What will be your Quintessance Zero Point Stack (+ Qv2 customs if any)?

It is early and hard to say. I assume that QL won’t be a ZP soon so I will keep it as Qv2 (I am currently on QL ST2) in my stack plus two ZP titles which could be probably Wanted and second one Alpha ( Jean-Luc Picard). And if a new listening pattern would allow, I would also like to use as ultimas either Paragon or Rich.


QL v2 + Picard QZP + WANTED QZP

The intelligent and handsome leader :ok_hand:


I like the name Picard QZP, let’s use it :).


I feel like emigrating and starting a new life overseas. Perhaps being WANTED for my economic value by other countries would be best.

So maybe QZP WANTED + R.I.C.H + QL v2


What about you, what would you pick?


Mine will be:

  • Picard QZP +
  • Paragon QZP +
  • Ultimate Artist QZP

To lead my life into health and wealth


I forgot to mention, that maybe I will take four titles in rotation, three on a one day. And that last one will be RICH.

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Are you sure? I think stack rotation is adviced every 45 days or something. EDIT: for QZP, I mean.


I mean I will listen only to three titles to listening day, but overall from four titles in rotation but it has time, it is just an idea, not sure if I do it in that way. But you are probably right, better to stick just to three ones.

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@Deadpool - I can understand the dilemma. I would love to include WANTED too but that would be too much. Anyway, will see after Picard QZP is released.

There is still time to decide though. Just thought this thread would be a useful and fun exercise to do. Prepare us in advance by thinking about it.

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You were right @Lion it was a bad idea. I will just stick to three titles. Better safe and not greedy than sorry :). 45 days will pass quickly so no hurry :slight_smile:


Haha I understand. If anything, we can reach the goals of our 3 titles and then move on to other titles instead of being stuck juggling 4 titles.

If anything, am now thinking whether I should just run 2 (Paragon is necessary for me)


Nice. Am guessing you will think about Picard QZP based on its sales page when it releases? Or no interest at all?

Possibly. If it helps in my career

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Wanted ZP stacked with my Stark QV2 custom

I really want the physical changes to happen.


Excellent, man. That’s a tight stack.


Really good exercise in preparation for qzp. Hmmm the three I’d pick are:

  1. Wanted qzp
  2. Heart song qzp
  3. Sage Immortal qv2

Get my body on point with wanted. Find some girls to enjoy my time with heart song. Be nice and calm while also helping to develop my spiritual side with Sage Immortal.

Sounds good for the first 45 days, then my next focus afterwards might be:

1.Rich qzp
2.Khan qzp
3. Ascended Mogul qv2

Rich would just help to increase my ceiling wealth limit and help generate other forms of income. While khan would still give me that sexual vibe, which I’d use that to help focus that energy on being productive and making my reality of being my own boss come true. Ascended Mogul to have an alpha frame of mind and to direct the qzp into making money :moneybag:


I plan on switching Wanted Qv2 for Wanted ZP, like @TheBoxingScientist I have a strong preference to run the prototype of wanted which created crazy physical shifting.


Love that you put a lot of thought into it. Excellent stack rotation ideas, bro. Covered all your bases.

You gonna be an absolute rich, intelligent and sexual beast


The sex part is to make me feel confident sexually again after my great depression where I had trouble getting hard and staying hard…