Sales $uccess and Masculine Discipline Custom Advice

That’s a good point too thanks for all the tips @Billions !

Part of me was thinking to remove Sanguine since it’s in my other custom but damn it just seems too valuable to pass up that inner peace and happiness. As you said state control is everything with sales.

Saint’s post on keeping things focused and goal oriented really inspired me. I want to make a ton of money with this sub, not just make enough to pay off my current debt but enough to gain true financial freedom.

So, as much as it pains me, I’ve decided to eliminate Story Teller. Seems like an incredibly useful skill that I’d like to cultivate but takes away from the focus of: 1) Influential Rich salesman and 2) Confident masculine disciplined leader of a great group of high value people - both personally and professionally.

Now, I’m inspired to add RICH, which makes for 4 cores but again is highly aligned with these goals.

Carpe Diem
Eye of the Storm
Way of ROI
True Sell
Dragon Tongue
Voice Master
Direct Influencing Aura
Godlike Masculinity
Leader of Men
Deep Sleep
Divine Self-Image
Debt Annihilator
Transcendental Connection

That’s 21 so just need to eliminate 1!! Ahhh this is so tough as I’ve really reflected hard on this and find value in all of them.

Would love to hear everyone’s input.

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Are you still going to run this with your Khan/wanted custom?

Yes. Just those 2. And Rebirth as a booster on off days.

YAY! I mentioned it to you once and you didn’t agree with my feedback so I didnt mention it again, but I really believe storyteller doesnt fit the salesman archetype.

I forgot earlier that a great one to add would be auric overdrive. The direct influencing aura amplified will be very strong.

The last one to remove would be either divine self image or carpe diem. I think eye of the storm is better than carpe diem. If you use auric overdriver which I think is a good thing to do to get sales focused, you’d remove both divine self and carpe diem.

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Ahh dude I was considering that too but this quote by @Simon really got me thinking! A real triple threat with Furious Ascent in one custom and Way of ROI and Carpe Diem in the other.


Do I get rid of Debt Annihilator? since Debt Management is in Ascended Mogul and my debt is reasonably manageable (although it’s a primary goal of mine)

Do I get rid of Sanguine? Since it’s in my other custom (although this one seems too significant to pass up)

Do I get rid of Overdrive or Divine Self Image? Since natural winner and other success modules seem enough (although they would support each other quite well)

Do I get rid of Deep Sleep? I think I’ll really regret it if I do.

Just thinking out loud here trying to work this out

Divine Self Image or Sanguine could be dropped.

Everything else is essential. Overdrive pairs with natural winner synergystically. They’re meant to be paired. Deep Sleep for obvious reasons.

If you want to hold onto carpe diem you could say that it serves similar functions to sanguine. All three of them are happiness modules.

Eye of the storm would sustain the action loop possibly better, as it’s about habits, so you would be double sustaining the action loop.

Carpe Diem/Divine Self Image/Sanguine interchangeable. You DO already have sanguine in your other custom so… I guess the way to go could be dropping one of these three

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You’re right man. It’s one of these three. As incredible as Sanguine is, I’m leaning toward eliminating that for the simple fact that it’s in my other custom and with Mosaic in this one I feel like there’d be that synergy.

Damn subclub has so many incredible options haha

I really appreciate all of your help and insights with this @Billions you’re a legend

@Azriel @NinjaFox @Sub.Zero @Yazooneh @RVconsultant any thoughts guys? Trying to eliminate just 1 module to get it to 20.

I def want to ask the Archivist extraordinaire mr. @Meng123 as well

Just drop sanguine.if its in your other custom,it will affect this one as well anyway


Love it. That’s what I’m thinking too man. Especially with Mosaic in there things should flow nice and smoothly together.


Can’t go wrong!

I was also considering making a “Light” and “Full” version of my custom.

The “light” version would be the exact same modules, but just the most important ones, to double down on the core messaging of your custom.

So if it was Romulus Lite Q it might look like AM, RICH, way or roi, true sell, direct influencing aura, GLM, leader of men, debt annihilator. Boom
Laser focused 8 module custom variant of your main custom.

Considering making my LITE custom an AM/RICH core as well so it’s funny how similar our customs are.

Then I’ll listen to my custom lite 3x a week but my custom full only 1-2x a week.

Since you only need to license customs once, it would only be an extra 99.

What would be really interesting is combining the most important modules from both your customs into one 8-12 module custom LITE. A little bit of your khan/wanted custom mixed a bit of your AM/pcc custom. Maybe one major core from each plus your favourite modules from both.

Not sure what that would look like for you… but does what I’m saying even make sense or do I sound crazy?


That makes total sense and is honestly such a dope idea. I never considered this before but feel like it would be quite effective and as you said wouldn’t be too expensive considering all the “top” modules would be licensed already. Definitely very reasonable and something great to experiment with.

The cool thing in my situation is seduction and sales have a lot of overlap - sales is a form of seduction and seduction is a form of sales (selling yourself lol). So modules like Charisma & Flirting mentor could work great in both environments.

You’re onto something with this idea @Billions. Helps to maximize your exposure to the most important modules in your stack and should keep recon at a minimum. Let me know if you end up doing this I’d love to hear how this works out for you.

Will do! I think first im going to take a sanguine-only washout

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Smart thinking. That’ll give yourself some extra time and clarity from the washout to consider what those top modules truly are.

Built this beauty. I had a tear of joy in my eye as I was checking out. I am so incredibly excited to start running this. Couldn’t have made it without the help of this awesome community so thanks again guys!

Here’s the final build:

Carpe Diem
Eye of the Storm
Way of ROI
True Sell
Dragon Tongue
Voice Master
Direct Influencing Aura
Godlike Masculinity
Leader of Men
Deep Sleep
Divine Self-Image
Debt Annihilator
Transcendental Connection


I must recommend you drop a core but I’ll still think about it