Solo Genesis ZP - Ouroboros

Mainly, I see RICH as a luck-amplifier.

Financial manifestation can occur in one of two ways.

  1. Growing your wealth cieling

  2. Living at the top end of your wealth cieling.

Of course, for any who don’t know, a wealth cieling is your “upper limit” of wealth, based on your current situation, including everything, not limited to status, wealth, income, skills, beliefs, network, friends, family, environment, luck, motivations, knowledge, etc etc.

Simply put, RICH seems like a subliminal that prioritizes living at the top end of your wealth cieling first and foremost, with a second, lower priority put towards expanding your wealth cieling.

Meanwhile, HOM is about expanding your wealth cieling AND living at the top end of it. It has SO much manifestation scripting, just like RICH does, but that “grow your wealth cieling” and “live at the top end of your wealth cieling” scripting are harmonized, so that simultaneously I feel I’m expanding my wealth cieling and living at the top end of that new expansion, instantly, and the scripting is harmonized with HOM’s other scripting relating to wealth creation specifically through sales, connections, deal making, negotiation, relationships, etc.

With RICH helping you live at the maximum end of your current cieling, I feel it increases the likelihood that wealth-creating coincidences will fall into your lap in a favorable way. Everything from finding $50 bills on the ground, to people miscalculating commission checks and paying you more, to realizing the gov’ owes you money on taxes, to getting a higher-probability of the sales prospect in front of you being “qualified,” to people calling you out of the blue from your sales pipeline saying “Hey I’m ready to sign up!” just a few days after starting RICH, or people getting more tips on their uber-eats runs, stuff like that.

Those are all benefits I’ve seen from RICH on the forum.

Being in sales, this is more true for you and I than it may be for someone in a salary 9-5 position.

In a 9-5, you have zero variability in your income. In which case, running RICH, you’ll be limited to finding money on the ground, getting tax refunds, getting miscalculated paychecks, people loaning you money, etc etc etc, all of which keep you broke, poor, miserable in the LONG TERM, because you’re not generating income producing skills… but in the short term, there’s a rush, a temporary reprieve from the financial situation that you caused for yourself by having a job that makes you feel like you NEED to run RICH in the first place.

A salary worker would be much better off running Chosen to get a promotion, or Ascended Mogul to get the drive to start a business, or ANY OTHER PRODUCT that can paint a direct line to a clearly defined financial objective. Make money through writing/programming? Get ultimate writer/programmer. Trying to do a side hustle, but you don’t have energy? Run the executive or paragon. Want to invest in the stock market? Well, THAT’S where RICH might be a great idea, but even then, wouldn’t HOM be better? And in all cases, EOG ST1 will be helpful.

Because here’s the thing about money.

We have more negative manifestations pushing money away from us than we realize. Money is energy. Energy is constantly flowing in our directions. We literally PUSH IT AWAY CONSTANTLY because of our beliefs. EOG ST 1 helps you stop turning away money. It helps you stop coming onto sales calls expecting to be disliked/rejected. It helps you stop fearing entrepreneurship because you think you “don’t need a million dollar business anyways, you’ll be happy with just 60k/yr.”

But that’s besides the point.

RICH for the salary worker has no variability to play on.

But for sales people, your original statement is much more true.

Being in sales, action, attraction, and EFFORT actually INCREASE your income. That can’t happen in a 9-5 salary position…

The more effort you put in, the more chance encounters you have, the more likely you are to make a sale… even without RICH…

Now, with RICH, you have confidence that if you just put yourself in the right room, things are more likely to go your way.

And so, knowing that, you work even harder to get that chance opportunity, knowing that despite not knowing exactly how, you just have a feeling that that effort will pay off.

And then it actually DOES pay off, creating a virtuous cycle, so you work even harder, with even more positivity, and next thing you know, you’re on a sales streak.

Which is probably why you’re experiencing this.

As you can see, this is not true for everybody. Many people in salary’d positions can’t actually EARN more money through action… however, they can LOSE money through lack of action… a classic example of negative manifestations and scarcity thinking, opposed to manifestations and abundance thinking.

I hope that answers the question.

Like I mentioned in my genesis post, if I feel that Genesis isn’t giving me enough of a financial/sales boost specifically, which I fear it won’t, I’ll run RICH, not HOM, as my experiments with RICH were over a year ago, when I was in a bad financial situation, aka I had a low wealth cieling, so even if I was living at the top end of it, that may not have been very high. Also, I hadn’t run EOG ST1 for so long, so I may have been trying to add positive manifestations without doing the much more work of clearing the negative wealth manifestations and manifestation-blockers, first.

One thing that I think RICH helps with is the generation of wealth-creating ideas. THAT might be it’s greatest benefit. And then it’s about using it in seasons, right? If you need a wealth building idea, if you need to create a pathway, run RICH… but then once you have that pathway and you have the idea up and running, switch to a subliminal that will help you maximize the likelihood of success more directly.


I’m not going to lie. I have issues with manifestation as well. To me mindset is far more important .

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Thank you for this thorough response. This is so good.
Especially about WHY EOG Stage 1 is so effective for sales.
Longer response coming when able.

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Today was back to grind mode, and OH BOY was genesis great for grind mode today.

But it also had some CRAZY social effects I’ll get into.

It really does feel like a balanced sub. Great for work, socializing, rest, inner work. It’s not holding back on any goodies.

It was amazing for last week when I took a week off, too - that was only supposed to be a couple days off, but after further reflection, yes, I did have an increased desire to socialize, more than usual, and not out of laziness, but out of realizing the gain of that.

@Sinusoid - more “social impetus”

Genesis for Work

STABLE energy throughout the day, my sales skills are still on fire, and since this is an experimental thread, we have to be objective about what that means.

My sales skills being solid on genesis could mean one of three things

  1. Genesis is great for sales
  2. IMy previous cycle of HOM is great for sales
  3. I don’t need subliminals to sell effectively

I believe all three are true. But from the data point of “great sales day” i can’t immediately infer Genesis is giving an advantage.

But how i believe it works is all 3… Genesis is adding a flavor to my sales that I’ve never had before.

I closed a 36K deal over text message, literally never hopped on a call (it was a follow up)

I closed 2 more deals near effortlessly, using a different sales style than usual, but equally effective. It was much shorter… I felt like I could read the person’s intentions much quicker, knew they were ready to buy much sooner than usual, so just pitched and got yesses from both. My calls today went from “hi” to “credit card” in 25 minutes each. Normally, that takes me 45 minutes.

MAYBE that is the love bomb/libertine aura, creating natural compliance in people, and allowing me to pick up on it easily?

One of the prospects very directly told me I am amazing and if she wasn’t already sold on the program before meeting me, she DEFINITELY was sold on it after, “just from the way I carry myself.”


But wow… we need to talk about the social benefits.

Leadership aura.

Public speaking skills like a god to control the room.

Influence like Tony Robbins to be able to shift people powerfully into the state of your choosing, for therapeutic end.

What am i talking about?

Just my night tonight…

I’m part of a men’s group called The Mankind Project, which has been amazing for me.

In Men’s Work, I work on and develop a relationship with my shadow, my fears, limiting beliefs, and the jungian archetypes. I embody warrior, king, magician, and lover energies. I practice expressing them fully so that I can use them in the real world when I need them. I tap into my masculine essence and use it to propel my life forward.

Today was the first time I ever led the group in one of those transformations.

I led one man, specifically, through a process in front of everyone else. He got about 35 minutes of processing time, while everyone witnessed him.

Me + Genesis was incredible

  • Total control of the room
  • Total room participation, even for a “one man” process
  • Innovation, completely redesigning every aspect of the process, while still doing it correctly
  • Trusting my intuition always paid off
  • Speaking directly to the hearts of every person in that room
  • Public speaking skills godlike
  • Everyone in the room engaged
  • Everyone in the room getting massive value
  • INSPIRATION coming out the ASS
  • Literally inspiration coming out the ass, i had NO IDEA what I was going to say until I said it, I didn’t plan ANYTHING but I was a poetic mastermind.
  • The man received HUGE transformation, most importantly
  • I felt confident, I knew that what I was doing was really good, and that it was going well
  • I could read the man’s mood/thoughts extremely well, which helped the process
  • He was receptive to what I said, even when I challenged him
  • Creativity… i used a lot of sales lines and “pre-handling objections” techniques in this therapeutic shadow work process… my mind was firing on all cylinders with one hell-bent goal - helping him

Seriously, I’ve seen him run through processes like this one 5 or 6 times now but I’ve never seen him get that feeling of relief and pure joy that comes with doing good shadow work.

After my process, he was crying, laughing, shaking, hugging, literally GLOWING like I’ve never seen him before.

This is a man who actively talks about, every day, that his main struggle is that he has to fight against the voice in his head that wishes he could kill himself but knows he can’t.

I transformed that into something powerful for him.

That’s a huge impact. When you’re given a platform, and the skills to leverage the platform correctly, magic happens.


I am a gangster


I’m generally not good at running customs, but that’s PROBABLY because my custom are 2 cores + 15 modules, which is too much exposure for me.

So I thought about what a 10 module, 1 core, Genesis custom would look like for me

What are modules that will 100% benefit me for the rest of my life, no matter what I endeavour, no matter what my goals in life are…

They are…

  • Genesis Core
  • Cosmic Wealth
  • Dominion
  • Deep Sleep
  • Subconscious Flow
  • Power Talk
  • AURA

And maybe also any of the following…

  • Plateau Transcendent
  • Asclepius (healing/longevity)
  • Leader Of Men
  • Soul or Transcendental Connection
  • EDIT: Naturalizer

The idea being that all of these modules are non-specific to a specific path of life, just like Genesis. It’s a custom that I could add to my stack no matter WHAT else I’m listening to.

Was inspired to think about this with Genesis out and going well, but no real interest in buying a custom rn. Like I said, they hit me too hard lol. Maybe I need to add naturalizer.

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Week 1 was crazy initial results.

Week 2, something HEAVY is happening inside of me.

It’s amazing how on Genesis, I can so clearly feel the effects on healing, and yet, I’m not really getting any healing-recon like I would on LBFH/DR.

I have a distant awareness that recon is occuring, but, I’m totally unphased by it. Almost feels more like “processing” than recon, most of the time. I’m simultaneously healing AND being productive at work. Being able to both heal & work is literally unheard of for me on healing subs.

I’m playing a lot of chess, though, which is my favorite avoidance strategy when I don’t want to go all-in on being a mature and responsible adult. When I want to play games instead of make money, or play games instead of work hard, or binge-use the internet instead of do my healthy habits, I go straight to chess.

And the crazy thing is I haven’t played chess in like… a year-ish. Genesis sparked the interest, very directly, by giving me some inspiration on how to re-incorporate playing chess back into my life in a healthy way.

I haven’t been following that plan at all, so that’s my fault. Realizing this now, I’m going to go back to following it - and blocking chess off my computer every day except weekends 11am-4pm.

So, it feels like Genesis WAS indeed drumming up something big inside of me that I wanted to avoid, by playing chess. Some truths that I needed to face instead of suppress, truths that when they came up, I ran to chess to hide from.

What’s crazy is that on Genesis, I have the insight to realize that I’m playing chess BECAUSE of the avoidance. Never quite realized that before - not past the theoretical level, anyways.

Yet ANOTHER example of an insight I’ve never had before, yet, that’s been true all of my life.

Since running Genesis, I’ve had a LOT of insights like this.

  • Realizing I feel shame after positive social interactions with people I’ve just met for the first time, gaining awareness of what that feels like, taking it out of the theoretical and into having undertanding of specific instances it’s happened.

  • Realizing how and when I go into avoidance, realizing what that feels like, being able to not just understand it theoretically, but to actually catch myself doing it.

  • And in a men’s group, I didn’t share this yet, but I had my own process someone led me through, and I got a deeper understanding of my past and some of the loneliness that might have contributed to my struggles feeling true intimacy & connection when socializing.

I guess it’s helping me “Understand Who I Am?”

It’s always great to read the sales page before running the sub… but I feel like AFTER running the sub for a while, every word on the sales page takes on a whole new meaning. I’m gonna read it again now a second time and see what’s different, or what experiences I’ve resonated with most.


Just curious, @RVconsultant, this seems like the module Plateau Transcendent

Because Genesis replaces so many modules, I have to ask, would it make sense to include P.Transcendent into a 1-core, 10 module Genesis custom?

Yep, this is exactly what it feels like. I’m not getting healing recon, but, I can feel things being healed and shifted slightly (but powerfully!) GREAT healing to go alongside a wealth stack.

WOAH… Yeah, I’ve been getting a lot of that.

I’ve had a lot of instances where I “GET IT” all of a sudden and have a clear plan, mainly my finances, mentioned earlier in my journal.


This is a good point. However I don’t know what is in the scripts. Support tickets would be the way to go.

i asked!

I’ll post the answer when it comes

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Most important video on the internet about the internet I’ve ever watched

Genesis manifestation, I rediscovered Dr. k, who’s content has become 1000x better since I found it 2 years ago

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I am an avid chess player. Have a deep love of the game. Rating in the 1400-1500 area. Don’t sleep on the cognitive benefits of playing chess. Or the social aspects. Join a chess club. Play stronger players. Develop confidence and decision making. Network. Develop a goal of improving. There are a lot of benefits from playing as long as you’re not using it to procrastinate.

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When I play genuinely, not during my work day or to procrastinate, it’s bliss.

But then I get pretty wrapped up in it and want to play all the time.

I like your idea to join a chess club though! Playing in person with friends is great. I do have one friend, same rating as you and I, around 1500, that I enjoy grabbing coffee and playing chess with. We were actually going to play today but he got busy with work

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That’s the idea! If you can combine playing a game you love, with cognitive benefits, improved confidence, joy, socializing, etc., you are deriving multiple benefits which are all healthy.

This summer, I have a goal of joining 3 clubs. I am considering clubs for reading, chess, backgammon, fitness, outdoor activity (hiking), and bowling. All low pressure because I really enjoy those activities. The plan is to then join 1 or 2 networking clubs.

The idea is to meet people. Push myself socially. This might also benefit you.

The idea for all of this came from Genesis-Ascension. So the combo must be pushing me to take risks and enjoy life. Social impetus. Like we talked about before.

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I was highly considering going back to basics and adding ascended mogul onto Genesis after a while! Glad it’s going well for you so far

Played genesis right before bed, with the gf.

Her and I both had a similar themed dream that night.

If it’s connected, then Genesis seems to have taken the conversation we had that night, which I would describe as difficult but loving (and conflict-free, if it matters), and help us process it more in our dreams.

From a subliminal scripting perspective… it’s AMAZING to think that that is one of the possible mechanisms Genesis is healing through… not direct healing, not healing at all as I’ve been alluding to in my journal since day 1, rather, Genesis is “healing” via giving the subconscious prompts to do additional processing on crucial topics in the dream world.

Considering that this was made in the STKS era, which includes Revelation Of Dreams, dream-healing scripting seems highly probable.

I’m at that stage where I feel I need more additional wealth scripting. I’ll give it an additional week. But I was curious on your thoughts of adding in EOG3, considering I’m still likely in bloom from HOM.

Sorry for the open ended idea, but what are your thoughts on that?

end of journal

@RVconsultant please close this thread

Link to new thread below

NEXT DAY EDIT: since this thread is closed…

A friend of mine who I do bi-weekly accountability with stopped me in my tracks to say that since we last spoke (2 weeks ago, start of Genesis) I sound EXTREMELY DIFFERENT

  • way more comfortable being myself
  • healthier ambition
  • relaxed in my speaking