose you to masculine qualities, your belief plays a big part. Figure out what kind of man you want to be, keep that in your mind and remind yourself often. Then the subs know where you want to go and they’ll take you there, give or take a few traffic jams on the way.

By the way, without going to much into it, there are actually “de-programming” videos which feature porn segments and rough music while flashing simple subliminal messages on the screen. No idea if they work long term, but I tried some for fun in the past and after a few minutes I really felt like all women were mine to do with whatever I wanted. That stuff really made me feel empowered for about 30 minutes. Or longer, depending on how hard I worked to maintain the state. It was very interesting.

PS Apologies if it’s a bit complicated, I tend to write in big words…