Ultima to kill junk food cravings

Emperor Fitness Supreme was a huge help for me, as well as being more ketogenic in my eating habits. I also started eating more nonstarchy vegetables.

The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan By Dr. Perlmutter MD was an enormous help! In an lecture, he said 3/4 of your plate is vegetables, 1/8 meat, and 1/8 something fatty like nuts or butter or olive oil. Worked great for me! My cravings for sugar and junk went way down.

I had my eye on this when I first joined but I have to be committed to my stack right now even though this would be hugely beneficial.

This word scares me. I like my carbohydrates. Even if it’s junk. I actually like not being restricted. This single one screams restriction to me.

I’ll check this out.

I was going to follow 2B Mindset from Beachbody - it isn’t exactly the same but it also has a plate in method in regards to portions/macro-nutrients.

I forgot you wrote about this a few days ago, your fitness journey, I need to reread it.

Thank you for reminding me. You have/had great results.


It’s been 2 hours since I looped (yes I created a new verb) Commander. Absolutely no craving for food whatsoever. I have a theory:

Commander calms me down and shuts down the need for dopamine. I also theorize that Commander has fat burning and helps convert fat for energy.

I could be wrong. Just putting it out there.


:trophy:Achievement Unlocked: Fidelity to One’s Playlist


@Brandon this might be something to at least think about.


I chuckled at that. Nice one

It’s ok. You’re young and a dancer.
Not only does your body need more carbs, you can get away with a lot more junk than the rest of us. :smile:

Ya, just do carb cycling. Any extreme cannot be right for all human bodies.

If you wanna look like a fitness model while enjoying a ton of junk carbs (literally), look up Scott Abel’s Cycle Diet. :+1:t2:

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If I want results I have to be consistent, something I’ve struggled with massively in the past.

Definitely thinking about it. I’m not currently using any Ultimas any the moment.

Honestly that’s how I feel. I don’t actually eat a lot, it’s just not the right stuff at the moment. I’m trying to fix that.

I’ll have a look into carb cycling, I’ve seen it before but never done it.

Sign me up!

Thanks for the reference man, I’ll check it out.

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OK. So first day in the books and everything worked according to plan. No food cravings the entire evening. The thought of eating didn’t appeal to me at all. Woke up and I lost 1.5 lb. Will continue this until I get down to my ideal weight.


Might be the bacteria inhabiting your stomach which is causing the cravings. Have you tried ingesting food with good bacteria ?

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I have, for sure, but still the same thing. It happens all the time to be honest. It’s frustrating as heck.


How’s it going after your first update?

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Very well. Took my daughter for Mexican takeout last night. Now I love Mexican takeout. But…I wasn’t tempted at all. This morning my daughter was cooking pasta. Now I love pasta. She asked me if I wanted some and said no thanks.

I weighed 167.8/20.7% BF this morning. I started at 172.2/21.3% three days ago. I have exercised at least once a day and have not eaten anything junky.

So…so far, so good.


Glad to hear man!

All from Commander? Are you just running one loop? Damn man, that’s impressive as hell. I’m glad to hear it’s working out well so far for you. The Commander diet really seems to be a thing.

These are good results for three days! Keep tracking and keeping us updated, I’m invested in this now aha.

Keep up the great work man!

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Thanks Brandon.

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