The start to the Beginning

I went to a wedding this Friday, the woman getting married was someone my GF knew from work. I attended knowing no one. My GF knew three other women attending also from work, they all had husbands and BF’s that I got to meet. The guys were awesome, we all seemed to get along and had a great night. Come Monday one of the girls my GF works with was talking about the wedding with her. She brought up that her BF thought I was famous and proceeded to show her some famous guy on IG that he legitimately thought was me. If that doesn’t scream 'fame" scripting from Stark, I don’t know what does.


Having a wild blooming effect from the one cycle of running Legacy of the Spartan. I think I ran it almost two months ago but I am still seeing massive gains in physique. Also when working out I just feel so strong and always performing text book form. The only thing is I am not dropping fat and haven’t had any guidance around eating less to achieve weight loss. But again, I only ran it for one loop, just blown away. Once I get my career in a great place, can’t wait to run some more physical shifting titles. It’s going to be wild when physical shifting titles get the new subliminal experience.

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Had the wildest experience yesterday. Was selling some cars parts from my past car. Had them listed on FB market place for a while but had no interest so I dropped the price to free. Was hoping to just get rid of the stuff so they would be used rather then thrown away. Had a guy yesterday ask if they were still available and he told me he was a full State away but it was worth the drive because they were free. The guy drove hours to get these parts and still paid me the original asking price even after they went out of his own way to pick them up. That’s wild, definitely has to do with my listening to EOG or limit destroyer.


Had a super Stark moment last night. I have never in my life ever been front row of any event. Well I was gifted tickets to the front row at a WWE wrestling event. I’m not personally into WWE, I’ve never watched it or knew anyone fighting. But it was still an incredible experience and really cool to talk with some celebrities siting around me.

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I am starting to think more and more that Dragon reborn: limit destroyer is now helping during my workouts rather then Legacy of the Spartan.

Yes LotS helped with body shifting for sure, when my goals are less focused on success and wealth I absolutely will return to that title.

Now though I just feel so capable, strong, and focused when working out. I have a feeling it’s coming from DRLD, I am thinking I may have had bad limiting beliefs always battling me during workouts.

Had this awful dream last night, was about my ex inviting me on a camping trip. Was having a great time with my best friends and her dad, but then she goes and just rejects me hard. Was really odd. Haven’t been with her for three years now.

I started the second stage of EOG this Monday. So now my stack is EOG Stage 2, Stark, and Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer.

This Wednesday I had a super irritated angering day. There has been a new hire between me and the CMO. They are extremely incompetent and I am just fed up with holding other ups and having to explain everything a billion times just because someone can’t understand something they should absolute understand if they are in this role. This is the first time I was struggling really hard to hold back freaking out on a meeting. Normally my strength is always being calm and level headed in bowler room moments and I’m always the bigger picture team player. But they even noticed I didn’t seem excited in the meeting.

I don’t know if this is limit destroyer helping me to finally see my worth and intelligence. Now struggling to have someone above me which I should be doing their job. Or if this is EOG showing me that this corporate world is not for me and I am ready to double down and grind harder on my startup.



I want to note two shifts I am seeing. One I have touched on but it keeps coming up in life.

I think this comes from EOG St 1 or also Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer. I find myself just trusting my current path, I feel so comfortable and confident. In the past I would always get anxiety around if I am doing the right thing or doing enough to achieve my goals in life. Now I just feel solid and trust that I am where I am supposed to be. I also don’t have an ounce of doubt that I can’t accomplish whatever I come across to crush my goals. I definitely use to have analysis paralysis and fear of failure, but that’s fully melted away. This leads me to mention abundance! I always would get anxious or sad that someone else what going to accomplish my goal before me, but now I welcome competition and also realize there is so much damn money to go around. I also used to be frugal or more worried about spending money. Now I spend money not even thinking twice, I’m not over spending or putting myself in a bad position. I just don’t think about if I can afford something when I want to purchase it, abundance mindset for sure.

The other thing I notice which I don’t know where it’s coming from but my level of focus and reaction time is definitely improving. When I am at the net playing Platform Tennis and my opponent hits the balls, it’s almost as if I can see it in slow motion and feel so calm and confident I can react to anything they do. I definitely used to have issues focusing and also just felt I needed to have better reaction time. I always felt my reaction time was what was holding me back and I’ll just never have that, looking at others envious and wondering how they do it. That’s fully gone, I can do anything and everything.

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I never run limit destroyer but EoG1 definitely helped me to feel the same way after just one cycle! I’m currently back at it since the third slot in my stack is not taken by anything.

One of the most important benefits from EoG1, in my opinion, is that it stops negative money manifestations (i.e. car breaking down, requiring money to fix it). This, along with destroying of other financial limits, will allow wealth scripting in all of the other subs (and in EoG itself) to shine

@ClasSICK I totally agree, I feel having no mental or energy blockages around finances allows things to just be attracted to you. My life seems more frictionless in a way.

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Current stack is EOG Stage 2, Stark, and Dragon Reborn: Limit Destroyer. I am noticing myself honing my focus in on my goals and objectives. Though I still don’t have the discipline I would like to have. I hold myself to a really high standard and I find myself really getting down on myself lately when I deviate from those standards. I also can see and know exactly what I need to do to accomplish my goals, but I am finding myself procrastinating or just moving slowing. I feel deeply and believe I will accomplish my goals; it feels so assuring, I can visualize and feel that I have already accomplished them. Just not able to get myself to take more action. I can’t tell if I am creating excuses or afraid to fail, or something else. Though every day it feels I am getting closer to action, like I am reaching and an inch away from grabbing action, which I have never felt before.

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