The Invictus Experience (Stark ZP + ME ZP)

Do you think the VIP effect changed with Emperor?

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It’s a Chrysler 300c, wanted to get the SRT but couldn’t find any at the time I bought the car.

Yes, like I felt it somewhat from WZP, but EZP took it to a new extreme.

Like on Chosen, I felt like I was an important person, like I matter and my actions can lead to a better place, and I also felt like I was part of the royal family or something :rofl:
But with Emperor, I feel like a boss, like a man who has been through it all and came out victorious, like reality is my baby and I can make it bend to my will, whenever and however I like :wink:, and everyone feels that high status oozing from me, which makes them treat me like I’m an ascended specimen :muscle:t3::sunglasses:


Remember that wanted and chosen are still blooming…


Well I’m still using WZP, I’m not stopping it any time soon haha, but the Chosen effect is still there, yes.

In fact, that’s one of the main basis of this “side sub” theory I have, potentially, I could end up using and getting results from all the subs I want, within a SINGLE cycle of 21 days.

Rest days maximizes blooming…


Well I always have a day between each listening day, however, I suspect that it’s because of my mental capacity to handle subs, as well as the fact that private testing got me exposed to a lot of power and frequency, that I’m able to do things (such as being able to listen to 4 different titles in the same day) without any issues, and getting results from each and every one of them.

Like today’s a rest day, and I still didn’t even tell you guys the fact that for the last 3 days I’ve been getting manifestations from RICH ZP, even though the last time I played it was last week, and it was part of a test that I did to see if I can handle 4 subs a day (no loops of rich since then).


I’m just going to point out that Zp must be creating some sort of common counsciousness
Because I also decided to shave today ahahahaah

And now I just read “decided to shave to see”, well mate we might be connected in some way lol


ZP power man :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

We’re all just the extension of each other’s realities :wink:


Seems like I might have to put Emperor on hold till I get my job, man this is so confusing :upside_down_face:


Hm why? Is it having a negative impact on job hunting?

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No, but apparently Emperor is more about entrepreneurship and having that freedom over your life in every way, and well, I don’t have any interest in starting my own business because it’s kinda unnecessary here, like I’m pretty sure most people that the GDP in my country is one of the highest worldwide, so the income stream from one job is more than enough to grow.

For example: my cousin works in a governmental radio station (English station for all kinds of news), he recently got a high managerial position and is making 960k a year in our currency, that’s like 260k USD per year.

That’s why I’m just wondering if I keep Emperor and try to dominate a corporation from within, or switch till I start working.

@SaintSovereign I’d appreciate your input here.


Dude I definitely don’t think you should drop emperor. It’s not ONLY for entrepreneurs, but people who are entrepreneurs would benefit from it, but so would people of all kinds who want to focus on wealth enough to include emperor. It’s a combo of social, sexual, and financial scripting, with the addition of QL and emperor-specific stuff.


You work in marketing right? How would emperor work in that specific field?

It doesn’t really work that way IMO.

It goes deeper than that.

To recap…What does Emperor do?


  • reshapes money beliefs
  • makes you more confident in achieving money beliefs
  • more confident in social situations, around men and women
  • gives you vip status (me, you, @Davisnwc, @Ice all feeling it)
  • Sexual scripting makes you more sexual around women, dominant, like the boss.
  • QL scripting makes you smarter, improves memory, verbal fluency, etc.
  • Enhances manifestation (@Ice and myself and so far, you too a bit.)

So… you’re an unshakeable man with insane amounts of confidence that will be confident at whatever it is that you do, whether it’s marketing, sales, corporate work, or anything, even non-profit, working at a 9-5, construction/labour. When are those traits bad? Never. It’s just about whether or not they’re what you want/need.

That’s the deep level stuff. Core-beliefs around self, status, sex, money.

For more surface level marketing-specific stuff, UA or Renessaince Man or Limitless Executive is the way to go as an add-on.

But you’ll find that rarely is it about what you do, and it’s always about who you are at the core. A successful man can and will succeed at any endeavour he’s interested in, because the real keys to anything are hard work and the mind to be able to grasp what you’re working on. Emperor helps with both.

What Emperor I think helps with marketing with specifically is it gives you a drive of ambition to be your best, prove yourself, work harder than anyone else, helps you obsess over your purpose, QL makes you smarter. All of those things help any career.

In marketing, you can end up in one of two scenarios:

  1. You do everything yourself - in which case, Emperor gives work ethic and QL.
  2. Every decision is made with a big team deciding it, so, you need leadership power. In this case, Emperor is great for now but when HOM ZP comes out, I would say switch to that for marketing… it also has even stronger wealth manifestation than RICH does so I think you’ll like what it does to your character, your career, and your bottom line.

That is a trick I learned. You play a game on the hardest level and when you go back to playing the game on the level you were playing it, it’s perceptually way easier.

Like there’s some simple game where there’s lines of shapes passing by and you tap the same shape before it passes by. So if I’m plateauing then I play the hardest level a couple times. Doing horribly of course but when I go back to the speed I was at it actually appears to be moving more slowly therefore seeming to be easier while allowing me to get higher scores.


The absolute best marketing subs, depending on what your branch of marketing is, would be
Chosen (if it’s a big team scenario where you really are making all kinds of decisions as a group, not individually),
Renaissance Man
Any limitless product, whether it be L, QL, or LEU

That’s assuming that you’re not in sales.

I design marketing programs, yes, but I mainly sell them, which is why the top sub for me as a sales-guy first, marketer second would be HOM, no doubt about it.


Wow man, that was a very well written recap of everything, and yeah, now that I think about it, it’s not even as much about the subs (emperor is good enough as it is) as it is about me just having some more patience.

Like I mentioned in another thread, and the fact that I called today and they actually confirmed that they did select me (at the Olympics) but the process takes time, before they’re able to call me to sign the contract and start.
Like in a way, I wouldn’t I’m frustrated, but more like impatient because of how slow things are going, and even though I’m flying through life with ease, like with gym, my girl, family relationships, money (believe it or not, even though I’m not employed yet, I somehow keep getting money or things I want randomly, daily), and social life (emperor made it even better), I still feel like some flavor is missing in my life, because I’d honestly rather be working and have something to work towards, other than everything else I’m doing.

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Yeah and that’s why it has become much easier for me to process subs even faster.

The same thing can also be said from a weightlifting perspective, the more you lift the heavier weights on certain big exercises (like bench press), the easier it will get to lift heavy on the smaller ones (like tricep extensions), which can also allow you to train more frequently.

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HoM seems like it would be perfect for me later on, but for now, I have made up my mind, I’m not adding or changing subs until I start working, after that I can evaluate the nature of the job/position, and what subs would I need.

But from what I can tell, the subs I used for the interviews, are going to be ones suited for the organization that I interviewed for (Chosen: Olympics, Emperor: tourism council)

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That’s perfect. Just stick to your stack for a while and see the results :smiley:

By the way, the job with the better salary sounds freaking awesome, although you definitely sold yourself HARD, and if you don’t live up to those expectations in every way that job would be pretty unenjoyable for you in the long run. However, I personally think you should always live up to the biggest challenge and opportunity possible and it sounds like that would open the most doors for you, especially since you can definitely live up to everything you told them you would do. You’ve got it in you. And the skillset you’d learn there would let you work anywhere in the world for as much as their max salary is or way more. Most elite companies only hire people that’ve already worked at other elite companies, so, if it were me I would definitely take the marketing position while it’s being offered.