Stammering and agoraphobia (Limitless & Wanted)

Dear all,

I suffer from stammering and agoraphobia. Speaking with authority and strangers is difficult. I have completed all my studies at home (correspondence course). I can go to office but cannot attend parties or social gatherings.

I recently purchased Quantum limitless and Wanted to become a better person. Can quantum limitless stage 1 cure my stammering and anxiety?


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Hi as a stutterer I would recommend Love Bomb for Humanity’s experimental, Ascension and Quantum limitless is also a good choice.
Wanted can wait for now.


Focus on LBFH and Ascension. Forget Wanted and QL for now.


It seems that with LBFH and Ascension we are not addressing the true essence of your issues. Trust me I was in the same spot as you.
I have tried Limitless, QL, Spartan, or Paragon to somehow alter my genetic setting. It did not work.
But after all with LBFH, I am just more calm which is helping my speech and also overall demeanor, the same for Ascension.


Woops, posted THAT ^ on the wrong post.

@RVconsultant can we move this out of news/updates and into the right category?

I’d go along with what @Deadpool suggested, QL (since you’ve already bought it) paired with Love bomb for humanity experimental (the title should still be free in the main store). I think that both of those should cover all your bases in allowing you to have a good foundation for what you want to do in the future.

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Seeing as how Agoraphobia is 101% of the time caused by trauma in the subconscious… I’d recommend a healing sub.


Probably 6 months of Khan stage 1, as the healing that Khan addresses is specifically social.

Quantum Limitless Stage 1 and Wanted are FANTASTIC choices as well, you should start there!!!

It’ll take time. keep us posted on your results. keep a journal. keep looking for tiny wins.


Thanks for the help.

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Thanks :+1:

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@Uts : Here is why I said Ascension and LBFH. Stuttering can be devastating for your self esteem. I know because I had my own struggle with it. I just don’t talk about it very much. But instinctively, Ascension (Alpha programming) and LBFH (self-love) seems to me the best way to go.


I’d trust the man with stuttering experience


As someone who has similar issues along with some anger issues, I have tried multiple things to get over it. That just doesn’t happen. For past couple of months I have been on Stark ZP and Rebirth ZP. Many people have said and I have felt it too, I have become more calm. Though recently I had too many things going on in my life so I went without subs for 10 days and by the 7-8th day I was back at my angry self. I switched over to Stark ZP and Regeneration ZP a week ago and just couple of days later I am being pushed for promotion due to my calmness under pressure :smiley:

I need to pair Stark (alpha mindset) with LBFH to see if that works better.