Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Wishing you a speedy recovery :smiley:


Be careful, @SaintSovereign, loss of smell and taste indicates that deeper parts of brain are involved.

I suppose that additional medicaments should be used to alleviate those symptoms.

Take care!


I just cast my vote axe for his one on the Roadmap :wink:


Isn’t that just part of covid?

I had the same symptoms. Fully went away (or came back, rather)


It depends.

I saw the following cases:

No smell, taste - symptoms disappeared quite rapidly after covid was cured and never returned. I guess this yours, Alex, situation.

No smell, taste - symptoms remained till present day (Covid started in 2020? Well, in the end of December 2022 those symptoms still present).

Covid , but no taste & smell issues.

Also, strange variation of smell & taste symptoms:
Most meat products smell like rotten, meanwhile very fresh meat smells good.


I’d say, what you believe in, you will get :slight_smile:

Manifest covid not harming you, run RoM, and you’re fine :smiley:

(This is NOT medical advice)


Did you change your stack to something more physically healing like Paragon or did you keep your current stack throughout being sick?

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Dear Future @SaintSovereign,

Congratulations on finally being recovered from the illness. I know that was tough, but now here you are well and on the road to being even stronger than you were before. :muscle:t6:

Since 2.5 weeks ago, when I started running my three customs in ZP v2, I have experienced a very noticeable uptick in sub effects. It has been very striking.

I’ve been playing the same programs since August 2022, and I intend to keep playing the same ones until I’m strongly expressing all three customs. Because I’ve been staying consistently with the same stack, it was easier for me to notice the difference that ZP v2 made. Pretty amazing.

I am amazed that upgrading to v2 had such an immediate effect.

If there is a ZP v3 in the works, please add me to the list.


I appreciate everyone’s kind words and thoughts. We’re slowly catching back up, particularly with support. It’s going to take a bit for me to get back into the groove of things, as this thing completely FLOORED me. I think part of the “issue” was the fact that I haven’t been sick AT ALL (not even a basic cold) for over two years. So when the excruciating body pain and brain fog hit, I had no idea how to cope with it, lol. I just slept and tried to read.

Speaking of ZP v3, this is why I’m enduring so much with COVID. I honestly felt like the universe was testing my resolve. I wanted to run AI: COVID-19 or Paragon so bad, but since we’re gearing up to start working on ZP v3 for later this year, I needed to maintain the washout I started in November (since we’re always the first to test any new tech).

Today is the first day that I can see the COVID cloud breaking. Might actually be back to work on Monday.

Be patient, everyone. We’ve got some amazing stuff in the pipeline. 2023 is still OUR year. :wink:


This is what I’m getting right now. Taste mostly returned, but soft drinks taste like trash and I can only stomach so much meat. I’m mainly eating fruits and vegetables at the moment, with minimal meat.

Chocolate has no flavor, neither does most candy. I mean, they have “flavor,” but it’s not what you’d expect. Some flavors are very muted.

Smell is limited. Sometimes, I can smell everything, other times I can barely smell at all.

That being said, there is something very OFF about this virus. I think I know what @Tomcat and others are talking about / hinting at. The headache this thing generated felt very similar, if not the same, as a recon headache.


When I had it Paragon did not help at all.

Tried Aegis too, no effect with that either.

This Bio engineered mutant is something else


Did it affect you Spiritually, and how did you think and feel?

Your taste and smell will recover soon :sparkles:

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same, I found this whole taste and smell thing weird. A month later I did not get back my taste for coffee.

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Do you think the rest of the V2 upgrades will be done by the end of the month?

So v3 will add in script changes to most of the products I assume …. Lol I know assumptions can often be wrong

Glad you are getting better


No their not adding m&m’s

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let’s goooooo(not in an authoritative manner haha)
So you’ve been washing out for nearly 2 months? I searched the thread and couldn’t find evidence.
I am on my 5th day of washout.
And I don’t feel very well. There is some recon, not intense. But also not desired and expected results. I am just thinking if I should listen again or give it more time.


Sex Mastery zp v2… where are you …my D has literally fallen off in wait :rofl:

Like the worst recon ever. Lots of rage, frustration and weird thoughts.

Yes. I just have to catch up on beginning of the year paperwork.

Still in early development. Don’t expect it until late 2023. Might see a prototype program earlier. Discussing a lot of ideas, depending on where ZP v2 goes.


Back when I had the incident on RoS on Thanksgiving weekend, I decided that an extended washout was probably necessary.