What is an aura?

For years I’ve thought it was mainly nonverbal communication. Body language.

I still think that’s part of it.

But I’ve had experiences that can’t fully be explained by that. So I’m following the thread. :joy:

There is the BJ aura that work quite well from the reviews.
And there is the invisible presence that some may have experienced when we/someone enter a room and people feel it.

@Solar, I read the wikipedia. How does this explanation make sense of the BJ aura in BDLM for example? Does the aura contains multiples information such as status, attractiveness but also suckable dick (in the case of BDLM)?

Wether you believe in aura and/or energy does not matter as it still exists

I dont know what they included in the script so I cannot explain how it works, maybe using some sort of magnetic energy to draw the attention to the private part + some sexual energy for the proper mood?

But auras are a thing in almost every other title

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying it doesn’t exist because we see its effects.

I am saying before jumping into the only definition that comes from only one tradition, maybe there are other ways to describe it. Energy often look like a buzzword for things we cannot explain, that’s why I mentioned body language as maybe one of the factors.

So it is like an energy body that talk to another energy body. So it doesn’t contain only one information but thousands, like our body language can describe our status but also power, attractiveness, health, etc.


Aura according to SC


This is all nothing more than my opinion and theory.

Definition of Aura: the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.

So you can imagine, if you have a bunch of internal changes (including body language, micro-expressions and how you subconsciously project your intention and emotion as a subset of your flowing thoughts) which most of the subs have… you will generate a different “atmosphere” or “quality” around you. So an aura, essentially, is a vague total generalization of how you are perceived through all of your aspects.

Here is the thing. When we are talking about the vague total generalization of how a person is perceived… we have a tendency to limit that to things which are immediate, conscious and scientifically verifiable through our conscious senses. Example: Micro-expressions and body language. This is ignorance because there are a billion pieces of data firing off in real time that were are unconsciously aware of in any interactions or real-time perception… so limiting it to what we can only consciously discern makes zero sense. The likelihood that there is more, is high in probability given phenomenon that people report in which there are absolutely no logical explanation to. For example, telepathy.

We can talk about “energy body” and “auric fields” but there is no proof. In my opinion and experience, I chalk the mechanism down to the most fundamental (consciousness/mind). I’m talking about seemingly non-physical influence towards other people in relation to changes within self, in which sole physical interaction in the form of micro-expression or body language was out of the equation. These instances are all over the forum.

My opinion is that, basically, your subconscious mind (an aspect of your consciousness) is always exchanging information with other people. We’re all actually connected on a profound level.

If your aura is an expression of your totality… then that is preceded by the make-up of your internal framework (thoughts, emotions, belief systems, etc). So basically, people are not really responding to your aura, they’re responding to your internal framework.

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that’s a lot there, lol

to simplify…

I throw it in the category of “subconscious” because that’s the most accurate category.

Then based off of my knowledge that our subconscious minds are exchanging data (in my experience and what I’ve seen)… the most objective assumption without any woo-woo or new age lingo, is that the response is created through acknowledgement of their subconscious mind.

no “energy bodies”, “energetic fields”, “auric morphic frequencies” or etc.

Whatever mechanism of definition for any tradition would still have to follow the same logical formula.


Lol please don’t delete your posts :sweat_smile:

True, I would even argue that body language is almost unconsciously read so this add to what you say .

What would you make of something like entering a room and people turning their head to see you even 30 feet away. It must be either something chemical sent or energetical even if I dont like the idea because not precise. Or in your model of consciousness to consciousness there is no distance involved?

Nobody said anything about microexpressions and body language being limited to what we can consciously discern.

Plenty of people who say they’re “psychic” actually think they are. They’re doing stuff like reading those microexpressions and body language at the level of subconscious competence.

And if you cut them off from being able to see the client during a “reading” suddenly their “guides” or whatever aren’t communicating clearly.

In one if their books, Bandler and Grinder talked about testing out psychometry during a workshop. For fun.

They found people were quite adept at getting hits on random objects the participants had put into a communal table.

Until they subtly stood between the psycho meter and the owner of a given object. Suddenly the stuff didn’t work.


In my case, it’s usually the ridiculously funny tee shirt I’m wearing.


There is no distance in my experience.

If I take:

and ask the question “well what is the range limit on this data exchange? How much distance”.

I’ve had experiences where I run a sub like Chosen and someone from halfway across the world, in the another country calls me up and texts me. Despite not reaching out for to me for the past 2 years.

There is no distance.

That’s because your entire reality is interfacing with your consciousness. That’s how powerful you are but yeah… lmao. We’re going too woo-woo hahahaha. Remember, these are just my opinions, im no expert and I just eat watermelon blueberries and stuff. take care havea nice day


Was the same for me when I ran Qs of Primal Seduction and Libertine and got drunk dialed by a friend I hadn’t spoken to in a few years.


No I feel you, I meant that:

For micro-expressions and body language, even for the psychics to reach subconscious competence, it still has to be somewhat learned and first integrated through conscious means.

I’m mainly referring to people who go “it’s micro-expressions and body language, it couldn’t be anything else.” Because micro-expressions and body language are scientifically palpable. They’re rooted in what you can consciously discern. You can look at someone and with your senses, notice their body language. Micro-expressions although being in a fraction of a second are still quite consciously discernable in the sense of verifiable study and video. That’s because the study itself is based on the conscious senses.

Basically, to really get deeper,

Non-verbal communication is a subset of subconscious communication.

Non-verbal communication (micro-expressions for example), are studied by being actively looked for through the conscious senses (in the case of micro-expressions, scanning motion picture films).

My argument, is that it is ignorant to assume that Non-Verbal Communication is the only expression of subconscious communication which many people do. Especially because it’s based on conscious senses and consider that subconscious communication, is primarily non-conscious.

The most logical thing (at least for me), is to assume that subconscious communication would have elements that surpass conscious sense, as that would truly epitimize that which is subconscious.

The idea that there is a realm of subconscious that goes beneath what you can consciously assess. This is not as farfetched in theory as it seems, when we already have examples like this. For example: A belief system.

I don’t know, I’m just rambling here though lmao. Interesting stuff, eh.

One of my friend’s moms visited a scam psychic a few months ago. Thought someone did voodoo on them. Payed the guy $2000 to throw rice around their house. LMAO. Didn’t do jack shit. Imagine someone scam artist running True Sell or something hahahaha


Definetietly that happens, I have so many experiences like that I’m bet we’re not the only ones.

Even in the crappy Youtube subliminal community… I would often see people talk about listening to an “attract your crush” subliminal and talk about how their crush just texted them out of nowhere.

You hear about this stuff, then you experience it, or perhaps you experience it and then you hear about it that you were not alone. Like fucking alien encounters and shit. LMAO.

The world is a magical place or atleast I would like to believe. Perhaps quantum physics is just a fancy word for magic,

So many times I did a loop of WANTED and suddenly I would manifest strange and bizarre encounters.

Like how did me listening to water sounds… cause you to text me.

I deadass listened to WANTED once and in the next 24 hours I got a text from a friend, “I want you”.

Like what the fuck kind of shit is that? I would like to think that it’s the ZP tech doing the sorcerery, but I know that it’s working through me. In my opinion, I believe that we are sorcerers.

Even without the subs, you can do some stuff… I sure you’re learning some of this with the intending auras or intending subs to your mind via subconscious rapport.

Anyways, sometimes I would do a loop of PSZP… the whole 3 weeks prior… nothing. I’m just walking around doing my uszhe and then I’d just be in a lineup for food, at the bank or at a grocery store… look up and an uncanny situation to perfect for an approach. On PSZP it would almost often feel like I “spawned” targets to approach. Is that weird? Yeah this is weird. Lmao.

The only card to play, is the Coincidence Card. That’s the only one. But I think you would agree, in the case of text messages from people out of the blue… given the timing and context of the message. Nah. It would sometimes feel like saying that it’s a coincidence is going out of the way because the probablity is so low. And then in my experience, I have replicated it. I don’t know if coincidences can consciously be replicated… I’m no expert on the matter. Lol.

So the best I can do is assume that “hey something is up here, I don’t quite understand it” and come up with my own theory.

I have done stuff like this without any subliminals whatsoever, just raw manifesting. Consistently holding a feeling and messing around with states, etc.

anyways yeah

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Everytime the Aura conversation starts somewhere my mind immediately goes to this information Im gonna share… Its worth reading

The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions.

The subjects did not consciously intend to send or receive a signal and, in most cases, were unaware of the true purpose of the experiments. The results of these experiments have led us to conclude that the nervous system acts as an antenna, which is tuned to and responds to the magnetic fields produced by the hearts of other individuals. My colleagues and I call this energetic information exchange energetic communication and believe it to be an innate ability that heightens awareness and mediates important aspects of true empathy and sensitivity to others. Furthermore, we have observed that this energetic communication ability can be enhanced, resulting in a much deeper level of nonverbal communication, understanding and connection between people.

This suggests that when a person is in a physiologically coherent state, he or she exhibits greater sensitivity in registering the electromagnetic signals and information patterns encoded in the fields radiated by others’ hearts. At first glance the data may be interpreted to mean we are more vulnerable to the potential negative influence of incoherent patterns radiated by those around us. In fact, the opposite is true. When people are able to maintain the physiological coherence mode, they are more internally stable and thus less vulnerable to being negatively affected by the fields emanating from others. It appears that increased internal stability and coherence is what allows the increased sensitivity to emerge.


This is some deep s***. You can read between the lines about congruence. I digress @Joa23 But have you used this HeartMath tool?

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I havent yet, but Ive played and experimented with a lot of the things they talk about with very surprising results.
Its about knowing how to stablish a connection between your nervous system and somebody elses, then the flow of information goes both ways with more clarity and intensity.
Non verbals are a small part of it, important but not the main source of communication.

Im taking about direct access to emotions, images, inner dialogue and past experiences. Read and Write access so to speak.


Every time and I mean EVERY time I run Wanted ZP in earnest, Noodz girl talks to me more. If I stop with Wanted, she just disappears. Gets busy with life.

But yeah weird thing is she’ll usually hit me up on messenger “out of the blue” when I run Wanted ZP.

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