What is an Alpha Male?

As this thread reveals, it is mostly a kind of Rorschach test for people to project their notion of manliness.

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(But the fact that it’s a myth doesn’t mean you can’t use the concept or draw inspiration from it. On the contrary, some might argue that this is one of the main purposes of myth.)


Alpha males don’t really exist. It’s better to become a man of virtue and discipline.


What if she’s the female equivalent of Alphamale? :open_mouth:

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I believe there are multiple definitions of an Alpha Male.

The “Alpha Male” is just a label, a marketing jargon these days, lol.

There are some traits that all Alpha males have in common, but my own definition is quite simple: A mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually strong/healthy man who lives his life according to his own desires.

Some alphas are wealthy. Wealth definitely helps to live your life easier, but it’s not a requirement, IMHO.

I believe that if an Alpha wants to become wealthy, we’ll get there, sooner or later.

It’s not easy to become one, though. Subs definitely help you become one faster, but you still have to go out there and take action.


I got some points on Alphamale here

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Although I’m surprised this thread is still open, that’s pretty much my perspective too.

If there is something that I would define as alpha male, despite the many definitions out there, when considering a positive definition, I would put it down to a man who is indeed a man who accepts who he is without shrinking away from his physical or mental or spiritual shortcomings, who strives to become the best version of himself he can be despite his limitations, who has principles he lives by and never compromises his actions to suit this whims of others but lives by his principles even if that causes him personal suffering and pain.

Such a man appreciates the nature of woman but does not assume that every woman he encounters will fully embody her potential, and strives to help her accomplish her own even if it means they never mate, because a person who follows this path need not fear to be short of suitors, because their very character will attract the kind of woman they would want to be with.

To put it more simply, as Marcus of Babylon 5 would say: they live for the one, they die for the one.


I wanted to come here and hear it from you guys! I love hearing different viewpoints.

I know I can google or search around here, but I felt the desire to make a thread.


What’s this? Oh never mind, I guess I can just google it! :sweat_smile:

Inkblob association tests.

I remember doing something like this in psychology class back in HS!

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I’m looking forward to reading this with my coffee on the lake this morning. :pray:

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I pretty much stopped using that Alpha Male term now that the meaning has been ruined by internet gurus. At this point even dudes with a nasty attitude problem or a huge ego call themselves alpha. Instead of thinking in terms of alpha versus beta, I’d rather think in terms of emotionally, spiritually and financially strong and assertive yet respectful male vs weak and dependant male who has to fight for respect instead of commanding it.

Alpha, beta, sigma don’t mean anything at this point.

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From a sports analogy, an Alpha is someone who usually is the more capable member in a social setting and whose then able to then lead and inspire the people around him.

Someone that is looked up to and can set the standard

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I like this part a lot. Thank you.

In your opinion what it means to be an Alpha Female? Asking for myself :slight_smile:
And is there a difference between Alpha Female and a baddie or is it the same?

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I guess because such a simplistic question is not one that would ordinarily be asked, for many reasons. Although on some levels, it needs to be asked and answered, for those those who don’t already have their own answer to it, to know how to best proceed with these subliminals. You need to know what is the best form of a man to you in order to be that to a woman. That being said, what is an alpha male to you?

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A feminist. lol jk

I love to ask simplistic questions and also love to find simplistic answers for complex questions :grinning:

Make the complex more simple.

TBH, my first thought was that of an egotistical tough guy who feels bigger and better than everyone else.

Then I thought it’s just a term that doesn’t mean anything to me.

Maybe a man who’s balanced in his feminine and masculine energy, cultivates emotional mental physical and spiritual aspects in balance… probably very wealthy and successful in some form of business or businesses. The head of a company. Etc.

Now my views are seemingly changing.

Love noticing the differing meanings we all add to words labeled titles.

Edit: the guy I have been seeing on & off for a year has been called an alpha male a couple times & didn’t know what it meant himself.

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According to Urban Dictionary, a baddie is a girl who is always slaying the game and always on fleek . Basically, a girl who is extremely put together and looks phenomenal even on her off days.

[screen shot contained forbidden words]

Edit: So maybe you can be a hybrid ~ alpha female baddie :woman_superhero:

I feel I can relate to both descriptions. I just went on a journey through my past experiences with different male types according to urban dictionary :joy: fun!

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