Scott's Journal

Started on a loop of Regeneration last night. I’m going to be running this alongside Elixir, but alternate days with a rest day in-between.

This is part of what I experienced-

Just fininished a loop of Regen, I feel so positive, like it’s bubbling up, almost bursting at the seams.

Brimming with positive energy, yet balanced.

It’s as if I swallowed a great antidepressant and my brain is producing happy and youthful hormones.

Gratitude scripting must have kicked in, I just feel like sending hearts and hugs :slightly_smiling_face:


Beautiful start. That is encouraging.

Now, keep the pace steady. Aim to react gracefully to the ups and the downs.

Allow the beneficial impact of the subliminal to feed into a building confidence in yourself and your inner capacities.



Ah yes. That’s excellent. Reminds me of my time on this stack. All the best, Scott.