Time dilation Effect in QL lite?

Is there any time dilation Effect in QL lite in emperor, as there is in QL ST3 and 4?

@Fire @SaintSovereign @RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher


like in relativity???

Quantum Focus Mode @Prome

The good thing about that is that effect happens naturally when you’re in 100% alignment and focus of your activity and/or goal.

That’s even been talked about by many people where I most recently read about it was in a book.
Michael Neil’s Creating the Impossible: How to Get Any Project Out of Your Head and into the World in Less Than 90 Days

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Yes, I would say so from experience with Emperor.

Though it theoretically could be QL still lingering around which I stopped running 2 months ago.

In my opinion you can’t expect everything in QL to be in L. It’s a much bigger sub for a reason.

However, it is a state that can occur naturally, more so when Limitless does its job. So even if you may not get the push which QL provides, it might very well still happen.

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I don’t know. You could submit a support ticket or go here: