Title to Help Build Patience

@AlexanderGraves was the original inspiration behind this thought.

Does SubClub have a title that indirectly helps with patience?

Patience with results, ourselves, others (especially during recon, that’s one of my main tells).

Does anyone with Sanguine experience know if this title helps?

Note: I’m not asking for a recon bandage, so please, don’t answer with that in mind :slight_smile:


patience hmmmmmmmm
i find dat wut help me is
being present in tha moment, understanding others with love, trusting the future and universe that everything is working out in the large scope, understanding the triviality in the reality
its just a growth thing, spritual mayb idk

it brings me sense of ease, i am infinite patience
everything is ok :hugs:

also for results patience, is trust yourself and the subs
its all just trust, love, personal power, thse types of things work on dem and it will get better

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This module might help


i think patience could be a small module in literally every sub.

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I think Spartan fits into what you’re asking. The mental toughness aspect falls into many categories. I’ve been listening to it for three months and can say I’m more patient, worry less, and am more calm in general. Prior to adding Spartan I kept switching subs every couple weeks. The discipline from Spartan has helped me stay more consistent with listening and taking rest days.


Nice, I hadn’t thought about Spartan.

Are you listening to Spartan in a custom or the main title? :slight_smile:

Just the main title. Regardless of my future goals I’m planning on keeping Spartan on my playlist. The mental toughness has benefitted all areas of my life.

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Ahhh, maybe it was you that I read saying something similar to this! If so, you’re the reason my next Wanted Custom may include Spartan :slight_smile:

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While everything you said is great and beneficial, I specifically want input on titles:)

A good reminder, though.

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i’ll go with emperor


I like temperance, it’s a great module to remove that “instant gratification” that we now have in 2021!


How about Elixir?


I have been running Emperor QV2 for the last two days and it could easily be just me but I have been anything but patient

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SanguineQ, Spartan and EQ helped me with patience.

I felt more centered with these subs. It’s harder to get under my skin with EQ in particular.


I don’t think Spartan can be discounted but there is also the Survival Sub that has Steadfast in it which is designed to help someone be the rock others can rely on


maybe it’s just you bro. even before q when i ran emperor i become observant and a man of few words.


I was just coming on to this thread to say ‘Emperor’.

Patience is a funny thing.

It’s not static.

It doesn’t just mean ‘moving very slowly’.

It means ‘moving with the right timing and at the right rhythm’.

If you jump the gun and move too quickly, then you lose the opportunity. Same thing is true if you’re too slow.

So active patience involves energy and vigor. It’s not dead or flat.

A person who has Vision and Understanding and who is in touch with the timing of Conditions and Circumstances on the ground, will be naturally patient.

Not slow. Patient.

like this one:


Guess, I’d add the Mastermind module to the list.



Careful planning, organization and management in a profoundly calculating manner was in ancient history considered one of the most effective ways of achieving success… seen in such individuals history remembers even now – like the great military genius Cao Cao who was honoured on the levels of emperors without being one officially. Mastermind will help you plan grand plans that will help you achieve your goals with utmost creativity and rapid efficiency.

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I have both Temperance and Mastermind in a custom lol I like everyone’s input with Emperor.

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One dynamic of the subconscious mind that I’ve noticed for years, and that I’m not sure people reference on here that much:

Subconscious integration of a particular characteristic, condition, or quality is often accompanied by a conscious desire or sense of longing or wanting for that exact same characteristic, condition, or quality.

I think that the conscious mind can somehow almost sense that that quality or that condition is in the queue, but with the conscious mind’s typically highly concrete and immediate focus, it tends to question and to doubt that sense. And so instead of saying, ‘ah, I sense that wealth (for example) is on the way’, it says ‘Oh how I wish that wealth were on the way!’.

The practical takeaway of what I’m saying here is:

Your very desire itself to experience a greater capacity for patience is a possible (even likely) indicator that your mind is precisely in the process–at this very moment–of integrating the quality of patience.

The conscious mind is the ‘tail wagging the dog’ par excellence. It’s the 3-year old in the backseat with a toy steering wheel who is utterly convinced that he’s the one driving the car.

Relaxing and allowing the power of the subconscious to co-exist together (in your awareness) with your sense of egocentrism is both therapeutic and vista-widening.