What are the best titles for quick wins?

im thinking with big title it can be a longer/harder journey,

so something that can be stacked to give you a fast improvement.

for example, someone starts a business using EOG and that might take longer to see results

but the person stacks with diamond and right away he notices sex with his wife that night is a lot more pleasurable.

so the quick result from diamond keeps him motivated while waiting for EOG results.

does this make sense to you?


In terms of wealth, :dollar: R.I.C.H

In terms of romance, :heart: Love Bomb

In terms of sexual attraction, :fire: Libertine

In terms of sexual performance, :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Diamond

In terms of productivity, :business_suit_levitating: Executive

In terms of intelligence, :brain: Beyond Limitless

In terms of energy generation, :arrow_up: As Above and :arrow_down: So Below

These are all titles where you can get quick wins.


thank you bro.

this is very helpful.

any thoughts on commander, pcc and primal?

are these good to stack for quick wins or they are too dense?

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No experience with the first two, so others will have to chime in on that. I had a very short stint with :lion: Primal. I would not say it’s dense but it’s a title for long-term growth, not for a short-term result you see on that day or the next day - even if I did experience it due to the trailer effect early on. Using it for the purpose of quick wins then might disappoint you.


what is the trailer effect?

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From Saint:-

It’s basically experiencing a lot of great effects from your initial run/runs of a subliminal. You then start experiencing recon and you might see less results as compared to your initial run. Then as you keep running it over time, your results get better and better until it’s consistently similar to what you experienced during the trailer effect and even beyond. More experienced members can correct me on this since I may be wrong here.

Think of a graph, where at the beginning it spikes all the way up then it goes down, though still higher than 0. It then consistently climbs up linearly until it surpasses the initial spike. It’s an oversimplification, since recon can pop-in randomly and there are periods of breakthroughs but that’s the basic idea.


do you have any thoughts/experience for the following titles for quick wins:

minds eye

sage immortal

true sell

I would say they aren’t suitable for quick wins. The list I gave earlier encompasses most of them. Only thing I left out was :cloud_with_lightning: Limitless Executive, which is both productivity and intelligence. Besides that, I can’t think of anything else that gives you really quick results.

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This is response to OP.

  • Mogul or Ascended Mogul
  • Renaissance Man worked fairly fast for me in ZPv1. Boost in creativity & productivity.
  • Sanguine. Not really quick win but helps with dealing with emotions and recon.
  • Rebirth maybe. Boosts titles in stack along with healing.
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True Social is a also faster acting than it’s big brother Daredevil.

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Are you possibly asking this for instant gratification? A solid foundation will last a lifetime… Just a thought :slight_smile:

Commander, PCC, and Diamond, are the quickest wins in my book.
Commander is instant-discipline, executive function, and gravitas,
PCC- is quick social power and navigation,
and Diamond- well does it what its supposed to.

Have not run Love Bomb
the others mentioned are all also great but there not as quick and definite for me at least.


what do you think about primal, the executive and sex&seduction for quick wins?

Primal is a quick win

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people told primal is not a quick win sub and it requires some time to show up

I can only speak for myself in 2 days you feel the effects.

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what did you feel?

I can only describe it as a feeling of primal strenght one of power.

Primal Seduction in ZP is definitely a quick win. Definitely.

I would start experimenting with 1-3 minute loops on the programs your interested in and see what happens.


My 2 cents from my own mistakes.
You may have said this casually but I urge you not to wait for anything.
If your saying this from a patient understanding that larger programs may take longer to fully assimilate while your out doing your best in life, then great.
If your saying it thinking if you wait long enough something will kick in or fundamentally change I would urge you to take a the former perspective.

Transformation from big titles, that leads to big results will happen over time if your acting consistently with smaller actions. If your in the mindset of waiting for something to change. It likely won’t


im saying some titles just have a larger aim and some smaller.

creating a family dynasty with HOM is obviously not going to happen in 2 days.

but there are titles that can give you a win in 2 days to keep the spirits up while on the longer journey with a title like HOM.

hopefully this makes sense.

what kind of quick wins have you seen from this title?