Nero’s Journal | The Greatest Salesman

This Journal will be an extension and sub category of my original journal which will be resumed when the time is right.

My goal with this journal will be documenting my journey as I start a pseudo career in automotive sales while I continue working on my digital marketing agency.

Subliminals that I plan on using:

  • Chosen (high priority)
  • RICH (high priority)
  • Power Can Corrupt (high priority)
  • Stark (medium priority)
  • House of Medici (medium priority)
  • Ecstasy of Gold (low priority)
  • Limit Destroyer (low priority)

Starting Thursday June 16th

Join me! :sunglasses:


All the best man. And check this post for a short review of CHOSEN + PCC:



stack hasn’t started yet, most likely going to be running Chosen + RICH for a full cyce then cycle in Power Can Corrupt. @Luther24 and @Billions have sold the powers of PCC (no pun intended)

still feels like emperor + stark is manifesting for myself even though I’ve taken a 5 day washout rather than my normal 3 day.

front desk lady (receptionist) told me she is going to start passing inbound leads to me immediately when I get on the floor after my training because she likes me and wants me to succeed, human resources lady absolutely loves me (completed all of the onboarding and training materials way ahead of schedule, making her life super easy)

still attracting some amazing resources in my life especially now that I’ve started a new career in car sales (it’s starting to connect a lot of dots for the agency as well) and the corporate trainer broke down the income that is possible and it’s beyond what I thought was possible if I’m being honest… $150k sounds a bit low which is weird to say but again there are so many levels in this game

this journal is most likely going to be a brain dump, tracking my car sales journey, with brief follow ups on agency project

looking forward to starting this stack

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Day 1: Chosen (15 Minutes)

Nothing to report. Been participating in a lot of sales training.

Day 2: Rest

Nothing to report. Completed my sales training after 5 days (passed the final exam) but still have A LOT of work to do in regards to after hours training, they provide us a ton of resources including a custom university portal.

Pretty excited to learn how to completely dominate selling.


Day 3: Power Can Corrupt (15 minutes)

Nothing much to report.

Finishing out my two weeks at the restaurant the next two days then fully devoting my time to car sales and agency building.

Ran my first loop of PCC today, and took a nap, it felt weird. Felt like I was sleeping but not really. But nothing magical has happened so far with that, I’m guessing it takes a few cycles to REALLY start feeling the leverage. @Luther24 what do you think?

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Day 4: Rest Day

Spent the day with my girlfriend, haven’t noticed any tangible improvements so far running this stack.

My theory is that it’ll take at least a cycle to really start feeling the effects of Chosen + RICH + Power Can Corrupt (thankfully they are really narrow focused subs)

Mainly just been spending my time on doing certifications for my dealership, training courses oriented around sales, and playing a little bit of league of legends to keep my sanity.

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Day 5: Chosen + RICH (15 minutes each)

Nothing to report, another day spent doing course work to get certified by the manufacturer so I can begin selling their vehicles.

I will say that I am starting to realize most of what sales is, is learning the process, learning how and what to say, and most importantly making sure the person you are talking to genuinely likes you… certainly not rocket science but it’s a pretty unique skillset (seems like it’s a sport, practice makes perfect)

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Day 6: Rest Day

Nothing to report. My days are starting to looking the same.

Wake up. Shower. Brush Teeth. Get dressed. Drive to work. Log into a computer. Do coursework on KPAs, and certifications from manufacturer. Take a break. Repeat.

I can’t move forward with anything until all of this is complete but I have been studying sales courses for car sales.

Jordan Belfort. Andy Elliott. Tom Stuker. Joe Verde.

Watching some of Alex Hormozi’s sales content as well and cherry-picking the stuff I believe would work in selling cars. But also I am giving myself greater exposure to all sales so it’ll play a valuable role for agency work as well.

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Haven’t kept up with journaling this cycle but honestly how many times can I write “Nothing to report” before it becomes redundant.

I genuinely haven’t noticed anything with this stack, Chosen feels underwhelming, and RICH feels underwhelming.

I think I will need to spend more time diving deeper into this specific titles before I notice substantial results like I did on Emperor / Stark / WANTED.

Forward we go.


Have you noticed any results from the updated version of rich?

I haven’t noticed much of any changes with this specific stack yet.

I’m still working through it though.

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@RVconsultant can you please close this thread, or delete it entirely?