RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

@RVconsultant Also in relation to impulsivity and something @DarkPhilosopher and I have discussed is really stopping and thinking before I comment or post on something. That is huge for me. There have been so many times recently in person where I have stopped myself from saying something that I knew would cause unnecessary drama.
I also hope that people on here realize that just because I don’t comment doesn’t mean I’m not reading their journals. I just don’t see the point in commenting unless it provides value.


It’s time to join the elders of the tribe. Is that what you mean?

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Not necessarily. It’s more about helping to provide an example.

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The world suffers from the lack of them… YT does not, unfortunately.

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No idea what YT is

Has anybody ever thought of interlacing two multi-stage programs? Like running St1 of DR then St1 of Alchemist, then St2 of DR then St2 of Alchemist as so on? Do you think it’s not a bad idea?

Youtube = God of the young generation.

I guess although I often ignore YouTube at times because I don’t get how some things are as popular as they are.
The sales page for Dragon Reborn mentions profound deep inner work. That’s the key to a lot if not all the issues people have. It’s far to easy to look at someone else’s behavior and life and be critical. Once you start focusing on your own shit is when you understand how unhealthy and toxic is. Although I consider myself a metalhead for the most part doing deep inner work feels like a very Blackened Crust Punk DIY punch in the face.


I feel like I have a lot of healing to do so I’m considering dropping Stage 3 Khan in a few days (it’ll be the 30 day mark anyway) and going back down to Khan Stage 1 along with DR Stage 1 and Minds Eye.

I want to take longer per stage.

Unless, I could go to Stage 4 Khan and have the healing from DR, if that makes sense?

Thoughts and opinions?


If I were you, @Brandon, I would do it in the following order with each stage taking one month each:

DR Ultima + K2 (skip K1 since DR1 has even more breakdown than K1)
DR Ultima + K3
DR Ultima + K4

Or if you prefer Khan, you can do:

Or if you have already run all the khan stages before, you could do:

DR2 + K4
DR3 + K4
DR4 + K4
DR Ultima + K4


I’m already on stage 3 of Khan (I ran each stage for about 30-45 days so far). I ran Khan with Stark and then dropped Stark and re-added it. I’m using DR already since I added it last Saturday.

Only thing I haven’t added is Minds Eye yet but I’d be replacing Stark with Minds Eye.

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@Brandon - do you have experience playing Khan and StarkQ together? If they work well for you together, it is fine and you can run it along with Dragon Reborn. Else it is too heavy a stack.

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On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being “very significant”, how significant of a change is this for you?

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Somewhere between 9 and 10

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I’ve already been playing them together for the past month or so and I used to play them when I first started Stage 1 of Khan, I had been playing Stark anyway.

My issue isn’t about playing Stark and Khan together as I’m dropping Stark anyway for Minds Eye.

My issue was starting Khan again from Stage 1 instead of moving onto Stage 4 and doing Stage 1 with DR Stage 1 and taking longer to do the healing and all else that I need to do.

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The healing impact of DR appears to be very significant. I’m thinking that it may amplify whatever else might be on one’s playlist.

Would you say that since listening to stage 1 of DR for less than 2 weeks has created any significant changes in your personality or habits? And if so, how so?

I’m wondering the same thing.

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If it were me, I’d make sure I go through all Khan stages 1 through 4, one right after the other. However, skipping Khan stage 1 and running DR stages 1 through 4 would be a tempting option, as @Lion pointed out.

I have wondered how your music preferences might change during your DR journey.

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