The GREAT GATSBY | WANTED + EmperorQ + HOM ?!?! R.I.C.H?


Just started School yesterday, will be shifting my Sub to be Wanted + StarkQ + HOM + RICH (as booster on my work days) or Limitless Executive (as booster during school study days).

Will Update ASAP in 2 weeks to report this. Took me awhile and I noticed having EmperorQ on right now is really not serving my best interests. I put HOM to add that alpha status and Wanted to actively attract people and present myself in the best light. II noticed running StarkQ I really need to have subs that counteract the challenges you are bound to face while running it, especially with people not respecting you. I think emperor has done a great job in laying my alpha foundations as I am naturally quite intimidating, now with Stark It will help me with studying and being charming and charismatic when I meet people and it was honestly the most motivating and productive sub I’ve had, even more so than Emperor, because I felt pure euphoria.

Will stack Emperor soon as I build my social foundations or see how things are.


Hey man, great journal.

How’s this been on ZP? :slight_smile:

After all, you brought me to sub club! :smiley:

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