Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

So you don’t want to obtain new knowledge?
Is that what you’re saying?

Because if that’s so, then I don’t think you would wanna use RoM, as it literally is about revealing to you the depth of everything.

As @SaintSovereign once put it, it’s straight up enlightenment haha

Even in my case, I have finally confirmed it today, that if I run RoM and smoke hash, I literally don’t feel any high from it, until I actually realized that it’s due to the fact that when you reach a certain level of consciousness, you don’t really feel “highs” anymore, because of the clarity your mind naturally has.


Curious what does RoM do to one’s thirst for secular, worldly knowledge. I am not referring to spiritual knowledge but just knowledge in the academic/technical sense and general skills learning.

QLSt4 supposedly lets one see the “cogs of reality”, so I guess this RoM must be somewhat more advanced the QLST4?


Glad I am not alone in feeling like that :sweat_smile:

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This is a nice question, and in my experience, it does boost it.

I think you might have read some of my posts here and there about how interested I’ve always been in psychology and human behavior (self studying for over 10 years now), and I’ve been diving much deeper into it, so far as even learning about different religions and mythologies in order to use that information towards discovering things without the need of a mentor.
However, due to my nature and interests, I’ve also been using the knowledge acquired from my research towards improving my understanding of reality and spirituality.

You see, once you use RoM for a while, the biggest revelation to you would come passively, which ultimately makes you pick up on how everything in creation is connected in one way or another, for example: you might be into physics and research about gravitational fields, but with RoM, you’ll start making connections of the effects of those fields on muscular hypertrophy (what I’ve been doing, leading to a new personal way of training haha).

It’s a sub worth trying out at least for 1 cycle, regardless of who you are.


:eyes:Is that something you’re able to elaborate on?


In layman’s terms without gravity we couldn’t get swole :rofl:

We lift weights due to gravity pushing back on us. More mass equals more weight. Without gravity we become essentially massless

But im sure Invictus can elaborate further

I do watch things on physics and quantum theory from time to time but can only watch so much before my head spins…


I meant the point on the new way of training.


He is using a gravity room like Dragonball, turning into a super-sajyan! :joy:


I do wonder whether Saint figured RoS out and they are putting the finishing touches to that too so that we could have a RoM + RoS release.

That’s extreme optimism of course but hey!


Maybe Saint explored the nature of the universe a bit too hard and accidentally slipped out of this dimension


Hahah I like how this was referenced in my post as well, cause that was the first thing I tried to visualize when I wanted to recreate the effect.

Here’s the post:


Yeah i kinda went through that phase of studying psychology,occult,metaphysics, philosophy …now time to empty the cup not more accumulation but i guess 1 cycle for different connections of knowledge i already have can be interesting, especially i think after a few runs of mind eye then return to mind eye


Running that dragon :slight_smile:

Hopefully if they are using RoM and RoS that can help them with developing more badass unique deeper titles.



That sounds very much like how Charlie Munger approaches learning.

Possible release of RoM today? :grinning:

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Curious if it would stack with Limitless/QL

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People are so hyped


Yeah I didn’t sleep thinking it’s going to be out tomorrow😂 like @Malkuth

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I would think so yeah but since it has cognitive enchantement m elements maybe it could be an alternative to those subs. Imagine Stark + Wanted and this in the stack🤩