UNOFFICIAL Speculations Hero Product 6th April Release

well,in fact…I am more inclined to be a bad guy…you know ,the evil genius who is keen on stealing hot girls virginity type of bad guy…that suits me better…


Actually your right the villian does get the bling, the girls and the fast cars.


You two are fucking geniuses! That’s right, sometimes the villians have the good stuff alright.
Pardon me, but I could agree their lifestyles are way… fun and better.

Of course, this shit is personal opinion.
So it’s true then? 6th of April?

I hope so, man. Plus, April fool’s was yesterday so I hope this ain’t a late joke. :sweat_smile:

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Time Dilation in Bloom. :hugs:


Fancy asking Saint to create a new product called “The Ultimate Villian” :rofl:


What’s stopping ya? :wink:
We already have Stark, which is a hero, technically.
Maybe it’s time for the other side of the coin?

Aww. fuck.

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The Evil Genius and his Girls. :heart_eyes:


The name is Bond, James Bond.

Gets any woman he desires, the tricked out Aston Martin armed with guided rockets and can go underwater. Many gadgets provided to him by Q. Badass in any fight. A license to kill. A true life in the fastlane all provided by the government.


They did Stark. They can do Bond. If they do, it’ll probably be my next sub.


Yeah but Bond is a sad alcoholic.

LOL ,:joy: that pic cracks me up…yeah…I dont mind become a villain like that…at least girls think he is cute…and I am just a normal sexy bad boy…too bad…

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I mean he enjoys his drinks, but I wouldn’t consider him a full blown alcoholic. I am founding a cocktail company yet, I am not addicted to alcohol.

Also no one hero/person is perfect. Use the best parts of them and how they would fit into your desired lifestyle.

You also command an army of minions. :hugs:


Can’t believe y’all missed the original and the best :wink:

I didn’t. I almost posted this but chose the Motorhead cover

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@emperor_obewan There is also this version which is one of my favorites

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No one is in trouble.

Okay let’s pause for a moment.

First I have no idea what is going on with this thread. It looks like Heroic Randomness.

Alright let’s do a bit logic and rationality here.

This is why it’s important to wait for an official announcement. As in the announcement comes from @SaintSovereign or @Fire or @DarkPhilosopher or me.

Where did this idea of a specific date for Hero’s release come from?