What has your experience been with Paragon Complete

Hello folks!

I was just wondering if anyone would like to share their experience with paragon ultima.


I found it to help falling asleep and stay asleep through the nigh.
The body feels more solid and healthy.

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It has helped me sleep.

Other than that I don’t know.


There’s a review that someone submitted regarding it helping with his mother’s chronic back pain within a day or two. I’m biased, but my long battle with chronic, painful gastritis vanished after three days. I continued to run it for awhile, though. Didn’t want it to come back. That was a nightmare.


You shouldn’t have deleted this. I cracked up laughing.


I said possible alien abduction or a glitch in the matrix

@SaintSovereign Speaking of a glitch in the matrix have you ever read that subreddit?


I’m subscribed to it. :wink:


Entirely positive. It’s one of my favorite titles. Planning to build a custom with it and Sanguine/LD + Dreams, but that’s down the line.

From the top of my head, I’d say it fixed up my lunges and nasal pathways (deviated septum). I don’t know how it does it, but the power of the mind, the human body is fantastic. Sleep quality is the first thing you’d notice, like a freaking blissful child with a tummy full of curdling milk and a cuddly bear, that kind of sleep quality.(yeah, milk is real nasty for ya, think about it). Least in my case.

Fixed my damn tennis elbow that was inherited from bad training form. Also my right shoulder blade ain’t hurting nor is my leg from an over decade old breaking.

No migraines in a long while. The list is quite longer and I suspect even more so on a subtle level. This title’s technology has a great potential.

If you’re considering it, go for it, man. It’s something that one can’t go wrong with, even if you listen to it once every while. It’s like maintenance work. Haven’t popped a pain killer, neither melatonin, nor a nasal aid in a while.

TLDR: this title has saved me over 40 bucks worth of nasal bands (double if I would use them leisurely).


@SaintSovereign I want to heal my porn induced sexual dysfunction. but until a few more months, I don’t want to build up sexual energy, therefore not using Diamond.
For this case Paragon is okay right?

I might suggest adding Elixir into the mix. Paragon is more physical stuff. Elixir deals with limiting beliefs/trauma, insecurities, etc. Rebirth could help too. Really depends what aspect is most pervasive, whether its psychosomatic or physical.


Yea. Paragon V2 and Elixir V2

@mecharc, have you used Commander Ultima?

Yes. Maybe a couole of times…why what’s up?

Just that I’ve recommended it before for NoFap.

can you please share your experience?

@mecharc Emperor will also detach you from your emotions which in turn can help reduce your porn desires.

Perhaps emperor with commander.


@mecharc I bought Paragon last night to help with a few different things (muscle soreness, sleep apnea, etc.). I listened to it before bed and it actually got me to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night with my headphones still on. I was at work and had a call out at 2 am which usually leads to me being up all night. I listened to it again, went right back to sleep, and had some crazy vivid dreams. Healing wise haven’t noticed anything yet, but I did notice that this track knocks me out. Hope that adds some insight to your decision.


Just bought Paragon to see if it might help with my knee.

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