Spiritual and Manifestation Custom Advice

I’ve been on Alchemist Stage 4 for almost a month now and I am considering creating a custom around it. I haven’t selected the modules yet, but I was hoping that to start with, people might recommend the “must-have” modules to include. That way I have a good starting point.

So, to name a few that I think may have some skillz on this front (in no particular order):
@Hermit @Malkuth @Azriel @Simon

As I was thinking who to tag I had a brilliant idea. I went into the astrology topic and looked at the most frequent posters. :slight_smile:


I created a spirituality custom plan once you could find a bit useful, I guess:




Can you talk about your trajectory a bit? What do you consider as your growing edges, your foundations, your vision? What does spiritual life mean for you? And what does this spirituality subliminal represent for you?


Ouch, couldn’t you start with an easy question? :slight_smile:

I suppose it’s two-fold.

First, the scientist in me wants to figure out the building blocks of everything. See the world like Neo did. Have that understanding. Simply knowing, it doesn’t need to do anything with it.

The other part of me is all about the journey there. It sees a path starting by turning inward and stripping away the layers, traveling from the conscious layers to the subconscious layers to the higher self to guides and other such entities and possibly find out if there is such a thing as @Hermit’s 5D evolution.

As a result I’ve done shrooms (and I need a metric ton of them just to get me past the conscious layer, but once I am the effects are quite impressive), practice meditation, have an interest in guides, channeling and shamanistic practices.

Actually I would LOVE to learn channeling. I’m probably already doing it, sometimes I have no clue where my answers come from.

The first part of me wants to know, the second wants to get there.

My challenges would be “letting go” and to sense the energy of other things like plants or crystals (which to my knowledge is kind of essential in order to meet guides, if I can’t sense their energy I’m blind to them, like an infra-red sensor in a very hot room).

Heck, even Saint keeps telling me the subs would work 10 times better if I just let go.

I do a lot of energy work like Reiki, Tai Chi/Qi Gong and yoga practices that deal with that.

I tend to stay away from religion because I believe it is impossible for any human being to accurately put into words certain things because words are simply not sufficient and we are all colored by our past. But I would like to discover such things for myself.

I would love to learn what this friggin’ Heart Space is that everybody talks about while I’m at it. :slight_smile:

To me a spiritual sub would do pretty much to opposite of grounding me. It would blow my mind so far open I have trouble interpreting what I’m seeing. Which would be necessary for me if Saint is right and it needs to be 10x as strong to begin working.

Still, if it is possible I would like to combine it with (what Saint calls) opening the pathways to manifestation, since that could make other subs work better. Although I’m not above creating a separate Ultima for that.


+1 for this


Well, let’s see for the first batch.

The obvious ones:
  1. Alchemist ST4 Core
    Developing your spirituality and connection to your chosen beliefs.
  2. Arcane Mastery
    Amplifies any spiritual practices you might be performing no matter the tradition or style, while guiding you to do the correct ones, doing them properly, and further developing your skill in them.
  3. Avatar
    Embody and embrace the qualities of the specific spiritual tradition or religion you choose.
  4. Awakened Perception
    Develop your spiritual senses to the highest degree. Glean information from the subtlest parts of reality. Learn more about the beyond – to discover and explore it.
  5. DEUS
    Make any subliminal self-developing and to push it ever onwards in increasing power and efficiency.
  6. Divine Will
    Become truly in touch with your true will and steadily become able to manifest quicker, more powerfully and more abundantly.
  7. Energetic Development XI
    Easily improve your energetic system, helping you get better and better results with subliminals, psychological and spiritual practices.
  8. Jupiter
    Develop your ability to manifest more powerfully and more consciously.
  9. Metamorphosis
    Steadily develop your energetic system and the stillness of your mind.
  10. Omnidimensional
    Allowing the subliminal to work from an infinitely massive amount of angles. Expect things to manifest rapidly and develop changes in yourself and in your life in ever more profound ways.
  11. Pragya
    Expand and develop the physical capacity of your brain to assimilate subliminal instructions at a more accurate, faster pace.
  12. Spiritual Abundance
    Experience Spiritual Abundance in different ways, perhaps by finding new friends to help you along your journey, or new experiences during your practices, or simply a deepening with your deity or ideal.
  13. Spiritual Reality Alignment
    Align you and your reality with the spiritual reality you need the most right now, guide you along your path and help you find your purpose. Furthermore, you will start embodying spiritual success which people around you will notice.
  14. The Architect
    Imbue, develop and help you use the energetic structures of your body. Be prepared for your practices to be taken to the next level.
  15. The Flow
    Help reveal to you the interconnectedness of the universe and the secret of inner peace. Develop your sense of tranquility, becoming a walking beacon of serenity.
  16. The Merger of Worlds
    Bringing closer together your conscious and subconscious mind, allowing for faster execution of the subliminal and clearer communication between the two. You will find new abilities surfacing, a stronger intuition, and clearer vision of the things that are to come.
  17. Tyrant
    Improving your ability to influence reality by improving the super, sub and normal conscious lines, and making stronger your personal reality. Development of more powerful manifestation, increasingly more profound and faster effects.
  18. Yggdrasil
    Designed to speed and open up the pathways to manifestation.Notice the most unlikely positive circumstances and opportunities manifesting to help you with your goals.
The pretty obvious ones:
  1. All-Seeing
    Help you in developing your spiritual senses.
  2. Blue Skies
    Glimpse the hidden depths of reality, the secrets about himself he might have been hiding, develop his concept of “Love” – any kind of love, such as unconditional or romantic, and any type, be it internal or external (such as self love), as well as using such seeing beyond the physical veil to take the user’s cognitive, artistic/creative and spiritual abilities to the next level.
  3. Dream Traveler
    Having vivid dreams from which you will be able to gleam wisdom and material for growth…
  4. Everpresent
    Making you highly aware and mindful of the present moment and of yourself. Become more in tune with the present or for your spiritual endeavors, and you will see yourself becoming more and more aware each day. You can also use Everpresent if your spiritual practices involve techniques that work with imagining or visualizing future things in the present.
  5. Gratitude Embodiment
    Open wider the ways for manifestation in your life, be it in regards to business, love, sports, or simply living.
  6. Immortal’s Blade
    Cut away any negativity and malignant spiritual attachment, as well as protect you from any potential spiritual assaults or dangers. Be impervious and free of any spiritual negativity that ailed you.
  7. Naturalizer
    The more natural the changes that occur seem, the more easily you will accept them and the more swiftly you will progress. Using it will make this effect more powerful, and will result in a smoother journey of self-improvement.
  8. Power Awareness
    A profound module allowing you to become aware of your full power and potential, be that physical, mental or spiritual.
  9. The Forge
    Manifest situations that will test you, challenge you, teach you things and evolve you. It will create these situations so that not only you are truly changed, but that you profit from them.
The ones I wish I could fit in:
  1. Astral Projection Q Core
    The core of the Astral Projection Q subliminal. Use it to take your astral projection abilities to the next level, again and again.
  2. Mind’s Eye Q Core
    Mind’s Eye Q is the subliminal core to add if you desire to take your visualization to the highest levels. Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting in your Mind’s Eye in incredible detail is now within your grasp.
  3. Remote Viewing XQ Core
    Remote Viewing Q’s core, helping you master remote viewing rapidly.
The ones that might be useful:
  1. Atman
    Question you and your limits, prodding you to see why you limit yourself when you can be limitless, and allowing you to rise above the self-inflicted boundaries.
  2. Chosen of Venus
    Grow your wisdom through the power of love while unlocking the insight that each layer and type of love holds.
  3. Current Invoker
    Go into a current that interests you (a few examples: love, sexuality, wealth, music), and you will find you rapidly get acclimated to the current, manifesting more and more positive situations from that current, and becoming quickly better at it.
    Put you into the present moment, helping you shift your focus from constantly thinking about the past and dreaming about the future, and into the present where life is happening.
  5. Empath
    Protect you from overwhelming yourself with the emotions of others while boosting your ability to detect and discern emotions and thoughts, helping you to take your empathic abilities to the next level.
  6. Faith Unyielding
    Develop such profound faith and use it in many areas of your life – to help your connection to the deity of your religion, to help in your spiritual endeavors, to bring greater faith in your own abilities, to even inspire others with the power of your unyielding faith.
  7. Informaticon
    Guiding you to the correct information you need for any goal you are aiming for. Guides you to the exact amount of repetitions you need for the current subliminal.
  8. Information Releaser
    Release all repressed information you have in your subconscious mind, while also becoming fully aware of all information that is important for your self-development.
  9. Inner Gasoline
    Make your sexual energy more potent, concentrated and abundant while helping you to control it even when the electricity of sexual energy is coursing through your body. It is also designed to help you in transmuting it for any spiritual purposes.
  10. Intuition Enhancer
    Your intuition will become stronger.
  11. Mystery
    Helps bring out these hidden talents you never knew you had. You will experience new opportunities to learn things and you will see unexpected talent emerging whenever you try something new.
  12. Negative Energy Transmutation
    Any negative energy that comes at you, be it in the form of non self-aware toxicity, direct impulsive attacks, or even more severe actions, easily is repurposed into positive energy that makes you more powerful, more capable, successful and happy.
  13. RAIKOV
    RAIKOV is all about learning, modeling and using the positive qualities, knowledge and skills of people who are at the top of the game.
  14. Spiritual Freedom
    Expand your horizons and allow yourself to experience a fuller spectrum of reality. Bring back the bliss of being into your life and make it much more colorful.
  15. Wayfinder
    Experience even stronger intuitive nudges and states when you are faced with a decision.

Saint really needs to work on his summaries. :slight_smile:

Lots of modules in common with Voytek.

Way too many modules, Let the culling begin…

I’m thinking adding Blue and Mind’s Eye. I may have to consider a Q and Ultima combo so I can spread the modules out, using the ones that feel like they can have a faster effect in the Ultima (could sneak the Remote Viewing and Astral Projection in there).

I don’t need emotional stability, but I could use emotional sensitivity. Mentally I’m also in a pretty good place.

Okay, willing to help me cut them down to size? I’ll edit this post until we reach the final 20.

Also tagging @RVconsultant, he can be wise in the ways of such things. Although unlike him I have not yet learned that less than 20 modules can be good sometimes, so if I get 20, I’ll use 20. :slight_smile:


I Ain’t a veteran but If you’re a horny guy then get inner gasoline on there

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Thank you for the suggestion.

I have the libido of a teenager, even had a girl tell me enough is enough. I also would love to learn male multiple orgasms by preventing ejaculation.

However, in the grand scheme of things, if I want to move Inner Gasoline from the “Might” to “Must” column, I would have to remove one, since Blue and Mind’s Eye are still better candidates for those last two slots.

From the “Must” column the only one I would consider possibly removing is #12 but that one still seems a bit broader in what it can do than Inner Gasoline.

It’s a difficult choice, but I don’t think I can fit it in there (that’s what she said).

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Chosen of Venus should be far above in this list. It is one of the most fundamental modules

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Another one that was difficult to not put in there.

I realized that the heart-space would likely require love-modules. But after I tallied up all the more focused spiritual and manifestation modules I came to the conclusion it would be hard to fit. It might be a decent candidate for the accompanying Ultima. I also considered it would be a good module for the Sex 'n Seduction sub in the future.

So when considering a love module, Blue came to mind again, with the hope that my spiritual development would lead me to that elusive heart even if it took a bit longer.

I came across 3 or 4 love-modules I think. Imagine creating a Love Bomb custom Ultima with every one of those love-modules. You’d blow somebody a kiss, they would faint.

If I were to add Venus, should I remove one of the modules already in there? In the end, spiritual and manifestation are still my main goals and the current modules pretty much all deal with that.

It may look like I’m not open to input. I definitely am, but I have to consider what to throw out too…


Hey @DarkPhilosopher

Your list looks pretty spot on- can you expand on your intentions/goals/objectives of the custom
and I may able to recommend modules to fit that and narrow down the list.

I’m taking it slowly. Just contemplating what you’ve written and where you’re coming from.

The one program, so far, that jumps out at me the most to include is: Astral Projection.

Not only would that be a means to both ‘knowing/seeing’ and ‘getting there’, but it would simultaneously serve as an excellent functional litmus test of how the overall Opening and Letting Go process is unfolding.

None of what you’ve described of your internal experience seems unreasonable to me, by the way. I think that your bodymind is basically communicating that, “In order for us to open the gates here, I need to be extremelyclear about our safety. It is my responsibility to keep us safe, and I take that responsibility extremely seriously. I’m not playing around with this or approaching it casually.”

That seems highly reasonable and loyal to me, and is a cause for gratitude.

I’ll recommend two ‘manuals’ for lack of a better word.

One is called Knowing and Seeing by the teacher Pa Auk Sayadaw. It’s one of those ‘everything’ kinds of reference books.

Another book which is its own work, but which essentially serves as a more digestible companion to the first is called Practicing the Jhanas, by Stephen Synder and Tina Rasmussen.

You may find them useful/interesting.

Anyway, back to the point. It’s not a sickness or a deficiency that we’re dealing with here. It’s a high-level of standards for security. You don’t just waltz into the Prime Minister’s Office, or the US White House, or a high-level bank, and start moving things around and randomly arranging things. You need to follow certain procedures and protocols to signal that you are an acceptable person to even be in there.

I think your mind has the equivalent of Secret Service agents or exacting gatekeepers. They are doing a valuable job and should be treated with respect. They should not be ignored or resented. Instead, observe and talk to them and find out what they’re trying to accomplish and what they require. As you learn to respect their work and how they do it, you’ll also find it easier to navigate the spaces that they influence.

Another important point is to realize that your unconscious/subconscious processes are already active and are doing what they need to do. As you point out.

So, it seems to me that a central part of your spiritual subliminal has to do with ACCESS. Gaining access to the inner workings. Gaining access. Earning access.

Needless to say, Immortal’s Blade is of central importance. Sending a clear signal to your mind that you are prioritizing proper security and boundaries.

In my opinion, Harmonic Singularity is a vital part of any spiritual practice oriented subliminal.

I’m going on too long, so I’ll stop here first.


@DarkPhilosopher Do you have a specific magic, spiritual, or religious tradition in mind?

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Science! spirit fingers, lightning strikes

None in particular. I’m open to explore everything that can teach me. Although I tend to stay away from religions as I personally believe the message that was once pure has been long lost in translation.

But as I stated above in my reply to Malkuth, I like exploring energy work and attempting to find a pathway towards the higher self and ascended, other-dimensional beings should they exist, as well as guides, whatever form they may take. Anything that can help me reach a deeper understanding.

So recently I’ve been finding practices that help me to sense different energies/auras. Crystals supposedly have them, plants do as well, and obviously any entities as well. Heck, if I start seeing dead people, I’ll consider it progress. :slight_smile:

I probably haven’t found all the practices I can do yet, but throughout my life I’ve done Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, worked with sigils and symbols. I’m exploring channeling, magick (or however you spell it) and I’m sure there’s a bunch I haven’t discovered yet.

As a result…

…I don’t know exactly what form or shape the practices will take, but with the goals I set earlier (points up to my earlier post again) I think I should create a sub that is about energy cultivation, extrasensory perception and a deeper understanding of the underlying fabric of the universe, with some manifestation thrown in for good measure. See, piece of cake. :slight_smile:

Hence I collected every module dealing with spirituality and manifestation. My head may explode though.

I’m beginning to think the only way to get away with it is to create a matched set of Ultima and Q.

In other spiritual news:

How annoyed would that UK farmer have been when they woke up to last Monday:

And how annoyed must the aliens be to have those 2 lines go straight through it.

Pythagoras would be proud though.

I wonder if this counts as alien graffiti, since it always happens when nobody is looking and is usually not desired by the owner of the property.


what we consider intelligent alien life, aliens consider juvenile delinquents :slight_smile:

For working on energy, extrasensory perception-I’d go with everything from your obvious list- minus some results enhancers+ Blue Skies, Mind’s Eye, Everpresent, Faith Unyeilding, Raikov, and Immortal’s Blade, - just in case you do become very successful at encountering ‘other beings’ you stay safe from the nasty ones :slight_smile:

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Perhaps this:

Alchemist ST4 Core
Arcane Mastery
Awakened Perception
Energetic Development XI
Spiritual Abundance
Spiritual Reality Alignment
The Architect
The Flow
The Merger of Worlds
Blue Skies
Gratitude Embodiment
Immortal’s Blade


“Honey, the kids borrowed the UFO without asking again. It’s your turn to discipline them.”

But I like enhanced results! :slight_smile:

Thank you for the recommendations.

Let’s see why I didn’t initially go for the others (it helps my thinking process if I reconsider them)…

  • Blue Skies already pretty much claimed that 19th spot.
  • Mind’s Eye the 20th.
  • Everpresent gave me a long debate. Eventually I chose not to include it (and Ego Adsum) because I’m already very present-minded. However, I would likely include them in the Ultima as a fast-acting Ultima with two “present in the moment” modules might be quite powerful.
  • Faith Unyielding didn’t quite connect with me at the time. The “help your connection to the deity of your religion” was not for me, “spiritual endeavors” obviously was, with "greater faith in your own abilities I considered that I’m very confident in myself and hoped that this would also be the case here and I’m not currently looking to inspire others. So in the end I figured I could leave it out in favor of other modules.
  • Raikov was easy enough, I couldn’t think of anybody that I could mirror, so I chose the result enhancers instead.
  • Immortal’s Blade was another case of me trusting I’d be able to handle it since the sub was already all filled up. But I would like it in there though, it definitely deserves a spot.

I generally chose modules that were as broad in their application as possible to keep my options open, combined with a possibly unfounded faith in my own abilities.

I’ll see if I can play with the list a bit if I combine it with an Ultima.

Now for @RVconsultant’s list:

RV took out all the manifestation subs in favor of more spiritual subs. Understandable, although I am wondering if they don’t go hand in hand. As far as I know, to truly manifest takes quite a bit of spiritual ability.

  • All-Seeing, definitely one I wanted in there.
  • Blue Skies, already giving it a place
  • Everpresent, as above, I want to put it in an Ultima with Ego
  • Gratitude Embodiment, you took out the manifestation subs, but then you added this one in. Why?
  • Immortal’s Blade, as above, I want it in the sub if possible, even though I trust nothing bad can happen. But if I do want to channel, I would be opening myself up to all kinds of things.

And I completely forgot about Malkuth’s advice, who was very sympathetic to my plight, for which I am quite grateful.

  • Astral Projection, is originally a Weapon X title and as such rapid acting. So it seemed the perfect title for an Ultima, combined with remote viewing. If I can’t do it one way, I’ll do it the other way. But…

What do you mean by this? If I succeed in projecting, the process is working?

  • Immortal’s Blade. There it is again. Although this is a very interesting way to look at it. Adding the module in order to tell myself I’m putting safety first.
  • Harmonic Singlularity. I considered this for a bit, then realized that thanks to the yoga and many meditations I already actively practiced relaxing my entire body and didn’t need any help (although all this sitting behind a computer has definitely locked up my upper back to the point where I need a deep tissue massage). But considering I know of many practices to achieve a total relaxation, I found other modules more important at the time.

Thank you all for the advice so far, guys. I will definitely consider it carefully.


My thought was develop a foundation via your spirituality and gratitude, then perhaps create a manifesting Ultima such as:


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Hmm… well it seems to me that it’s not primarily your body that needs the help relaxing, it’s the highly vigilant security force of your mind. It is working very diligently at the moment to protect and control access at the border.

I’d almost recommend focusing most of your strategy on that issue alone. Titles like Tyrant, The Merger of Worlds, Harmonic Singularity, and paradoxically even possibly something like Survival Instinct (together with Immortals Blade) on the one hand, to send a clear message that you are consciously prioritizing security rather than seeking to overcome your natural security system by brute force and sheer willpower.

I’d combine that with titles related to love and opening.

The whole point here is to send that message of safety and security to your subconscious mind. Letting it know, “yes, the conscious mind shares your priorities. I not only understand but moreover appreciate the importance of what you’re doing for us. As such, you no longer need to so rigidly and vigilantly restrict access anymore. I (the conscious side of things) have grown up now and can be trusted.”

In essence, I’m suggesting that you build the spiritual equivalent of a Driver’s License (maybe more of a Learner’s Permit) and ID card to present to your subconscious mind. Together with modules that express a clear interest in opening that connection (Merger, Tyrant).

And yes, Astral would serve the role of a driving practice range.


I would recommend Immortal’s Blade, especially if you grew up in a “cult” like culture. It has helped me explore all sorts of practices, philosophies and beliefs in a deeper level, without attachment or fear-triggering from old lingering beliefs.

Mind’s Eye is a waste not to include it in a manifestation custom, in my opinion