Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Lol maybe true but the sales pages is freaking good :grinning:


Haha, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. It’s just that this script is so positive, it’d be impossible to separate the concept of love from it. But remember, you can always have a sense of love for humanity and still refuse to allow people to run over you.


My understanding of Love includes … "Tough Love."




This is a remarkably insightful way of putting this, lol.


There is this…




Yes, they are.

It’s safe for beginners to run RoS too. My concern comes from the fact that when people hear “this is a hard title to run,” they take that as a challenge and overexpose. RoS has the most incredible effect – there’s nothing else like it. The temptation to run extra loops will be intense. Those who are dedicated to slower, but steady progress will be able to withstand that temptation. Those who are new to subliminals may want to run more than they can handle, and the recon sneaks up on you.


Unfortunately, no. I just got my first shipment of “Primal Yin Replenisher,” which I’m stacking with Supreme Creation (which I’ve taken before). I have to say, Shilajit + Primal Yin + Supreme Creation feels amazing. Very clear minded, very balanced. Primal Yin Replenisher did lull me to sleep at around noon, however.


This is true. There’s a reason why most esoteric energetic disciplines include both physical movement AND meditation. They’re trying to get you to maintain a balance between the inner world and the physical world.


Here’s a take on love:

Real love.

Love is to include the experiences and perspectives of someone (or someones) else in your ’picture’ of reality. In other words, to affirm that this person or being exists and is real.

It’s crazy, but doing this is actually extremely optional. You can literally go through life and ignore almost everything not directly related to your own immediate survival.

If we look at a person as similar to a car, then the non-love approach is equivalent to just driving your car back and forth in your own driveway or driving circles in your own yard. Never taking the car out on the road.

Love is to include more and more of the things that are already here. You just stop ignoring them.

Including them in the picture.

So if you remove the emotional parts, it’s really just basic good sense.

How much reality I choose to include is really just limited by how much of it I can handle in this moment.

But as an empirically-oriented kind of dude, I usually aspire to include more rather than less.


I am a firm believer that societal programming does NOT happen “automatically.” You may not be able to stop something from happening, but you are 100% in control of whether or not you allow an event to dictate your life.

I had a childhood friend betray me a few years ago and after that, I was very reluctant to allow anyone to get close to me, including my fiancée. It wasn’t until I realized that I would never be able to live a fulfilling life until I released that trauma and started letting people in again. In this situation, I made a conscious decision to both cut myself off from the world and later another decision to stop this behavior. In both situations, I was in complete control of how I reacted to the betrayal.

The thing is, for years, other mutual friends kept telling me how conniving this particular individual was, and instead of listening to what they had to say, I always considered THEM wrong. In the back of my head, however, I always knew there was a truth to what they were saying, I simply chose to ignore it until it ended in disaster.

Now, rather than blaming the friend who betrayed me, I blame myself for my experiences. I closed my eyes to a potential unpleasant truth, and had I considered that my childhood friend was indeed manipulative, things might’ve turned out differently. Perhaps we’d still be friends.

The point is, you have much more power and control than you think, and I hate it when people try to convince you otherwise. The only thing standing between you and your dreams is literally making a choice to make that dream happen. People just misunderstand what “choice” actually is in this context.

In this context, choice means “brutal honesty with yourself.” If you want to improve your romance life, for example, you really need to employ brutal honesty to discover why your love life is crashing and burning. If you want it enough, you’ll admit your faults and work to fix them.

You always have a choice. You ALWAYS have a choice. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is lying and trying to manipulate you for their own means.


Going through same thing,my frnd not only betrayed me but also tried to damage my image to my lover and her frnds. This made me push people away from my personal space.(a choice i see :exploding_head:)

This is a great point to mention. I think i need to increase my perceptive to a greater extent. Thank you for your detailed answer. Its makes pure sense and convincing to me



When will you be resuming ZpV2 upgrades?

You mentioned starting on GMX after releasing CFW. Dragon reborn still has old mask on stage 2 & 3 I believe and many titles in ZpV1.

Personally, I’m waiting for GLM and EF. We’ve all been patient, isn’t Q more automated than it’s ever been? If you’re busy being creative, make @Fire do the upgrades lol.

In all seriousness, Thanks for all you do.

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Can you list some of the supplements you take? I have never knows Shilajit, but now after reading about it, I’m very interested to add to my supplement stack

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I know but after being already through many intense spiritual experiences and transformation i dont think it will get as intense as that but i dont mind the intensity , i made an intent few months ago asking for acceleration of progress and put that out in the universe, now the means for it are manifesting.


Chess Mastery :blush:


Hope there will be something for OG old rts micro/macro mix like warcraft3 (its getting another reforge remake) Moon vs Sky - Zeppelin Micro! - YouTube

Do you think RoM+new GMX would work even better together? I thought about mind eye but get too much value for now from RoM to replace it. Want to run at least a cycle or two of RoS before freeing up a spot for GMX , im still not entirely sure if i want to give up on that hobby and tourneys while committing hard on spiritual progress or try to balance both.

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The only video game I played was Mario :sweat_smile::rofl::laughing:

Yo bro don’t forget to tell @Invictus you need a script to prevent you from doing crazy stupid shit once you get too cocky :joy:


I think this is the baseline. Because it requires self love to establish boundaries. Only then can you start to love others truly.

Everything else is need. Not love.

Imo !!!


I was blaming society fir the longest time.

And don’t get me wrong, there are of course evil players out there.

The only reason ppl don’t believe in conspiracies us because they deny their own shadow and to what evil they themselves are capable.

However blaming society is just an easy cop out to blame others (like the red pill gurus blame women). Not realizing you give away all the power over your life. Or the power to change anything.

First accept its all your fault. Then see how much power you actually have.

The blame game is a losers game.