The Invictus Experience (Stark ZP + ME ZP)

Gonna try something different, in terms of how I journal :stuck_out_tongue:

Today’s observations:

  • people are more talkative with me, out of curiosity, respect and love.

  • I weighed 73.6kg when I woke up (.2kg increase).

  • people texted me on Snapchat, asking me to start posting my workouts again.

  • got a call from a company asking me if I would like to consider getting interviewed, I said why not, but I can’t remember what was the name even :rofl:

  • got my 3rd vaccine shot, felt like it would come in the way of my workout, but Emperor seemed to carry me really nicely.

  • finalized a new magic routine, which I’ll perform during the next friends hangout (we all said we’ll meet after everyone took their 3rd shots).

  • still smiling a lot, I felt very connected to every person I saw today, like a jolt of connectivity with all my surroundings and everyone I saw.

  • finally, I can tell I’m growing rapidly, as the T-shirt I was wearing today, started stretching too much to the point that it looks like it will tear up the next time I wear it and workout in it :sweat_smile:, while it was pretty normal just last week :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a pic I sent to my girl, of the t-shirt, while I was in the gym:


I like the new structure of your post.

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thank you man.
realized that I need to be neat.

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Felt really low on energy today :dizzy_face:
Why do vaccines have side-effects if they’re meant to make to you better :man_facepalming:t2:

Today’s observations (so far);

  • had the most weirdest dream of my life, ever, I will not share it here for now, but I sent a PM to @SaintSovereign, and then I’ll decide if I should post it here or not.

  • woke up dehydrated and weighed 73.2kg, knowing that my glycogen storage was probably low AF, and considering the dehydration, I’m probably going to weigh more than yesterday under “normal” circumstances.

  • didn’t feel like mentioning this, but I feel like I manifested the launch of DD ZP yesterday, as I was telling my girlfriend, a few hours before release, about how it would be the only thing I’d wanna switch Stark ZP with, but only if it had the same or similar celebrity vibe/aura, social attitude, and most importantly, the witty remarks. The reason for this is because if I switched Stark for DD, then my stack wouldn’t be as dense, leading to better execution of Emperor.

  • while Emperor pushed me hard in my workout last night (after the vaccine), it seems like it was a terrible idea, as I took it in my shoulder, and trained shoulders :sweat_smile: and the Emperor’s push didn’t let me lift light weights :rofl: #WorthIt.

  • been noticing how when I go and get food, I get talked to way more often (not just by girls), as well as getting special treatment (free drinks, faster orders, ignoring other customers :rofl:).

  • there’s a different kind of swagger in my walk, compared to WZP. On WZP, I felt like I was walking like a Dior supermodel, but now, I feel like I walk like a conqueror.

  • lastly, listening to Emperor helped me feel more energized. I was contemplating throwing a loop of paragon ZP earlier, but something in Emperor feels like it promotes peak human condition, which helped quite a bit.


What’s a poop loop?

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Hahahahahaha forgive my autocorrect and auto suggestion :rofl:

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Ah. Thanks for the clarification. :rofl:

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Here where I live doctors recommend not doing sports for three days after the vaccine.

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Wait what :frowning:

I asked the nurse who was giving me the shot and she said I can train after a few hours, since it was only the 3rd booster shot.
But yeah man, I wouldn’t recommend, and I’m taking a rest day from the gym today.

I was always off that day or most of the time the second day and did not even think about going to the gym.
And even this third time I had weird ticks (I thought it was just left chest muscle but backward I think it was heart) in my heart area and when I read something like that vaccines can alter your heart for some small time I got a sweat on my forehead.

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I felt that last night :upside_down_face:
It’s okay bro, I have paragon here just in case :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

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Just take a few days off and rest well :slight_smile:

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Ayyy man, thanks for looking out.

I’ll try my best :sweat_smile: you have no idea how addicted I am :stuck_out_tongue:

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This time regarding addiction rather choose drugs, not the gym :smiley: .

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A sign of growth for a man is to realize that the wet cave isn’t all there is to life :wink:


I remember you telling me something similar during the test too :sweat_smile:

But yeah man, my interests have changed quite a bit, and my current stack is pushing me towards doing more, in fact, I’ve already started making moves towards becoming more of a “fitness icon” :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

Let’s just say that in a couple weeks, I will probably need to do a crash diet for a photo shoot :stuck_out_tongue: (not 100% sure yet, but hey I took action).

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I think I’m gonna switch out LB for Chosen starting tomorrow.

LB is good, but there was something in Chosen that helped be more expressive emotionally, and I thought LB might do the same too, but I don’t feel emotional responses as much.

Like I accidentally drove over a cat a few mins ago, and felt no remorse or anything, with the only thought in my head being “life happens, if you die, you die”, not really the best way of thinking :sweat_smile:.

Chosen, on the other hand, made me save a kitten once, that was stuck under my car, took it to a vet and cared about it, but then it passed away due to a virus, but that time, I felt crushed, sad, felt actual love towards the cat, an emotional connection, and that’s what’s missing from me right now, Empathy.

@Malkuth remember when you said that there will be a time when I would be wanting those things again? Well, what do you think about now?


Ayo, the cat good?


I got First blood


At least it wasn’t a PENTA KILL

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