Using Ultimas Situationally

Maybe this has already been answered, and if so I apologize.

I’m wondering if I can different Ultimas interchangeably for different situations.

Example: I regularly run Elixir Monday and Wednesday (Along with my stack Wanted, AM and Regeneration)

Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday are rest days for me.

If I’m going clubbing on Saturday, can I run PSITU?

What if I’ve got a lot of work to do on Sunday, can I run LEU.

Will running more than one ultima in a week cause overload or intense recon?


They can cause recon, but that’s not guaranteed. Pretty much depends on the person. It’s one of the “downfalls” of living the subliminal life – you have to plan out your week a bit more carefully than otherwise. For example, Limitless Executive can feel a bit dense for certain people (like myself, I always get recon on cognitive enhancement subs), but for others, it’s no issue. In the use case that you described, in anticipation for the work on Sunday, I would probably skip the PSITU for the club, considering that you have Wanted and AM in your stack So, you’ll have to experiment and see what works for you.


You can use ultimas situationally.


Yes you can. But the problem comes when you use too many different Ultimas over the course of the week and no real programming gets done because of it. All you will get is recon.

So in this you are practically running Elixir, WANTED, AM, Regeneration, PSITU and LEU (6 titles) in a week. Not a good idea.

Instead what you do is to sit down and think, can I have a stack of 2 or 3 titles (optimum according to me especially for new comers) that will serve all my current goals?

And like SaintSovereign mentioned, you already have WANTED which will help with your dating goals, so you can drop PSITU.

And for studying, you want to use LEU. That’s understandable but you need to consider removing Elixir and Regeneration (for example) so that you get a stack of LEU, AM, and WANTED. This way you can use LEU as part of your regular stack AND when you need a boost before a heavy work day.

Think long term instead of trying to squeeze as many titles as you can.



Awesome, thanks guys! :clinking_glasses: